The baby has not experienced this scene once or twice, she is supposed to be used to it.But as a guest, is it really okay for you to do this?

"It's too much, it's too much. In this way, baby, I choose you."

After Deng Chao's words fell, An Chen said first, "Wait, wait. Brother Chen and I should be chosen first. Brother Chen, we are the strongest, so we can choose after we separate. In this way, I choose Reba. You choose"

Hearing this, Li Chen was stunned, and the words he was about to say were instantly blocked in his mouth.He said speechlessly, "Xiaochen, you chose Reba and let me choose. Are you messing with me? Do I have a choice?"

Text 0202: You are all brainless

An Chen just nodded at Li Chen's complaints, and the next second, he said to the camera, "Director, brother Chen said he chose baby sister."


At this moment, only Li Chen was stunned, and everyone else laughed.

At this moment, the old Dengtou also said, "Then I will split with Chen Chichi, and I will still choose baby. Chen Chichi, you can go to Reba. Next is Lu Han and Kaikai, what do you think?" select"

Both Lu Han and Zheng Kai belong to the speed family, so it is fairest for them to share together.

This group is actually not divisible, Zheng Kai is Baby's old partner, and Lu Han is Reba's screen c, so it's no surprise that everyone is divided like this.Finally, the remaining group of blue.Only to hear Zulan resentfully said, "I suddenly realized that I seemed to be a bonus. There used to be Chen Chichi who was closer to me, but now even Chen Chichi is far away from me."

"Good boy, Lanlan won't cry."

The assignment of personnel ends here.Reba Group Reba, An Chen, Chen Chichi, Lu Han. baby group baby, Li Chen, Deng Chao, Zheng Kai and group blue.

On the surface, the baby group is stronger, but is it really like this? At the same time, after the assignment of the players, the task An Chen has been waiting for has also appeared.

"Submissions are mandatory to win. Except for the last round, each round requires a mandatory victory without being discovered. The task rewards 600 points for rewarding good and punishing evil. If the mission fails, 1000 points for rewarding good and punishing evil will be deducted."

"Welcome baby to return to the side quest. All men's runners will be given gifts if they are successful. The task reward will be a B-level lottery draw. If the task fails, 500 reward points will be deducted."

It seems that the first branch task is too simple, so that the system can't help but give a high penalty and low reward.

At this moment, Dili said, "Can I take a picture?"


With the approval of the director, everyone came with a group photo of the running man family.In the camera, An Chen squatted on one knee and half-kneeled, and Reba crossed up cutely, looking like a husband and wife.

After Reba finished filming, Deng Chao suddenly asked, "Did you broadcast it?"

At this moment, Reba was stunned, and then remembered the oral broadcast.I only heard her exclaim in a hurry to make up for it, "ah, it's so clear."

At this moment, An Chen couldn't help laughing, is it really good for you to be so hasty and not distracted? Just listen to this, Zheng Kai stepped forward and added.

"Is it the oor2000 with 11 million before and after, and the photos are clearer?"


At this moment, Deng Chao added again cheaply, "Xiao Di will say that in the future. Ouch, it's so clear when you shake it."

There is no one left for this broadcast.

"Let's welcome baby home again."

"Run, baby."

"We will immediately start our four-on-five duel today, please come and get your mission card now."

No one competed with the baby, this time everyone gave her the reading question directly.

"B To answer the question, each team randomly selects a row or a column to play the word guessing game. One person gestures, and the others are responsible for answering the questions. Each grid represents a question, and each team must answer all the questions correctly within three minutes. Connect to form a b line, then can win."

After reading the baby's question, Li Chen said, "Then who will choose first?"

An Chen heard the words and said, "Baby sister, come here, otherwise you will have no chance if we come."

Hearing this, the baby was unconvinced, stared at An Chen with wide eyes, and said, "It's fine if you despise me so much, but actually despise our first team, I tell you, I don't believe it. I've made a decision, and I'll let you choose first. "

Hearing this, Deng Chao hurried up and said, "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, Xiaochen is very powerful. You don't even know that when we paint, he can even interpret abstract art. His thinking is better than Chen Chi's." Red to cow."

ask for flowers

Hearing this, the baby seemed to have thought of something, but she still said unconfidently, "It's impossible to look at body gestures so well."

"It's hard to say. Anyway, I'm playing with my brain here. I think Chen Chichi can compete with An Chen."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi immediately refuted.

"Brother Chao, don't say that. In the last episode, he played a bunch of us all by himself. Compared with him, I am a normal person, and he is a treacherous fox. Of course, you are all brainless."

"Chen He, you want to die, believe it or not, you won't survive two episodes today"

Following Da Hei Niu's words, An Chen said, "Hey, Brother Chichi, I somehow think that your nickname is more appealing to me."

"No, I still think Flying Mantis is suitable for you."

"Flying Mantis, what is this?"

Hearing the baby's inquiry, Deng Chao took the lead and said, "This is Xiaochen's stalking, we will tell you later, but now let's talk about who will come first. You don't need to say anything else, just let Baby come first."

"Okay, I'll come first, I'll come first. First row"

"The yellow team's first round of challenges is about to begin, 3, 2, 1."

When the topic appeared, the baby suddenly poked his head forward, as if he didn't see it clearly.

"What's so difficult? My head is almost stuck in"

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