It is worth mentioning that Sekigawa Qingchuan was a lieutenant general in the Japanese army. He graduated from the 0.3 Academy of the Imperial Military Academy. hands.

This is what happens to invaders.

No matter which invader dares to invade this piece of land, there is only one end, and that is a dead end!

The entire night has completely enveloped Shanghai, and gunshots are still ringing out in Shanghai. This is the last dark time of war before dawn.

However, I believe that tomorrow will be a new life and a new beginning for Shanghai!

PS: In the third update, I strongly recommend the great anti-war book "Snow Leopard: War of Wolves". Leng Feng travels to the anti-Japanese period, fights devils and destroys great powers, and prevents the Nanjing Massacre from happening. Please collect and support. .

Chapter 683 This Is A Miraculous Troop (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe)

"Da da da da..."



The night shrouded the entire Shanghai, and the sound of guns and artillery was still resounding continuously in the urban area of ​​Shanghai, but as time went by, the sound of guns and artillery became less and less common.

In the morning of the next day, a round of red sun slowly appeared in the seaside skyline, and as time passed, it slowly left the horizon, and the red was very bright.Around the red sun, the rays of the sun are completely dyed.Gradually, the orange-yellow continued to spread and became thicker, and the place where the water and the sky meet has turned purple.

The sun has risen and its brilliance shines on the entire Shanghai Beach.

At this time, the sound of guns and artillery in Shanghai had stopped, and the Japanese and puppet troops who were stubbornly resisting in the city were all killed by the Predator.

After a day and night of fighting, Shanghai was finally recovered by the Jagged Sword Master. 11

The streets of Shanghai are full of scars and ruins left by the war. Many people have become displaced, their houses have been destroyed, and the streets and houses have become a mess because of the war.

In order to prevent the remaining Japanese and puppet troops from carrying out sabotage activities, the Predator can be seen patrolling the streets from time to time.

Hearing the gunshots stopped, the common people in Shanghai walked onto the streets cautiously.

At the beginning, neither the Japanese puppet army nor the Predator was seen on the street, which made the citizens a little confused and flustered.

But after a while, he suddenly saw a group of predators on patrol, and he couldn't help feeling relieved.

Among them, a man in a tunic suit approached the patrolling team cautiously, grabbed one of the soldiers and asked, "Comrade...comrade...what's the Shanghai restored?"

"Yes, fellow!" The soldier said with a slight smile: "We have killed all the little devils and traitors in Shanghai, and Shanghai has recovered!"

"Recovered? Really recovered?"

"Yes! It's really recovered!" The soldier responded loudly: "We have driven all the little devils away!"

The man in the tunic suit was stunned for a moment, looking around, and then burst into joy: "Great, Shanghai is finally recovered!"

"Shanghai has been restored, long live the iron-blooded sword master!"

"It's really great to finally wait for the recovery!"

"Shanghai has changed overnight, and it is finally restored, so we can feel proud!"

"It's been liberated, go comrades and folks. Shanghai has been liberated, so there's no need to hide!"


These ordinary people in Shanghai learned that the iron-blooded sword master had killed all the Japanese and puppet troops and recovered Shanghai. Immediately afterwards, they all ran to the streets and started to revel, celebrating this victory!

"Iron-Blooded Swordsman is mighty! ~~ woo woo woo~"

"Iron-Blooded Swordsman is mighty! ~~ woo woo woo~"

"Iron-Blooded Swordsman is mighty! ~~ woo woo woo~"


The common people in the city are very much looking forward to the restoration of Shanghai by the Jagged Sword Master.

In this battle in Shanghai, the Jagged Swordsman has achieved a new level of combat, because it was the first time that sea, land and air conducted coordinated operations, and wiped out more than [-] Japanese and puppet troops, and also wiped out the third fleet!

It is worth mentioning that the number of Japanese naval fleets in China is not large, and there is only one Chinese fleet of the Japanese Navy.It is the general name of the naval fleet sent by the Japanese Army Command to China to carry out aggression missions. It was established in October 1937.Because of the January 10th Incident, the Third Fleet was established.

In addition to the Third Fleet, the entire China Fleet of the Navy also has a Fourth Fleet, which is the main force fighting in the coast and inland of China. As for the First Fleet and the Second Fleet, they did not fight in China.

That is to say, now that the Third Fleet is destroyed, the navy that Li Yunlong will face is the Fourth Fleet of the Japanese Army.

When the Japanese army invaded Shanghai before, it took three months to launch the Battle of Songhu, but this time the iron-blooded sword master attacked Shanghai, and it took only half a month before and after, and the actual fighting time was one day and one night .

This speed is astonishing.

When the news of Shanghai's victory spread to the whole country, it immediately caused a huge sensation.

Because this victory in Shanghai was not more than half a year away from the last victory in Nanjing. In just half a year, Jagged Sword Master created two great victories.

"Iron-Blooded Sword Master is too powerful, he even took down Shanghai, that's amazing!"

"Shanghai recovered? So awesome?"

"As far as I know, Shanghai is escorted and guarded by the Japanese Third Fleet. Could it be that the Japanese Third Fleet was also destroyed by the Jagged Sword Master!"

"Nine times out of ten, this is the case. The Japanese Third Fleet must have been killed by the Iron-Blooded Swordsman, otherwise Shanghai would not have been restored!"

"This 990 is really a force that continues to create miracles. The Third Fleet has been wiped out!"

"Is the naval power of the Jagged Sword Master so powerful?"

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