"I'm sorry, Ruoyun. The group is emotionally unstable now, so I let her get on our boat first."

"Well, it's okay. I was careless too, you help me take care of the group."

Hearing this, An Chen took Song Zu'er back to the boat and said, "Louis, thank you for your help. Now you can help those in need."

"You're welcome, Ann. If it weren't for you, I think tragedy might have happened."

As Louis left, An Chen threw his fishing rod to Zhang Ruoyun, and said, "Ruoyun, you can fish for a while, your fish fell just now, it's a pity, but be careful this time. I'll take them to Turn around."

Hearing this, Zhang Ruoyun was a little moved.To be honest, I didn't even look at the fish carefully, which is really a pity.Although he had already caught it, he let him throw it away again.

"Well, then take them far away."

Following Zhang Ruoyun's promise, An Chen started the boat and said to the two girls, "Let's go to the side for a while. To be honest, I don't really like being in the water. Water is always the most mysterious thing. You can't imagine what's going on next What a huge thing to hide. And the water will limit my speed and movement, you will never be faster than a fish in the water."

At this moment, An Chen suddenly saw a large figure.Seeing this, An Chen looked there, and a familiar figure appeared in his vision.

ask for flowers

"Look there, I think we have seen the biggest harvest of Amazon this time. Unfortunately, we don't have a camera." Speaking of this, he suddenly reacted, looked at the photographer, and said, "Photographer, can you take a picture of me? Right"

"Yes, if you want to take pictures, you can actually face the drones, and they will also take the most beautiful pictures for you. And it is more advantageous than mine at this time in terms of angle."

At the same time, the two women also discovered what An Chen said was the biggest gain.At this moment, the second daughter shouted in surprise, "Look, it's a dolphin, a pink dolphin."

"Girls, do you want to get close to it? Although I'm not very sure."

"Yes, yes, I like dolphins very much. Especially purple dolphins." It was Song Zuer who spoke, and at this moment she forgot her previous fear.

At this moment, An Chen steered the boat towards the dolphins quickly.But how could he be faster than the dolphins? Even the dolphins play around from time to time.Seeing this scene, An Chen suddenly thought of a legend.

Legend has it that dolphins communicate through frequencies and sounds.The frequency of electromagnetic waves of the human body is close to that of dolphins, so humans can be loved by dolphins.From time to time, you can see dolphins rescue tourists who fell into the water on the news.Because of the frequency of the human body and the sound of splashing water, it will make them think that the newborn baby is practicing swimming.They push people out of the water, making it easier for those in the water to breathe.

"Girls, are your ears ready? Next is the most shocking sound."

At this moment, An Chen took a deep breath in the confusion of the two girls.In the next second, a sharp high-pitched sound similar to that of a dolphin, but very different from that of a dolphin is issued.

s, fifth watch, gone.See you.

Text 0183: If Brother An Chen stays

"uuhaaahaaaah, uuhaaahaaaah"

As soon as the polyphonic dolphin sound of opera 2 came out, the two nearest girls were directly burned.Even though this is Amazon, the sound still spread far away, and other people could hear it as far as [-] meters away.

The dolphin sound is the characteristic of humans imitating dolphins and hovering in the super high-pitched area.The sound is bright and high-pitched, and can be converted at any height and range, which is the limit of human hearing.Vocal range: large character group e6c8, small character group e3c5.It is also the audio frequency closest to that of the dolphin. Assuming here, please do not take it seriously, so at this moment, the pink "[-]" dolphin, which was already [-] meters away, suddenly stopped.The next moment, it swam over here.

Maybe at this moment, this dolphin is very curious, what does this plausible dolphin say, why can't it understand? Is it a fake dolphin?

The speed of the dolphin was extremely fast, within a few breaths, it crossed the [-]-meter river and arrived not far from An Chen.As soon as the dolphin turned around, An Chen stopped the motor instantly, for fear of hurting this rare pink dolphin.

The pink dolphin that came close suddenly showed its head, and called "Karma, Karma" twice.An Chen didn't study zoology, so how could he understand what it meant? His goal was just to take a photo with this dolphin.

He crouched down and stretched out his hand.Seeing this, the dolphins were neither afraid nor evasive.The magnetic fields of the three of them made it very close, and suddenly it wagged its tail and floated up again, and had a close contact with An Chen's hand.

