Following Zhang Dabiao and Ding Wei's order, all the Predators and the soldiers of the new regiment who were originally in the attack position jumped out of the trench position and began to launch a fierce charge towards the 204 Heights.

"Da da da... papa papa..."

"Bang bang bang..."

The firepower of the troops directly under the Jagged Brigade and the elite regiment is very fierce, especially a platoon of the elite regiment is equipped with a Thompson submachine gun. In this short-range charge, automatic weapons have a great advantage.

The dense firepower net rushed to the Japanese and puppet troops in the 204 highland position, and the Japanese and puppet troops in the position kept shuttling back and forth and shouted: "Fight me back, kill Jiji...〃々..."

Under the pressure of the commander, the Japanese and puppet troops in the trench opened fire one after another.

"Thug chug... da da da..."

Several [-]-type heavy machine guns located in the trench continuously sprayed out flames, and the dense and extremely fast bullets knocked down more than a dozen predators in just a moment.

Highland 204 is condescending and occupies a very powerful terrain advantage. As the attacker, the Predator needs to climb uphill and charge, and also has to deal with the Japanese army. Obviously, he is in an extremely unfavorable combat position.

The Predator is still charging forward, even if the soldiers in front fall, they will continue to charge.

As soon as the charging horn sounded, the charge continued!

"Mortar, blast me, blast hard!"

"As for the grenadier, it's rusty, throw all the shells at me!"

Under Zhang Dabiao's continuous command in the forward position, generally speaking, grenades, mortars, etc. are not suitable for attacking battles with a large mid-to-high altitude drop, but now we can't control so much.

Immediately afterwards, grenadiers, mortars, etc. of the directly subordinate troops, the elite regiment, and the new regiment immediately opened fire towards the 204 Heights.

"Dong dong dong..."


Because the height difference is too large, most of the shells fell outside the trenches of the Japanese army's position on the 204 Heights, but a small part of the shells landed in the Japanese army's position, followed by bursts of violent explosions, knocking out the trenches. The Japanese army blew up and spattered blood on the spot.

At the same time, Duan Peng selected elite predators from the guard company to form a commando team, bypassing the frontal attack battlefield, and then quietly approached the 204 highland.

However, because the terrain of the 204 highland is very complicated, it is particularly difficult to take other roads, with dense thorns everywhere and steep slopes, making it very difficult for people to move forward.

In the dense forest, Duan Peng looked at the 204 highland where the battle was fierce, and then said to the soldiers behind him: "Brothers, work harder!" Then he continued to approach the back of the 204 highland.

In the rear headquarters, Ding Wei looked at the fierce battle ahead, frowned, his face became solemn, and he muttered to himself: "This is a fierce battle!"

Indeed, the Japanese army occupied a favorable terrain, and the Jagged Brigade as the attacker did not have any planes and tanks to crush it. This was a fierce battle.

But if the Jagged Brigade wins this war, then the Jagged Brigade will undergo a huge transformation, and it will be no problem to capture Taiyuan.

On the other side, on the high ground on the right side of Xinkou, Chu Yunfei, Kong Jie and others looked at the Japanese and puppet troops deployed in the high ground, thinking about countermeasures.

"... Captain Chu, what do you think?" Kong Jie asked.

"In terms of terrain, we are in an extremely unfavorable situation. If we want to capture this high ground, I am afraid it will be very difficult!" Chu Yunfei hesitated for a moment and said: "Now the main artillery fire is concentrated in front of Xinkou, and we only have a few mountain cannons. !"

"According to my battle plan, cover with artillery fire first, and then launch a charge!"

Kong Jie nodded after hearing this: "This is feasible, let's hit him first and see how the little devil's troops are deployed and the firepower is configured?"

Immediately afterwards, the few mountain artillery pieces of the 358th Regiment and the New Second Regiment began to launch artillery attacks on the Japanese positions.

"Whoosh, whoosh, boom, boom, boom..."


Several artillery shells flew towards the Japanese army's position continuously, setting off bursts of violent explosions. The air waves and flames made the Japanese and puppet troops in the position unable to lift their heads.

"It's (Wang Qianzhao) time!" Seeing this, Kong Jie immediately said: "Notify the county brigade, the district squad, the new second regiment and all other troops will press up! Give me a hard hit!"

"And my 358 regiment!" Chu Yunfei said, "The fighters of my 358 regiment are not cowards either!"

Immediately afterwards, the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army, the County Brigade, the District Squad, the New Second Regiment, etc. all began to charge violently to the high ground on the right, shouting continuously.

At this time, the entire Xinkou was ignited by the flames of war, the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air was very strong, and the sound of killing shouts and artillery fire was everywhere.

The battle of Xinkou is destined to be a fierce battle.

PS: The second update, thank you for every comment and blessing, birthday wish: I hope you can always [support] this book, [flowers] [monthly ticket] vote for me, it is a little effort, I am grateful.


Chapter 333 Killing the God: Two Heavy Machine Guns to Carry Directly (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe)

Guiqiu monthly ticket


At this time, Xinkou's frontal battlefield, the 204 highland battlefield, and the right highland battlefield are all engaged in fierce battles.

In the temporary headquarters of the Jagged Brigade, Li Yunlong has been observing the battle situation in front of Xinkou, with a very serious expression on his face.

The frontal battlefield of Xinkou is the main battlefield of this Xinkou battle, and the battle is very fierce. There are many corpses of predators lying on the entire charging road.

They are all heroes!

And the Japanese army's positions in the trenches were not optimistic. Even though they occupied favorable terrain, they suffered heavy casualties.

"Come on... kill!"

"Bang bang bang..."

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