"Wait, there is a situation!"

When Li Yunlong heard the voice, he immediately knew that the entrance to the Jingling Underground Palace had been found. "Everyone carefully pushed aside the dirt, and you should be able to see the entrance of the underground palace!"

It's a crisp sound!

Seeing this voice, everyone's eyes turned to the deep pit dug.

As soon as the soldiers heard this, they immediately began to carefully use the engineering shovel to remove the soil above. The soil was obviously flower soil, and all kinds of soil were mixed.

After about ten minutes, 007 finally saw this huge stone slab appear after the soldiers shoveled it open.

This should be the gate of the underground palace!

"There is indeed a door here!"

Seeing the excavated stone gate, Xu Yihang, Zhou Weiguo and others respected Li Yunlong even more, and they could tell whether there was an ancient tomb inside just by relying on a small piece of soil.

It's amazing.

Now there is a small stone slab at the gate of the underground palace, and it will take a certain amount of time to reveal the entire underground palace!

"Brother Li, you are amazing!" Xu Yihang was convinced, his eyes full of admiration.

"This is just a beginner's skill for Captain Mojin!" Li Yunlong said lightly.

After a while of hard work by more than a dozen soldiers, the entrance gate of the entire underground palace was finally dug open.

I saw that the gate of the entire underground palace is at a height of three or four meters underground. The entire stone gate is composed of a square stone block, a very common rectangular gate shape, and the gate is about one meter high. The (bbbb) gate frame is made of these stones. into.

Zhou Weiguo jumped down from the deep pit, and then put his hands on the boulder of the stone gate, clenched his teeth, and tried his best to shake the stone gate.


A deep voice came!

Zhou Weiguo exerted all his strength, but the stone gate remained motionless.

"His grandma's, this stone gate is still very heavy!" Zhou Weiguo was sweating profusely, but he couldn't shake the stone gate by three points.

Li Daben, who was standing above, heard this, rolled his eyes and said: "I see, just use a few explosives to blow up this stone gate!"

"No!" Li Yunlong said hastily: "Once the stone gate is blown open with explosives, according to the construction specifications of the ancient tomb of the underground palace, the secret passages and secret passages of the entire underground palace will definitely be blocked, and then our efforts will be in vain!"

Zhou Weiguo asked, "Then what should we do?"

"I'll try!"

As he said that, Li Yunlong jumped into the deep pit for his whole life, and came to the stone gate of the secret passage of the underground palace. On the stone gate, there was a lifelike picture of a dragon engraved on it.

"Clap clap clap..."

Lightly knocked on the stone door, you can hear a thud echo, indicating that the back of the stone door is empty, obviously a secret road.

The dragon has always been the mascot of ancient times. Only the emperor can be called the real dragon emperor. Many emperors must regard themselves as the incarnation of the dragon, so most of the items related to the royal family will have a totem like a dragon.

Looking at this dragon engraved on the stone slab, the more you look at it, the more vivid it becomes, as if it is a living five-clawed golden dragon on the stone: the five-clawed golden dragon stretches its teeth and dances its claws, leaping from left to right.

"I seem to have found a way to open this stone gate!"

I saw Li Yunlong put one hand on the head of the five-clawed golden dragon on the stone slab, and put the other hand on the dragon's tail. Immediately after, he used both hands to move the entire stone gate from left to right.


Li Yunlong shouted loudly, and then the entire Shimen began to move.

"Crunch... Rumble..."

"Crackling... crackling..."

With the movement of the stone gate, there was a low and roaring sound, and at the same time, many fine sand and gravels were scattered from the door frame of the stone gate, and the whole earth trembled.


Under the influence of Li Yunlong, the entire stone gate slowly moved to the right, and soon fell into the left door frame.

"The wisdom of the ancients is really infinite!" Li Yunlong couldn't help sighing when he saw the design of the stone gate of the underground palace.

A small stone gate of the underground palace contains a lot of knowledge of the five elements and eight trigrams, and the stones are used to block each other to make the stone gate immobile.

After the stone gate opened, Li Yunlong looked forward, and he could see a pitch-black passage, and he couldn't see anything at all.

This is the first time Li Yunlong has entered the palace of the ancient tomb.

Before time travel, Li Yunlong had read a lot of tomb robbery novels. At that time, he was terrified, surprised, happy and afraid. Zeng Jin still fantasized about going tomb robbery.

Now this is the first time Li Yunlong has entered the underground palace of the ancient tomb, and it is also the tomb of an emperor.

"Will there be many traps in here!" Xu Erhang looked at the dark and bottomless passage, and became cautious: "I guess there will be various traps and traps inside!"

"Maybe it's not so mysterious in it!"

As he said that, Li Yunlong just wanted to step into the passage of the ancient tomb, but Wei Dayong called out: "Master, the danger inside the ancient tomb is unknown, let me and a few soldiers go in and explore the way first!"

This is the secret passage of Jingling Underground Palace, no one knows what will be inside!

Li Yunlong is the soul of the iron-blooded sword master, and nothing can happen!

PS: The second update, the following plot is absolutely exciting!I beg [Guaranteed Monthly Pass] to help me, I am very grateful.

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