
While Jiang Shuying was massaging An Chen, An Chen's expression froze suddenly, and without looking back, he said to Jiang Shuying, "Shuying, let them be on the alert, it seems that the troubles we encountered today are not so many. .”

In fact, there were only three dead crocodiles, and the lifeless crocodile still dragged the body of a crocodile back to its territory.Of course, An Chen told Jiang Shuying to call the police not because another crocodile came.It's another big killer in the rainforest, the anaconda.The most terrible thing is that this anaconda is actually 13 meters long, and it is simply another overlord.Apparently the anaconda was attracted by the bloody smell of one of the crocodiles.

At this moment, Jiang Shuying had all sorts of questions in her mind, but she didn't open her mouth. Instead, she obeyed An Chen's order and reminded them to pay attention.After returning, Jiang Shuying woke up the dozen or so people who had just fallen asleep.At this moment, everyone was about to collapse, whether they could take a good rest, but no one dared to complain or refuse to do so, because no one wanted to die. 35

Zhang Youning walked to An Chen's side, and said carefully, "What danger did we encounter again this time?"

"The anaconda overlord, maybe there are others. So we have to leave this place as soon as possible. I just hope that this anaconda overlord won't come to trouble us later."

Although anacondas are scary, they will basically not attack when they are full.The freshly dead crocodile outside was enough for him to go without food for a few weeks, maybe even a month or two.Therefore, although An Chen was vigilant, he was not too worried.It can be said that as long as the anaconda is not angered, basically nothing major will happen. .

Main body 0199: Arrive in Dalian (reminder for more updates)

Sure enough, the anaconda left after devouring the crocodile, and the night vision camera faithfully recorded this scene.Although there is no danger, everyone who has experienced so much does not want to rest anymore.

After this scene, An Chen finally let go of his hidden cell phone, of course it was directly turned on the anti-color panel.Judging from the hot and cold photos on the phone, while An Chen frowned again, he made a decision in his mind.

After three difficult hours, An Chen said, "Communicate to the production crew and set off to pick us up right away. Everyone pack your bags and we're ready to go."

"Why don't we wait for the crew? It's dangerous for us to go like this."

Hearing Zhang Ruoyun's words, An Chen said, "I can't wait anymore, I don't know why I feel more and more dangerous. What we have to face next may be even more terrifying than the crocodile overlord and the anaconda overlord."

"But we can't just rely on your feeling, what if your feeling is wrong?"

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, looked at Zhang Ruoyun, and said, "Then you can stay, and if anyone else needs to stay, say yes first, I will take all my things away."

Hearing this, Zhang Ruoyun fell silent.Without that super electric power, without An Chen's skill, he would have no possibility of surviving in Amazon.

An Chen didn't provoke Zhang Ruoyun, even though they were rivals in love.He was just stating a fact, a decision of his own.Apart from Zhang Ruoyun, Jing Boran and Lai Yumeng also wanted to stay, but after An Chen's words came out, they had no choice.

On the contrary, the other three women trusted An Chen very much.Whatever An Chen said, they all believed that An Chen had his reasons.

Not only that, other people also believed in An Chen's judgment, even Louis and his little friends.After the photography team quickly notified the recording team with the walkie-talkie, they said, "The recording team will set off immediately, but it is dangerous for us to move forward like this. The recording team may be able to open the way to here this afternoon."

Unmoved by the words, An Chen directly said to the packed team, "Let's go."

In the next second, An Chen was already on his way back with Tang Dao.There is a reason for An Chen to say that, he did not expect that there are more overlords around here than he imagined.Seventeen animal shadows with a length of more than 4 meters, including six anacondas, three cats, four crocodiles, and four unknown creatures.Especially one of the unknown creatures, although it was more than two or three hundred meters away from them, the creature was more than [-] meters long.Fortunately, it seems that the creature has no intention of moving, at least for now.

And An Chen also found out the reason why the overlord creatures gathered here this time.There seem to be two new river channels in two places in the upper reaches, and most of the overlords are washed down by the river.Overlord creatures are not what you want to expel at all, you can only wait for them to return to the depths of the rainforest by themselves.This is also one of the reasons why An Chen did not wait for the production team.

After taking out the map and confirming the destination, together with the photos fed back from the sky from the mobile phone from time to time, An Chen easily led everyone around the overlord's territory and marched forward.Although there are many poisonous insects, ferocious beasts, and deadly plants in the middle, none of them are difficult for An Chen, who is like an encyclopedia and has strong martial arts.In the end, after spending three hours, An Chen finally led these people to escape from death and arrived at the production team's pick-up location.

