Medicines are very rare supplies in the war years, and money may not be able to buy medicines. Even for a force as powerful as the Jagged Brigade, the medicines can only be barely enough. Therefore, there are medicines that pass through Baiyangdian. The Eighth Route Army is of course very cautious.

But the Japanese army also knew the effect of the medicine, and they would definitely send troops to encircle and suppress it.

There is only one district team in Baiyangdian. The district team is a local army composed of full-time militiamen.Responsible for armed defense of the county, training the militia, and cooperating with the main force in combat. Generally, district captains and political instructors are local regular troops compared to the non-official militia.

However, the strength of a district squad is not many, only about 100 people.

Now the Japanese army has dispatched a squadron of troops, as many as 200 people, and the squad in this area is definitely not the opponent's.

After thinking about it for three minutes, Li Yunlong turned to Zhou Weiguo and Wei Dayong and said, "Since we have met you, we must help you no matter what!"

The national anti-Japanese troops are all friends. Now that Li Yunlong meets him, it is impossible to sit idly by.

"Gazi, take us to the ambush circle!" Li Yunlong said: "This time the Japanese army dispatched a squadron of troops, and the district team is in danger!"

"Ah? Good!" Zhang Ga immediately led Li Yunlong and a group of people to hold a meeting and walked quickly towards the direction where the Baiyangdian District team set up an ambush.

Halfway through, there was a sudden burst of gunfire.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

"Da da da da..."


Li Yunlong heard the gunshot, and immediately said with a serious expression: "It should be the little devil and the district team fighting! We can't assist directly!"

Zhou Weiguo looked around the terrain of Baiyangdian, and then said, "Brigade Commander, you mean to use this reed as a cover?"

"That's right, this reed is our best cover!" Li Yunlong said: "We are not many in number, and using the cover of this reed to fight guerrilla warfare is the best method!"

Going to Shanghai this time, the weapons carried by everyone are not many, and the Japanese army has an advantage in numbers, so we must make good use of the terrain to annihilate this Japanese squadron.

Xu Yihang, Xu Erhang and others all nodded.

Following Li Yunlong's order, Xu Yihang, Xu Erhang, Zhou Weiguo, Wei Dayong and others all sneaked into the reed and began to approach the battle area full!

At this time, on a vast isolated island in the center of Baiyangdian Lake, where reeds made up, gunshots rang out, and explosions roared and shook!

This time the team was led by Kameda and Saito, two veterans. They learned that a batch of medicines would pass through Baiyangdian, and they came here to intercept them this time!

Fighting against the Japanese squadron was the Baiyangdian District Squad, and the captain of the district squad was Captain Qian.

"Da da da da..."

"Clap clap clap..."

The fierce battle between the two sides was abnormal.

Although the district team was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers and equipment, they took advantage of the terrain, and for the time being, the two sides were still in a stalemate.

A member of the district team trotted up to Captain Qian and said nervously: "Captain, there are too many little devils. It is estimated that there is a squadron of Japanese soldiers equipped with heavy firearms. Our casualties are not small!"

After Captain Qian heard this, he pulled the bolt in his hand and said: "Even if there are only one soldier and one bullet left, we must ensure that this batch of medicines passes through our Baiyangdian smoothly. Please inform them. Without my order, absolutely not." retreat!"

"Yes!" The soldier went down quickly!

Seeing the fierce resistance of the district team, the two old devils, Guitian and Saito, immediately said: "Baga, focus your firepower, kill Jiji!"

"Where's the mortar, bomb it for me, kill these Chinese troops!"

Under the orders of guitian and saitou, the japanese army's offensive became more ferocious, and they launched a fierce attack on the baiyangdian team...


Mortar shells with long flame tails landed on the position of the district team, setting off bursts of flames. Several soldiers could not dodge in time, but were hit by the mortars and died heroically.

Mortars, this is a very extravagant heavy weapon for the district team. When Li Yunlong traveled to the new regiment, the new regiment formed by the entire regular army only had two mortars!

The Japanese mortars and heavy machine 2.7 guns suppressed the firepower of the district team. Gradually, the entire district team began to be at a disadvantage.

On the other hand, Li Yunlong, Zhou Weiguo and the others quietly advanced among the reeds, gradually approaching the battlefield.

At this time, the night has gradually dimmed, and visibility and vision have been affected.

Li Yunlong saw the little devil attacking through the reed, and smiled immediately: "It's been a long time since I fought guerrilla warfare!"

PS: The first update, the following plot is absolutely exciting!I beg [Guaranteed Monthly Pass] to help me, I am very grateful.

Has anyone watched "Little Soldier Zhang Ga"?It is full of childhood memories, which seems to reveal my age.It is estimated that not many people know about this drama now.


Chapter 425 The Land of the Dead: Killing Invisibly (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

Guerrilla warfare!

Swimming is walking, attacking is fighting, swimming without attacking is escapism, attacking without swimming is desperateism, the essence of guerrilla warfare is that when the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we attack, and when the enemy retreats, we pursue.Follow the five basic principles of reasonable selection of combat locations, rapid deployment of troops, rational distribution of troops, reasonable selection of combat timing, and rapid retreat after the battle.

The essence of guerrilla warfare is to change positions with one shot!

Through the swaying reed, Li Yunlong happened to see the firing position of the Japanese mortars. There are about 10 mortars!

"His grandma, if I have an AK47 in my hand, I will kill all of them!"

Now Li Yunlong's weapons are a Desert Eagle and a Swiss Army Knife!

After muttering a few words, Li Yunlong aimed at the little devil who was firing.

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