At this moment, all kinds of hot and cold shadows appeared in An Chen's eyes. At a glance, they were densely packed, far and near, and of different sizes.Seeing this, even An Chen was a little dizzy.He hurriedly stopped the boat and rubbed his swollen temples.

"What's the matter, are you okay?" Following An Chen's stop, Na Ya asked with concern.

An Chen closed her eyes and said, "It's okay, you just said you have something to tell me, can you tell me now?"

An Chen thought about it while rubbing his temples, and whispered to himself, "The scanning range is reduced to 30 meters, and the distance monitoring is turned on."

Gu Li Naya couldn't hear An Chen whispering to herself, and said, "It seems that you and Reba have a good relationship, so I want to ask how she is."

Hearing this, An Chen opened his eyes to look at Gu Li Nazha, and asked in puzzlement, "Why didn't I ask if I had her phone number?"

"No, just tell me how she is doing."

Although she didn't know why, An Chen still said, "Reba is doing well now, very fulfilled, able to eat, drink and sleep. Sister Yang Mi treats her well, she is soft on film appointments, and her legs are soft on commercials."

Hearing this, Gulina smiled and said nothing more.And An Chen also recovered because of the adjustment of the scanning distance.At this moment, Jiang Shuying caught up and said, "What's the matter? The boat broke down, why didn't you leave?"

Hearing this, without waiting for An Chen's answer, Gu Li Naya spoke first, "An Chen didn't know what happened, but he stopped suddenly and rubbed his temples for a long time. He didn't say anything even if he asked."

Hearing this, Jiang Shuying's heart tightened, and she said worriedly, "An Chen, are you okay, do you need to take a rest?"

"It's okay, don't listen to her talking nonsense. I just got a water drop in my eye and it's a little swollen. It's much better now."

"Well, it's good that it's okay, why don't you take a rest before starting."

"Well, it's alright."

At this moment, An Chen froze suddenly, and couldn't help but tremble slightly.At this moment, he resisted the urge to take out Tang Dao from the space, and just sat there.In the end, he couldn't help but whispered to himself, "The scanning range has been extended to 100 meters."

Why is An Chen like this? It turned out that at that moment just now, he actually saw the shadow of a huge figure swimming past him.The most terrible thing is that the behemoth has swam for several breaths and has not passed.

As the scanning range increased, An Chen clenched his palms to make himself less afraid.Yes, for the first time, An Chen was scared.An Chen was not afraid of the speeding truck, An Chen was not afraid of dozens of scumbags, but An Chen was afraid of the creature in front of him.

This is a python-like creature, but it miraculously grows to nearly 300 feet, and the most important thing is that it seems to have ears on the sides of its head.It seems to be something with horns.This length is several times that of the blue whale and the king squid. I am afraid that apart from the ancient plesiosaur, there is no other creature that can surpass the guy in front of him.

Finally, in An Chen's trembling, this ancient creature left.It wasn't until this moment that An Chen breathed a sigh of relief as if he had collapsed.

Everything seemed to be developing very slowly, but it was only a dozen or so breaths.It wasn't until this moment that Jiang Shuying and Gu Li Naya realized that something was wrong.

Jiang Shuying frowned, and said again, "An Chen, what's wrong with you, if you feel uncomfortable, go back."

At the same time, Gu Li Naga also persuaded, "Yes, go back if you feel uncomfortable, I don't want you to capsize the boat."

At this moment, the corner of An Chen's mouth twitched, secretly thinking that ignorance is really a blessing, but it's really a shame.

At this moment, 513, An Chen looked at Louis who had rushed over, and said, "Louis, have you heard of the huge and mysterious Amazon Amazon, which is a giant snake hundreds of feet long."

At this moment, Louis' face changed, and he asked inquiringly, "Did you see it? It doesn't appear often. Many tribes here have totems enshrining it. People who don't know it think it's an anaconda, but it's not. If you see it, don't panic, and don't provoke it, it generally doesn't attack humans."