Until then, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.This time, they really saw the horror of the rainforest.This road is full of dangers, if you walk by yourself, you will die in a hundred steps, no, maybe it only takes thirty steps.The moment he boarded the boat, Lai Yumeng cried with excitement.Don't talk about her, the other cats also cried, and only An Chen looked calm, as if nothing happened.But is he really so calm? No, An Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and can finally go home.

At this moment, he received the sound of the system again.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission and saving Hua'ertuan. Because four of them have participated in charity, 3840 reward points for good and evil will be rewarded, two lottery draws for B-level, and two lottery draws for items. I hope the host will continue to work hard."

After returning to the tree house by boat, everyone should take a shower, eat and eat, and catch up on sleep.This time the recording task was overfulfilled, and they could finally leave the jungle.

In the afternoon, with the landing of a seaplane, they embarked on the return journey.The seaplane has exactly eight seats and can accommodate eight people at the same time.An Chen sat at the back, with Song Zuer next to him.

Speaking of this, I have to say a little surprise, three of his nine high-tech anti-matter locators were hacked.This is also no one.When the three women planned to blackmail his locator, he said that only women could wear it, but the three women still didn't give it to him.

The most cheating ones are Na 490 Ya and Jiang Shuying.Jiang Shuying said directly, and if she finds her boyfriend in the future, she will return it to him.Na Ya said something, and she would return it to him when she made up her mind.Sister, what if you can't figure it out? In the end, when Na Ya hacked his locator, An Chen reminded him that he had to take it off before doing anything he loved, and then return it.Because if you don't pick it up, this thing will automatically record the scene.

An Chen originally thought that such a threat would make Na Ya hand it over, but Na Ya blushed when she heard this, but she still didn't return it to An Chen.These are the meanings of his meow

With such a depressed mood, An Chen boarded the flight back to China. After a 28-hour journey, An Chen finally made it to Beijing again.But at this time, An Chen still didn't leave the airport, but sadly got on the flight to Dalian again.

Before boarding the plane, An Chen called her girls one by one to report that they were safe, and finally, in Feng Timo's expectation, she made a plan to go to Shanghai first after the recording.Of course, this itinerary is only part of it, and he will spend a few days with Reba and the others after it is over.It's just that An Chen didn't expect that the next holiday would be so long, and he would actually get a gift that wasn't considered a gift.

s never had a sad reminder to save the manuscript passing by.

Text 0200: Flying Mantis

"You boy, you came here a little late. I thought you were too late. Hurry up and find a makeup artist for makeup."

"Don't worry, Director Yao. I didn't expect that there would be an accident during the trip to the Amazon rainforest. It would be nice if I could get back in time."

"Okay, it's good that I can come back safely. I received a call from overseas the day before yesterday, and I almost scolded my mother. You are really good at bringing everyone out. You really gave Zhejiang Satellite TV a face. Okay, today's task is Welcome baby back to the team, do you have any gift you want to give, if there is any, I will ask the props team to prepare it for you. If not, I will ask someone to help you choose one."

Hearing this, An Chen thought for a while, and said, "I'm really not prepared, and it's really embarrassing for me to prepare something. Why don't you take a look, Director Yao, tell me what it is when you're done, I'll come It’s time to say a few words of congratulations.”

"Okay, then I'll prepare it for you."

Following Yao Yitian's departure, An Chen quickly put on her makeup and was taken into a recording room.

At the same time, somewhere in Africa, there are three people who are thinking about An Chen.Song Zuer touched the locator and smirked from time to time, so that people could tell at a glance that the little girl was crazy.Jiang Shuying just looked out the window, constantly recalling that legendary figure.Gu Li Nazha touched the locator and thought to himself that this is a birthday gift you gave me to commemorate the first day we met.Wish I could really be the master of it.

That's right, the day the two met happened to be Gu Li Naga's birthday.It's a pity that An Chen, who didn't chase after Gulina, didn't know, otherwise he would have satisfied Gulina's appetite that day.

Not to mention the three women who missed him, An Chen actually saw everyone there after entering the recording room.Seeing this, An Chen said, "Hey, I'm the only one who has a special status, don't everyone have it?"

"Xiaochen, are you addicted to being a spy and always want to be a spy?"

"That's right, Brother Chen, I need you to cover me as a spy. I've been discovered long ago without anyone being stupid."

Hearing this, Li Chen became furious instantly. He clenched his fist ferociously and said, "Xiaochen, if you say that, believe it or not, I'll beat you up!"

"Hehe, Brother Chen, you are still so cute. By the way, I just brought down a dominant Nile crocodile in the Amazon, are you sure you want to beat me up?"

Hearing this, Li Chen knelt down in an instant, and he said with a very correct attitude, "Xiaochen, I was wrong, you are the strongest. I am going to give you a title."

"Oh what a title"

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