The shiny, smooth texture between the tentacles is comparable to a girl's legs.For some reason, An Chen, who was thinking this way, suddenly remembered Jiang Shuying's slender legs.Well, although my own girls have more beautiful legs, they are not by my side.

"Brother An Chen, I want to touch too."

Following Song Zuer Xiyi's voice, An Chen replied, "Come on, all of you feel it, I'll help you press the boat."

Hearing this, the two girls became excited, and reached out to touch it a little excitedly.In the same way, the dolphin did not reject the two women, but happily got close to them because of their excitement.Dolphins are the animals that are best at perceiving the emotions of the same kind. Because humans are close in frequency to it, it can also feel the emotions of the second woman.It's a pity that there is no food like fish. At this moment, An Chen is also overwhelmed by this cute creature, and can't help but want to feed it.

At this moment, the dolphin uttered a few more "quack, quack" sounds, then plunged into the water without replying, and swam towards the distance.

Seeing this, An Chen said, "Okay, let's go too."

After the words fell, he pulled down the engine, and said to the people who came, "You are late, but unfortunately you didn't get to have close contact with the dolphins. Well, it's getting late now, let's go back."

Hearing this, Jiang Shuying and Lai Yumeng wailed for a while.Especially Lai Yumeng, who was very regretful, begged An Chen and said, "Brother An Chen, can't you call it back? I think you called it back just now. Let me touch it, Mengmeng, I want to touch it so much." Or, or I'll give you another massage at night"

Speaking of this, Lai Yumeng seemed to feel that he had said too little, and said, "No, no, three times, please, Brother An Chen."

After Lai Yumeng's voice fell, Jiang Shuying also gritted her teeth and said, "If you can do it, I will give you another massage."

To be honest, Lai Yumeng's massage is not rare for him.But Jiang Shuying, thinking of those big white legs being touched, An Chen almost couldn't hold back the temptation to nod in agreement at this moment.But looking at the dolphins in the distance, An Chen still shook his head and said, "No, it's too far away. Besides, the Amazon River is not a big threat to some dominant creatures, but it is also a threat to other creatures. We You can't kill its life just because of the quickness of the moment."

That's right, An Chen seemed to have figured out what the sounds made by the dolphins meant.Because just after it left, a group of shadows swam over soon.Maybe this is a warning, and the shadows under the water are probably the wolves in the water, attracted by the smell of blood.

Piranhas have an olfactory organ second only to sharks, and they can distinguish one serine molecule from 1530 water molecules.It can smell blood that has been diluted to its original 1 concentration from 1 kilometer away.

Hearing this, although the two women were not reconciled, they would not put this lovely dolphin in danger just because of a moment's quickness, so they set foot on the course back to the city.Here, An Chen specifically emphasized not to get into the water again 20.But I believe that no one would do this at this time, except that An Chen already had a certain prestige among them, and it seemed that they also understood some of the horrors of the Amazon River.

"it's so pretty"

Hearing such words, An Chen smiled and said, "Why does the group want to stay here?"

Hearing this, Song Zu'er suddenly looked at An Chen with squinted smiles, and said, "Brother An Chen will stay? If Brother An Chen stays, then Zuer is also willing to stay."

Little girl, do you confess your love like this? Why can't I hold back.

Body 0184: I think my brother is fine

"Forget it, this is not for me, I still like the hustle and bustle of big cities. To be honest, I am the most insecure about Amazon. In this beautiful scenery, God knows how dangerous it will be. Amazon has never been conquered by humans The rainforest has gathered 250 million species of insects, tens of thousands of plants, and about 2 species of birds and mammals. Some experts estimate that there are more than 75000 species of trees and 15 species of higher plants per square kilometer, including There are 9 tons of plant biomass. Among them, there are definitely more than 50 species of deadly insects, and more than [-] species of deadly plants, not including ferocious mammals."

Although everyone knows Amazon, although everyone knows the horror of Amazon, few people have a clear answer in their hearts.Hearing what An Chen said, several people felt a little stiff at this moment.

On the way back to the city, they were accompanied by An Chen and Louis, so everyone quickly crossed the forest path and returned to the tree house quickly.

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