"I'm fine!" Li Yunlong glanced at Zhou Zhengguang on the table: "It's him who is in trouble!"

"Many militants with guns suddenly appeared outside. This is a trap. Let's get out of here quickly!"

When Xu Yihang and Li Yunlong walked out of the office, they could immediately see a dozen militants with various weapons surrounding them.

"Bang bang bang..."

Wei Dayong and Xu Erhang are constantly blocking these militants.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Clap clap clap..."

The entire shipyard is full of gunshots!

These militants are secret agents ambushing around the shipyard. They are based on the gunshots from Zhou Zhengguang's office. Once the gunshots are heard inside, they will start attacking immediately.

"Li Yunlong is there, call me!"

Seeing Li Yunlong coming out, these militants quickly moved towards Li Yunlong and began to attack!

"Boom bang bang..."

Li Yunlong quickly raised his hand and fired a shot, and then fired a burst of shots at the charging agents.

Accurate marksmanship, no misses!

One by one, the secret agents fell in front of Li Yunlong.

"Thug chug... da da da..."

At this moment, a special agent suddenly shot at Li Yunlong with a Thomson submachine gun, and the firepower was very fierce.

Li Yunlong hid on a dock with a very handsome jump, then turned around beautifully, and shot the spy holding a Thompson submachine gun!


A shot goes off!

The Desert Eagle's bullet escaped, cut through the sound in the air, and shot directly at the gunman.


After a short flight, the bullet hit the shooter accurately.

Hit between the eyebrows!

The pistol hits the level of a sniper rifle.

Li Yunlong has god-level shooting skills, and the Desert Eagle pistol in his hands is completely superb.

It is not so easy to kill Li Yunlong based on these ten or so people.

There were continuous bursts of gunfire throughout the Jesson Shipyard.

Soon, the Predator patrolling nearby quickly arrived at the scene. Seeing that Wei Dayong, Li Yunlong and others were under siege, they immediately threw themselves into the battle without saying a word.

"Bang bang bang..."


As a patrol team of Predator entered the battle, they quickly killed all the dozen or so spies in the shipyard.

The gunfire stopped. Li Yunlong looked at the spies lying on the ground, and then said to Wei Dayong: "Monk, let Duan Peng's security team come and investigate their identities!"

These gunmen spies are probably the spies lurking in Shanghai, and they are probably the spies under Su Sansheng!

"Yes!" Wei Dayong replied.

Now the whole of Shanghai is full of spies from various countries, which is very dangerous, and coupled with the cherry blossom assassination order of the island country, there are really many people who want to kill Li Yunlong now!

As Li Yunlong said, there are too many people who want to miss me, who are you?

This time, the assassination of the Jesson shipyard made the entire Jagged Swordsman nervous, followed by a large-scale search of the secret agents in the city.

A bloodbath is slowly erupting.

PS: In the third update, I strongly recommend the great anti-war book "Snow Leopard: War of Wolves". Leng Feng travels to the anti-Japanese period, fights devils and destroys great powers, and prevents the Nanjing Massacre from happening. Please collect and support. .

Chapter 689 A Gathering of Heroes: Guild Issues (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe)

Iron Blood Sword Master's secret service department, Duan Peng's security regiment, and Zhou Weiguo's Iron Blood 1st Brigade field brigade were all searching for secret agents lurking in the city.

Shanghai is a place full of fish and dragons, and the personnel are very complicated. It is very difficult to catch hidden secret agents in this place!

But Iron-Blooded Sword Master is on the move.

For several days in a row, Shanghai was calm on the surface, but there was an undercurrent surging inside, and spies were being searched everywhere.

Li Yunlong hunted down the spies in the city with such great fanfare, and this was also assisting Feng Manna's actions from another aspect.

I believe this can help Feng Manna.

On this day, when Li Yunlong was going to inspect the situation of the army, Chang Fa walked in and said, "Master, the local snakes in Shanghai are ready. Tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon, Shanghai Wanguo Hotel."

After entering Shanghai, Li Yunlong set out to meet the local snakes in Shanghai: the bosses and leaders of Hongmen, Ax Gang, Qing Gang, Zhendong Gang and other gangs.

"Very good!" Li Yunlong nodded and said, "Chang Fa, when the time comes, you and I will go together!"

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