"Air cushion bb."

Following Chen Chichi's opening, everyone was right again on this question.Seeing this, the baby is almost desperate.

At this moment, An Chen suddenly said, "Director, pause for a moment."

"Actually, in the last two years of my university, I watched Sister Baby's running man come over, so I didn't do it too badly for Sister Baby. How about this, if Sister Baby sings the first song to conquer, I will give you another chance How about it"

Hearing this, the baby was moved, but she said helplessly, "I don't know how to sing, I don't even remember the lyrics."

"It's okay. Director, give me the chorus and accompaniment part for the big screen."

Hearing this, Zheng Kai walked over with a smile, and said, "Xiaochen, everyone said you are a villain, but this time you have miscalculated. People want money for singing, but she is killing her."

"Zheng Kai, you've had enough, you don't expose your faults."

"It's okay, I heard Sister Baby sang it before, and I think I've heard too much of howling ghosts and howling wolves, don't have 40 fun."

"Oh Xiaochen, your taste is too bad."

Just then, the chorus and accompaniment came out. After the baby cleared his throat, he started singing.

"I was conquered by you just like that, I cut off all escape routes, and I was conquered by you like this, drinking the poison you hid"

There is a hint of screaming in the plain, and there is a hint of toughness at the turning point. This voice is so sour that I have no friends.After the chorus ended, An Chen said, "Okay, since Sister Baby is also performing, let's give her a chance. Of course, this is only my promise, or let Sister Baby sing a song for each of you."

s pushes a book, a master of jailbreak in the city, by the way, thank you for your support. .

Text 0204: The combination of the strongest brain

"No, Xiaochen, I agree to give Sister Baby and the others a chance. Just please, stop singing."

Following Xiaolu's opening, Chen Chichi buttoned his ears indifferently, his plain words carried huge damage.

"Really, my ears are hot."

"That's fine, let's give Sister Baby and the others a chance."

"Okay, since the red team voluntarily gave up this round, the yellow team is ready to start. Please choose your team members."

This time the yellow team chose the blue team. After all, everyone seems to be similar, and it doesn't matter who they choose.As for the team blue, except for this kind of time, it can show off, and most of the other times it is a foil.Didn’t you see that in the seventh issue, apart from the Truth Conference, only the ending group Lan showed up?

"Okay, the yellow team selected group blue, and the selected question bank is the third question. The yellow team is ready, 3, 2, 1, start."

When the director said it, everyone was suddenly dumbfounded.This is a question for Reba and the others. What are you doing, group blue? The order is messed up. Fortunately, there is a fifth question. It seems that 527 can only solve the opponent quickly.

"What should we do if we have a good chance of winning?"

Hearing Reba's low-pitched question, An Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, unless they release the water for the first question, it will take a lot of time. In fact, no matter which question we choose, it doesn't make much difference, because all the answers will be answered by me. Remember them all. And don’t forget, besides this, we have accomplices.”

Speaking of this, An Chen suddenly blocked the headset, and whispered next to Reba's ear, "Don't take off your makeup at night, I like this outfit very much."

Reba blushed upon hearing this, and nodded slightly.

Although everyone in the yellow team worked hard this time, the yellow team still failed to answer one question.Up to this point, the baby can't blame other people, because it's really too difficult, even she can't guess her own.Everyone helped guess three of the only five questions, especially the first question, which is comparable to the previous one-piece automatic flushing toilet.

Next, it was the red team's turn again, and An Chen said at this time, "Sister baby, I gave you the opportunity, but I didn't take it. This time we won't release any more water."

Hearing this, the baby said, not to be outdone, "I don't believe that you can guess right the first time, and you can guess right the second time."

"Hehe, Brother Chi Chi, go up and make gestures. I believe that the cooperation of our two strongest brains will definitely make them stunned."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi clapped hands with An Chen, and shouted confidently, "Let them see the collaboration ability of our strongest brain."

In the end, Chen Chichi still chose the fifth question. In fact, the number of questions made no difference to An Chen.Since you already know the answer, it doesn't matter.

"The first three words, Dang, Dang, Dangdang, who is this?"

"Zhu Bajie."

"What is Zhu Bajie doing?"

"Back your wife."

"The daughter -in -law is in the West Lake, that, the beautiful scenery of the West Lake for three days, ah, ah, ah, ah ah ah"

"White Lady."

"An Chen, what are you and I going to do with the Xianhe Village material?"

"Zhu Bajie carries the white lady to eat hot pot."

A cross question was guessed in just [-] seconds. At this moment, the baby was not calm anymore.

"It's too fast for bdeb, ten words and twenty seconds"

Hearing this, Deng Chao said, "No way, the two strongest brains in the team. Together, we are basically doomed to liberal arts."

Just as the two of them had said a few words, they had already begun to answer the third question.

"Xiaochen, the biggest shelled one in your refrigerator, the western food you've always wanted to try."

"Cream of Lobster Soup."

"By the way, fourth, fourth."

"What connection do headphones use when driving"


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