In ancient times, weather, location, and people have always been regarded by ancient military strategists as the three elements to win by surprise.Among them, 11 days are the most elusive --- the sky is unpredictable.But Wolong Zhuge Liang was very accurate in predicting the weather.Among them, Zhuge Liang's most famous strength is the famous straw boat borrowing arrows.

Zhuge Liang could accurately predict that there would be heavy fog on the river, and he borrowed [-] arrows by using the fog.Zhuge Liang made Liu Bei pay three visits to the thatched cottage. It is because Zhuge Liang is proficient in astronomy, knows strange things, has the ability to call the wind and rain, and pinch his fingers to patrol the pattern, so he can surpass the mediocrity of the world.

Li Yunlong has acquired Zhuge Liang's magical calculation skills. Of course, he is also proficient in astronomy, knows strange things, understands the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements, divination and hexagrams, and knows how to read the changes in the weather.

When I was observing the situation in the sky just now, I found that the number of cirrus clouds had changed.The cloud body of the cirrus cloud has a fibrous structure, often white, without shadow, with a silky luster, and the shape is changeable.Basically composed of ice crystals with a diameter of 10-15 microns.Its small amount of appearance indicates that the weather will remain sunny for a long time. For this reason, it is said that long-term sunshine can be expected.

But tonight, the cirrus clouds become thicker and more numerous, and the weather will change from sunny to rainy when they develop into cirrus clouds, and heavy fog is likely to form in the process-because the water vapor in the air usually reaches saturation before rain, and Jiuqing also makes more dust floating in the air, which can be used as condensation nuclei of fog, meeting the conditions for forming dense fog.

Moreover, the comma-shaped clouds in the sky thicken and increase, and when they slowly become cotton-like, there is a possibility of forming fog.In addition, when the air humidity is high and there is a sufficient amount of dust floating in the atmosphere, fog will form.

Zhao Gang was puzzled and asked, "Lao Li, what's going on? How can God help us wipe out the Japanese army outside the city!"

Li Yunlong pointed to the sky and said, "What if the sky blindfolds the kid!"

Under Zhuge Liang's magical calculation skills, Li Yunlong discovered that the cirrus clouds in the sky began to change from thin to thick, and from thin to thick. Combined with the recent long period of sunshine and no rain, he predicted that there should be heavy fog in the near future.As for the time when the fog appeared, it is the result of estimation and derivation based on folk proverbs and previous experience.

Now under the skill of Zhuge Liang's ingenious calculation, Li Yunlong watched the sky at night and learned that there will be heavy fog at the third watch of tomorrow night.

According to Li Yunlong's plan, taking advantage of the foggy weather, he took the Elite Battalion, the Wolf Commando Team, the three brothers of the Xu family, etc. out to destroy the little devil's headquarters, and then let the main force go out of the city. Eat up the two alliances of the little devil in one breath!

The fog in this weather is very important.

Li Yunlong told Zhao Gang about his observation of the sky at night, and Zhao Gang's eyes were full of suspicion: "Old Li, are you really sure that there will be heavy fog tomorrow night?"

"Cover your eyes?" Zhao Gang was even more sympathetic.

"Nine times out of ten there will be heavy fog, this will be a good opportunity!" Li Yunlong said: "With the thick fog rising, we can eat the little devils from these two alliances in one bite!"

Li Yunlong from the future knows that Zhuge Liang claims to know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom, and he can predict the weather more accurately.It is just the extraction of the essence of folk weather proverbs, supplemented by my own long-term observations and the accumulated experience of predecessors, and there is no special way of knowing ahead.

But during the anti-Japanese period, the weather forecast was very backward, and more people didn't know when and what the weather would be.

Zhao Gang was dubious about Li Yunlong's words: "Old Li, if you can predict accurately like this, then you are really a god."

"Of course, you will know when the time comes!" Li Yunlong said confidently.

Zhuge Liang is known as Wolong, so of course he has the skills. He was an outstanding statesman, military strategist, diplomat, essayist, calligrapher, inventor, and writer during the Three Kingdoms period. Now what Li Yunlong has obtained is Zhuge Liang's magical calculation skills. It can be said that these There are still predictions.

Zhao Gang still had doubts in his heart, but he still believed in Li Yunlong. After all, Li Yunlong had a lot of divine predictions.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Yunlong turned to look at Monk Wei beside him and said, "Monk, send a telegram order to the second battalion and first battalion outside the city, informing them to withdraw to the city before dawn. The purpose of the fierce battle during the day has been achieved!"

"Before retreating, plant dark mines on the ground, let the little devils know how powerful our independent regiment is!"

"Okay!" Monk Wei went down in response.

Now that Li Yunlong is already preparing to take advantage of the foggy weather to wipe out the little devils, there is no need to keep the first and second battalions outside the city, and the only way to wipe them out is to lure the enemy deep.

At dawn, the first and second battalions of the independent regiment quietly withdrew from the defensive position outside the city, and arranged a lot of dark mines on the position, these dark mines were enough for a kid to drink a pot.

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Chapter 172 The Highest Realm of War (Sixth update, please subscribe)

The first and second battalions of the independent regiment withdrew from the first line of defense before dawn, and placed many hidden mines on the position.

When the sky was gray and bright, Hiroshi Ito and Koichi Takeda used binoculars to observe the situation of the defense line of the position, and found that the whole position was very calm, without any movement.

Generally speaking, people are the most sleepy when it is about to dawn, and it is also the time when their mental strength and vigilance are the lowest. The Japanese army is preparing to attack the first line of defense at this time.

"What's the situation with this Chinese army?" Hiroshi Sato was very puzzled: "Why is it so calm? Could it be that there is some conspiracy!"

After the fierce battle during the day, Hiroshi Ito looked at the independent regiment with admiration. He was completely dissatisfied, and now he became cautious.

Koichi Takeda was also puzzled, and then he said: "The Chinese people are cunning by nature, maybe there is some conspiracy and trick that will fail, according to my suggestion, first send a brigade to attack, and after such a fight, the Chinese people's plan will automatically come to fruition." Out!"

"Yoxi, Takeda-kun is right!" Hiroshi Ito said to the adjutant next to him in a deep voice: "Pass my order, the first brigade will launch an attack, and those who win the position will be rewarded by all!"


Immediately afterwards, the first team of the Ito United team began to launch a fierce attack on the first line of defense.

"Come on... kill!"

"Kill Gigi!"

These brainwashed little devils quickly started to charge towards the first line of defense, croaking and charging forward, without encountering any obstacles along the way, they were getting closer and closer to the line of defense.

At this moment, those little devils who were charging were suddenly blown up.



Suddenly, bursts of violent explosions sounded on the spot, directly blasting those little devils to pieces, broken arms and broken limbs flew into the air, blood splattered everywhere, the appearance of death was very terrifying!

It's a landmine!

Landmines can be said to be an inexpensive defensive weapon.Explosive firearms buried under the surface or placed on the ground, the earliest landmines originated in China.

Li Yunlong asked He Jun and others to plant an anti-infantry explosive mine.This is the most common type of mine.Buried a few centimeters deep in the ground, explosive mines are usually triggered by a person stepping on a pressure plate, which requires a pressure of about 5-16 kg.These mines are designed to damage nearby objects, such as a person's foot or leg.Explosive mines can blow targets to pieces, causing secondary damage such as infection and amputation.


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