Blue Rouge is trying to find the root of this drug!

Unit 731 is the only suspicious and important clue now.

The last time under the leadership of Kenji Doihara, Lan Rouge and Feng Manna had the opportunity to enter Unit 731 for a visit. Up to now, they still think about those inhumane test scenes in their minds, which is very disgusting.

"Unit can they enter their base camp!" When Lan Rouge was thinking, there was a knock on the door.

"Beep beep..."

Lan Rouge hesitated for a moment, then said, "Come in!"


The office door was pushed open, and then a young man walked in from outside the door. After a closer look, it was Xu Congliang!

Xu Congliang rushed in, came to Lan Rouge and said, "Sect Leader Lan, I made a major discovery!"

After the last Wang Jingwei and Xie Wendong incident, Xu Congliang was taken into the dark net intelligence agency by Lan Rouge, and now he is an important force in the dark net intelligence agency!

"What's the matter?" Lan Rouge asked in a low voice.

Since Xu Congliang from the police department came to the special high school to find him in such a hurry, he must have important intelligence information.

After Xu Congliang looked around, he immediately said, "Chairman, I accidentally found a fellow villager who escaped from Unit 731!"

"According to this fellow's description, they had a very cruel and inhuman experiment in Unit 731. We have heard about this for a long time, but this fellow also brought out a very important piece of information!"

"That is, in Unit 731, the Japanese army is conducting an experiment that can make people lose pain and sensation, even if they stab a knife in their thighs, they will not feel anything... Do you understand? "

Xu Congliang kept talking excitedly, obviously shocked.

When Lan Rouge heard it, she immediately understood. According to Xu Congliang's narration, isn't this the kind of drug toxin that Li Yunlong needs to look for?

Obviously, this kind of drug toxin came from Unit 731, which completely verified Li Yunlong's guess.

"My darling, it really is!" Lan Rouge murmured to herself.

Xu Congliang was taken aback, and looked at Lan Rouge with wide eyes: "Section Leader, do you know about this?"

"We don't know!" Lan Rouge said in a low voice: "Last night, the headquarters of the Jagged Lion Army was attacked by a Japanese army. This army is different from ordinary little devil troops. They can't be killed. To be precise, it is the loss of pain and consciousness, and the battle that will be desperately needed as long as you are alive after being shot!"

"Our boss (Li Yunlong) suspected that it was a kind of psychotropic drug toxin that caused these little devils to lose their sense of pain, so he asked us to find out the source of these drugs on the dark web. The boss first suspected that it was the masterpiece of Unit 731!"

"From your point of view, this is the masterpiece of Unit 731. It is very likely that they are trying to find a way to mass-produce this toxin drug and use it on the little devils in batches!"

When Xu Congliang heard this, he couldn't help but gasped, and muttered in his mouth: "This little devil really did everything he could to win this war!"

Lan Rouge looked at Xu Congliang and asked, "Where is that fellow who escaped?"

"Dead!" Xu Congliang said: "This fellow should also be a test subject, and died immediately after telling me this information!"

Although this fellow is dead, it can be basically concluded that this drug that can cut off the sensation of the nerve center of the human body must come from Unit 731!

At this moment, the office door knocked again.

"Beep beep..."

Lan Rouge heard the knock on the door, and immediately said, "Come in!"

After a while, a slender woman in a special high school military uniform walked in, and she took a closer look at Feng Manna.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

After Xu Congliang joined the dark net, he also learned that Feng Manna, the head of the intelligence department of the special high school, was also a member of the dark net.

When he just heard the news, Xu Congliang was shocked: Lan Rouzhi, the deputy director of the special high school, was a member of the dark net, which was shocking enough, but he didn't expect the intelligence department to be the same.

The intelligence department is a very important department of the super high class, and a lot of information and materials have to pass through the intelligence department, which means that the dark net controls the intelligence lifeline of the super high class!

After Feng Manna came in, she glanced at Xu Congliang, and then said, "Rouge, let Minglou send someone to send secret information. He learned through his own channel that Unit 731 has developed a new type of drug toxin. The drug toxin is powerful, trying to end up in the little devil's army to enhance the combat effectiveness of the army!"


"For this matter, he also asked us to meet at the contact point! And he intends to introduce some people to us!"

Minglou was originally the Chief Financial Advisor of the Economic Department of the Ministry of Finance of Nanjing Wangweizhengfu, the Deputy Director of the Special Committee, and the Inspector General of the General Administration of Customs of the new government. Vice-chairman of the Imperial Secret Service Committee.

When Lan Rouge heard this, she murmured: "Obviously the drug toxin Minglou mentioned is the same as the drug toxin we have learned!"

Now Lan Rouge, Xu Congliang, Minglou, etc. have obtained intelligence and information from various parties that confirm that the drug toxin that can cut off the central nervous system of the human body comes from Unit 731!

"It seems that our current priority is to destroy Unit 731, and we can't let the little devils mass-produce this toxin drug!"

"Yes!" Xu Congliang and Feng Manna both agreed.

PS: In the third update, I recommend good books ""Snow Leopard War Wolf", "Super Entertainment Lover", "Live Broadcasting Super Pseudo", "Special Forces: Extreme Agent".

Chapter 951 Encountering the Women's Hurt Locker Again: The Same Goal (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe)

After Changchun was established as the capital by the little devil, it began to be built in imitation of foreign capitals. Most of the buildings were in the "Xingya style" style, with a little Chinese characteristics but full of majesty and oppression.All the arterial road networks in the city adopt a multi-center form combining radial, circular and grid shapes, and squares are set up at important intersections.

But in such a city, the lives of ordinary people are not good, and it is also the city where many anti-Japanese groups have the most activities.

At night, when the neon lights of Changchun first came on, the number of pedestrians on the street gradually decreased. It can be seen that most of the people on the street are mainly Japanese.

In a private house somewhere in the streets and alleys of Changchun, this is a very secret contact point of the dark net, and only a few dark net executives know about it.

"Six Forty Zero"

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