What the hell are you not attacking humans? Why are you so sure about that?

At this moment, even other people were also surprised. They thought it was just a legend, could it really exist? Gu Li Naga said tremblingly, "An Chen, you don't want to tell me that you just saw that something?"

s The backup heroine votes are above the main body of the webpage, and below the introduction.There are 6 candidates in this issue, and those that are not listed may appear later, so stay tuned.I hope you will vote a lot.Add one, try to log in to the webpage to leave a message on the ios message, but I can’t read the ios message at present, it shows garbled characters, sorry. .

Body 0180: You should thank the program team

An Chen didn't reply yet, but Jiang Shuying said imaginatively, "That is to say, was that caused your abnormality just now?" At this point, Jiang Shuying suddenly shivered, and then hugged her body tightly. .

Seeing this, An Chen hurriedly said, "Don't be excited, don't be excited, how could I be so lucky? I just suddenly remembered the legendary story of Amazon, so I asked curiously."

Hearing this, Jing Boran breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "An Chen, you really scared me to death. I almost peed at that moment."

Sure enough, this is the right way, it seems that I am not the only coward.

"Let's go, let's go. The rain is getting heavier, and the lesbians who have nothing to do should scoop up the water."

Hearing what An Chen said, the girls realized that the water in the bilge could cover their ankles.Seeing this, the girls hurriedly picked up the small plastic shells they sent out to scoop water out. If the boat sinks, what if it really becomes fish food?

The next step is to cross the narrow jungle river, which is really narrow, only three meters wide in the narrow place, and only five meters wide in the wide place.Although there is no pressure for An Chen, who has a full level of driving, it is extremely difficult for these rookies.Everyone started to have frequent accidents from the moment they entered the river, but fortunately, it was not a big deal.As for the group, An Chen took more care of them, helping them by the side of the boat from time to time, and slowly brought them back to normal.

At this moment, Jiang Shuying shouted from behind, "An Chen, don't just help the group. Help us too, okay?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "No problem, just wait."

At this moment, Jing Boran said, "It's okay, it's okay, we can do it." Just as Jing Boran was speaking, he actually got into the water.

Seeing this, An Chen quickly looked at the waters around him, and then said, "Jing Boran, you have 30 seconds now, I hope you can get on the boat quickly."

Hearing this, Jing Boran pushed the boat, and said puzzledly, "What 30 seconds, An Chen, what are you talking about?"

Hearing this, An Chen said calmly, "When you entered the water, a crocodile had already entered the water where we passed by. Of course, the crocodile is not big. Given its size, it is impossible to reach it within 40 seconds, so You have 30 seconds to push the boat and 10 seconds to get back on the boat."

Hearing this, Jing Boran said to himself, at the same time, he pushed the boat harder.But within ten seconds, he returned to the boat as soon as the boat got out.Seeing this, An Chen nodded, and then said, "Let's go quickly. Don't go into the water anymore. Even if you want to go into the water, you'd better say hello to me."

At this time, Jing Boran, who was panting on the boat, suddenly reacted, looked at An Chen suspiciously, and said, "An Chen, you are not scaring me, are you?"

An Chen smiled and said nothing, but walked to his bait, picked up a piece of bloodshot wild boar and put it on the bait float.

Seeing this, Jing Boran seemed to know what An Chen was going to do. At this moment, he seemed a little nervous and excited.

Sure enough, An Chen's action did not exceed his expectations, and he threw it towards a certain place.The piece of meat drifted across a parabola with the bait and landed far away in the river.That place was about 30 meters behind him, and as the piece of meat entered the water, there were slight ripples.

One second passed, three seconds passed, five seconds passed.Gradually even the two girls became suspicious, let alone Jing Boran.

"An Chen, are you sure there are really crocodiles here?"

Just before Jing Boran finished speaking, the float suddenly sank and never rose again.Seeing this, Jing Boran stood there as if being strangled by the neck.Until then, An Chen looked back at Jing Boran and smiled.

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