"Launch depth charges"¨!"

When they were about to approach the Qianlong submarine, the captains began to give orders to launch depth charges.

Depth charges, this is the most effective and direct way to deal with submarines.During World War II, deep bomb anti-submarine has always been the most important anti-submarine means, and its anti-submarine record in the war ranks first among mines, aerial bombs and naval guns.

Generally speaking, depth charges generally have a detonator for detonating explosives, connected with a firing pin and spring.After being put into the water, as the water depth continues to increase, the water pressure will gradually increase, overcoming the elasticity of the spring and compressing the striker inward, and finally the striker will fire the detonator, and finally detonate the depth charge.

The large amount of high explosives contained in the depth charge generates a large number of shock waves after being detonated by the detonator, and destroys the shell of the enemy submarine through the conduction of seawater to achieve tactical purposes.

"Swish swish... gurgling..."

Depth charges one after another began to enter the sea water.

These Japanese warships are warships with rich combat experience. Originally based on the speed of normal submarines, plus estimates, these depth charges should have destroyed the underwater submarine!

However, what they didn't know was that what they were facing was a nuclear submarine!

Nuclear submarines are extremely fast!

Nearly ten depth charges are falling continuously above, and the Qianlong nuclear submarine below is passing by at a very fast speed!

This scene looked very shocking.

Depth charges during World War II have been debugged, that is, they will not explode if they do not reach the predetermined depth.

Therefore, when the Qianlong submarine below is driving, the depth charges above will not explode!

".(Wang Zhaohao). Swish, swish..."


Inside the Qianlong, the first officer and the staff said to Li Yunlong: "Master, the enemy is dropping depth charges, and we are going to pass under the depth charges. It is really thrilling!"

PS: For the first update, I strongly recommend the great book "Snow Leopard: War of Wolves", in which Leng Feng travels to the Anti-Japanese period, fights devils and destroys great powers, and prevents the Nanjing Massacre from happening. Please collect and support. .

Chapter 675 Ghosts in the water, hunting warships (second update, please subscribe)

"It doesn't matter, these depth charges can't do anything to us!" Li Yunlong had a confident smile on his face.

Speed ​​is king!

Although the Qianlong nuclear submarine is not as advanced as the most advanced nuclear submarine in the 21st century, in World War II, this nuclear submarine was already the most powerful.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo..."


The depth of water set by this depth charge is about 50 meters, and as long as the depth reaches this depth, the depth charge will be detonated.

But even at the speed of the depth charges, the Qianlong was already far away from the bombing area.

After a while, when these depth charges reached a depth of 50 meters, the water pressure punished the springs, and then detonated the explosives inside the bombs.


"Gulu... Hulu... Huhu..."

The violent explosion was in the river water, and after the detonation, a large number of shock waves were generated, which caused tumbling waves inside the sea water, and the powerful impact directly exploded 727 in the river.

Even though this is in the sea, the shock waves and air waves are constantly tumbling, and even the warships on the sea feel the air waves and waves, forming a turbulent state.

If the Qianlong submarine is still in the explosion area, even if it cannot be sunk, it will still be affected and affected.

Because the depth bomb is cheap, easy to use, and has a high charge filling factor, it can be used in shallow water, and it usually attacks the submarine by salvaging and spreading.More than half of the submarines lost in World War II were destroyed by depth bombs.

At this time, Li Yunlong's Qianlong nuclear submarine was already outside the explosion range, not only that, but also locked on three gunboats.

"Report to the teacher, the target is locked!"

"everything's ready!"

"OK, launch!" Li Yunlong said loudly.

"Swish swish... gurgling..."

A total of six torpedoes flew out quickly, shuttled through the water causing a burst of blisters, and then hit the three gunboats perfectly!

"bongbong... rumbling..."

Three gunboats (bbfe) were hit immediately, and then began to sink on the sea.

This time, the submarines sent to pursue Li Yunlong consisted of a destroyer, three gunboats, and two coastal defense ships to chase Qianlong, and now there are only the last two coastal defense ships left.

"Nani... what's going on!"

The captain of the coastal defense ship originally thought that after launching so many depth charges, he would definitely be able to kill the submarine.

But I didn't expect that the depth charge exploded, setting off a burst of explosions, the submarine was not sunk, but our own fleet lost three more gunboats.

Immediately afterwards, the captain looked at the sonar screen and found that the submarine that was originally directly in front of the fleet suddenly became behind the fleet.

The three gunboats just now were sunk by torpedoes fired from behind.

"How could it be that what was clearly in the front just now became the rear all of a sudden!" It was the first time the captain of the warship had seen such a situation after many battles that day.

According to the speed of the submarine at that time, such a large displacement could not occur in such a short period of time.

"Oops, hurry up, hurry up and speed up, you can't be locked by local submarines!"

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