"Close the city gate!"

The remaining few predators fought back while preparing to close the city gate!

Because of the blasting of this city gate yesterday, the entire city gate collapsed, and now the city gate in front of me is just a simple city gate!

At the moment when the city gate was closed, the predators were unable to fight back and fell to the ground after being shot.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and coupled with the ferocious firepower of these Japanese and puppet troops, the Predator died heroically after killing three or four Japanese spies.

The firefight this time was very short, probably less than a minute!

Tsukada Gong and Chrysanthemum Canlan saw that the city gate was opened, and rushed to the city gate quickly, preparing to break out of the city.

At this time, the Predator stationed not far from the city gate reacted and rushed to the city gate one after another, and immediately saw Tsukada Gong and others who were breaking through.

"Da da da da... papa papa..."

The Predator shot violently, and immediately shot down three or four secret agents of the Japanese and puppet troops.

"Your Excellency, Commander, you go first, I will cover!"

The remaining spies of the Japanese and puppet army were also very loyal, using the simple fortifications above the city gate to block the incoming predators!

"Da da da……"

"Clap clap clap..."

The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce!

Today, there are less than ten personnel of the puppet army spies left, and it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the Predator!

I saw that after this moment of confrontation, the spies of the Japanese and puppet troops kept falling down!

In charge of this city gate is Lei Zifeng's 2 regiment led by monkeys from the Iron Blood 223 Brigade. In the battle, they are the best members of the Iron Blood 2 Brigade.

Seeing this, the monkey immediately roared and said, "Brothers, go, you can't let the old devil escape, go!"

Immediately, the Predator began to charge with their guns while shooting violently.

The scorching bullets shuttled continuously under the gate of the city, very dense!

Soon, all the Japanese and puppet agents blocking the door were killed.

Immediately, the monkey led a large force and began to rush out of the city gate, preparing to chase after the two people who had taken out the city, Chrysanthemum Canlan and Tsukada Gong.

On the other hand, Tsukada Gong and Chrysanthemum Canlan finally escaped from the city after paying the lives of more than a dozen Japanese and puppet army spies, but the Predator defenders on the city gate tower are not vegetarians!

Seeing the two little devils escape from the city, Ah Fu, the commander at the city gate, immediately said, "Shoot, shoot now!"

"Da da da da... papa papa..."

The predators on the tower began to shoot one after another, and the dense firepower net continuously flew towards Tsukada Gong and Chrysanthemum Canlan.

Chrysanthemum Canlan was running behind Tsukada Gong, just after running a few steps, dozens of bullets hit his back, immediately splashing brilliant blood.

"Puff puff……"

The bullet was shot into the body, and Ju Hua Canlan fell to the ground with a thud, vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and then there was no sound response.

Tsukada Gong was also running at extreme speed at this time, wishing he could have a few more legs.

But no matter how fast he is, how could it be faster than a bullet!

Ah Fu was originally the second master of Feihuling, and his marksmanship is extremely accurate!

Seeing Tsukada Gong running 643 at a fast speed, without a word, he immediately raised the sniper gun in his hand and aimed at Tsukada Gong who was running wildly!

Three o'clock on the line!

Aim for the target!

Pull the trigger!


A shot!

Tsukada Gong, who was running fast outside the city, fell to the ground in an instant!

Heart shot!

One shot to kill!


Tsukada Gong took advantage of the situation and fell forward on the ground, motionless, without even a chance to struggle!

At this time, Houzi has led the crowd to chase out of the city, seeing both Tsukada Gong and Chrysanthemum Canlan fall to the ground.

"All dead?"

The monkey briefly inspected the bodies of the two, and then said: "Go back and report to the teacher immediately!"

It is almost impossible for Tsukada Gong and Chrysanthemum Canlan to get out of the city!


At this time, an impossible task happened in the whole new place of wind and cloud in Tianjin.

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