At the same time, An Chen turned over and landed, making a slight sound.Afterwards, he quickly rushed towards the baby. The moment the two passed by, An Chen pointed out two fingers to touch the baby's ribs.The strength is not great, but the sore itching instantly made the baby let go of his hand.At this moment, Chen Chichi took the opportunity to escape.

In the next second, the baby shouted "Chen Chichi."

At this moment, the director wanted to declare it invalid, but if An Chen did this a few more times, he wouldn't be able to play anymore, so Chen Chichi was out.

At the same time, the baby rolled up his sleeves and said fiercely, "Okay, you dare to stroke a tiger's beard and attack me, a hunter. I'll let you all see how powerful sister is."

While speaking, the baby was coming towards An Chen, and it was surprisingly safe for the deer to be right behind the baby.

As the baby got closer and closer, Zhuanyan covered three-quarters of the carriage, and at this moment An Chen moved.In an instant, An Chen knocked on the car window on the left, and he took a step to the right.

At this moment, the baby, who was in the air, suddenly felt the wind on his side.Without waiting for a reaction, she jumped forward nervously.This was so unexpected that everyone thought An Chen had screwed up.But at this moment, An Chen turned over in an instant, dodged the baby's pounce, and landed on the car seat.

s went to class, I don't know when to upload Chapter 2, try to hurry. .

Text 0206: Desperate baby

At this moment, the baby who was in the air also heard the sound of taking a seat, and she suddenly jumped down again.But An Chen, who was seated, suddenly stepped on the corner of the seat and slid out along the seat in an instant.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect to be able to play like this, I thought Xiaochen was going to die."

"Yeah, dodging like this, I think it's impossible to catch Xiaochen even if the baby is exhausted."

Following Kaikai's words, the dead Chen Chichi yelled, "Baby, admit defeat, you will definitely not be able to catch our Xiaochen."

At this moment, An Chen slid out and said, "Come on baby sister, you still have three minutes."

Damn, this is too provocative, baby feels that he can't bear it.After typing "four seven zero" for a second, she suddenly pounced on An Chen who made the sound.At this moment, An Chen instinctively flashed, but the next second his expression flinched but flashed back again.Hugging the baby in an instant.

At this moment, the baby excitedly said: "I caught you, Xiaochen."

An Chen smiled wryly after hearing the words: "Sister baby, you are playing tricks. Also, if you don't want to kill me, if I don't catch you, you will at least end up disfigured."

"It's so serious, thank you, Xiaochen."

Hey, why do I feel that what you said is so heartless? Did you listen to me?

It's no wonder An Chen complained that just now the baby was facing the corner of the seat when he jumped down, so lying on it straight up would be disfigured at the last time, and it might even be fatal in serious cases.

Fortunately, An Chen's Tai Chi was sensitive to the surrounding perception and reacted quickly.If the response is slow, the connection will fail.

At the same time, everyone was shocked.The director even frowned and said: "Baby, pay attention to safety, and if you do this again next time, the result will not count."

Hearing this, the baby stuck out his tongue with a smile, as if to express his daring.

Seeing this, An Chen said again speechlessly: Laughing at your sister, sticking out your hairy tongue.But even though An Chen was so slanderous in his heart, he said: "Then baby sister, be careful, you can let me go now."

It turns out that the baby is still holding on to An Chen, and this desire to win is also comparable to An Chen's.

"I'm sorry, Xiaochen, for blackmailing you. My sister came down to treat you to dinner, don't be angry."

Hearing this, An Chen felt much better, and agreed casually. An Chen smiled at Reba, and walked aside.

Time passed by, because everyone made trouble, although the deer was still arrested, but the baby didn't even know where Reba was.

"Okay, the time is over, the number of people caught by the yellow team is 4. Next, the red team prepares."

It wasn't until then that the baby took off the blindfold and looked at a group of people and said, "It's unscientific, I've searched everything."

At this moment, An Chen came up and said to the baby: "Sister baby, step aside and block our captain."

Well, where is it blocking her? Just as she was passing sideways, she suddenly felt a shadow over her head.At this moment the baby looked up instinctively, and the next second she opened her mouth in surprise.

At the same time, Reba smiled at the baby.Then he fell down under An Chen's support.

Seeing this, the baby seemed to have regained its language function, and said: "You guys are exaggerating, I didn't expect it at all."

"It's okay, the main one is Xiaochen, he just threw me up. If I went up by myself, I would definitely make a sound."

Hearing this, the baby looked at An Chen, and said, "Now I believe that I won't win in the future." When he said this, the baby suddenly said again: "However, Xiao Chen, I just returned to the team and treated me like this Really, please give me a chance and let me win once."

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Reba, and said, "Sister baby, I'm very embarrassed when you do this. After all, my captain is Reba, and I'm not a traitor like Brother Chichi."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi quit, only to hear him unable to resist refuting, and the team began to tear up.

"Xiaochen, don't you feel sad when you say this? Are you saying this out of conscience?"

After Chen Chichi looked heartbroken, he again instructed An Chen's mistakes.

"I won't talk about the far ones, just talk about the last issue. You not only betrayed me and Kaikai, but also betrayed brother Niu. I won't talk about that. You also deceived everyone's feelings."

Hearing this, the baby's eyes lit up, and he suddenly said: "Xiaochen, you can betray me, and I will give you the reward if you win."

"Hey, I'm so excited"

Just when the baby's eyes were shining and his heart was excited, An Chen suddenly spoke again, shattering the baby's fantasy.

"But it seems that we won, and the reward is the same."

At this moment, the baby froze in place as if struck by lightning.

In the next second, when everyone burst into laughter, at this moment, she seemed to be able to react.

"I suddenly found that 43 is right, and I have no way to refute it." After saying this, the baby suddenly said sadly: "Xiaochen, don't give up on me!"

Hearing this, An Chenzhi gave the baby a bewildered smile.Of course it's really just a smile of confusion, the meaning is purely your own guess.

"Okay, the red team countdown, 3, 2, 1, start."

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