"Okay, okay, next everyone dances to the music, the music stops, choose a cardboard box you want to jump on, and jump on it. After three rounds, if there are a few people left on the field, then these people can put on socks."

Hearing this, An Chen's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Does that mean that as long as you stand on the box and the box is not deformed at all, then you can pass the test."

"Yes, as long as you step on the box and the box is not deformed at all, then you can proceed to the next round. Okay, let's start preparing for the first round."

As the director's whistle blew, the next second the music started, and An Chen cooperated with everyone and began to dance together.Although An Chen didn't know how to dance very well, how could he not know how to dance awkwardly as an anchor? Even because of his hobbies, he even learned the ghost step dance.

With everyone's devilish dance, the scene was once full of ghosts and ghosts.Just then, the music suddenly stopped.Hearing this, An Chen raised his breath suddenly, and at the same time he jumped lightly, he just stepped on two opposite corners of the box.Because of precise control, An Chen just jumped onto the box.Coupled with the unloading power of parkour, the box didn't move at all at this moment, as if there was no such person as An Chen on it.

The sound of "plop plop" falling into the water sounded one after another, and when everyone stood still, four people had already been eliminated.Just when the director wanted to start the second round, Chen Chichi suddenly noticed something, and said, "That's not right, Xiaochen, why are you standing like this?"

"You don't mind me, as long as my box is not deformed."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi looked at the director and said, "That's fine too."

"Okay, if the box doesn't deform, it's considered a pass. Alright, the second round begins."

Although the second round started, Chen Chichi didn't leave. The moment the music started, he suddenly jumped into the box where An Chen was. For some reason, he always felt that the box seemed wrong.


At this moment, everyone was stunned, only Chen Chichi seemed to have expected it.I saw him standing in the cardboard box indifferently, and said, "I think there is something wrong with this cardboard box. I will ask you if you are convinced by my IQ."

Hearing this, An Chen was equally indifferent, looked at Chen Chichi as if looking at a child, and said, "And then?"

The sentence "then" instantly confused Chen Chichi's question, yes, and then at this moment, Deng Chao said what Chen Chichi wanted to say.

"Director, does this count as cheating?"

At the same time, the director also seemed to understand the meaning of An Chen's words, but the words have already been spoken, so how about changing them?

"There is no deformation of the box."

The meaning of the director's words is obvious, as long as you don't change shape, you can come if you have the ability.Hearing this, Chen Chichi looked at it, and said, "Director, can you give me another chance? I think I can do it too."

"No, you didn't think ahead of time, which means you are stupid. An Chen thought of it ahead of time, it can only mean that he is smarter than you all."

It's all about hatred, well, An Chen doesn't care that much.But Chen Chichi was deeply shocked. As a wise man, he was actually despised in terms of wisdom. In the last issue, he didn't know it, but this issue is a node.At this moment of being despised like this, Chen Chichi's heart was on fire, and he couldn't lose his status as a wise man.

The remaining four also started the second round of box jumping at this time.As soon as the music stopped, An Chen jumped onto the box again.Steady, not even a bit of shape change.This time everyone was staring at him, and even Di Lieba was almost sticking to the box to observe.Therefore, they all saw An Chen's actions clearly.

At this moment, Deng Chao and Reba Qiqi exclaimed.Deng Chao and Reba focused on how An Chen jumped because of Chen Chichi's words, so they both saw the height of An Chen's jump.At this moment, Zhao Hao said what he wanted to say for Deng Chao.

"It's so low! When An Chen jumped up, there was less than a centimeter gap. This precise grasp is really better than our dance lessons."

At this moment, Deng Chao also added, "Not only that, did you notice that the moment his two feet jumped up, they were flat, like sliding down like a sled. No wonder he stepped on the deformable box."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Brother Chao, you don't know much about your knowledge. Don't you know the stability of a triangle? Also, I don't know if you've seen Infiniti's Infinity Race."

s just saw enough chapters to remind you to update it, let's make it up tomorrow.It's five o'clock today. .

Text 0209: Be jealous if you are not careful

"One of the episodes of Extreme Speed ​​was in Africa, where a mold made of paper was used to put a piece of mineral water, and finally they did it. I forgot the basis, but I remembered the supporting principle. So to do what I do, as long as With control it's totally doable."

"Well, what you say is useless, anyway, I can't do it."

At this moment, Chen Chichi came over again and said, "Xiaochen, can I try your box?"

"Of course, you can do whatever you want." An Chen slid off the box without giving it a chance to transform.

At this moment, Chen Chichi suddenly jumped up.The same is the corner, but because of his instability and height, the box was instantly crooked.The next second, he sat down in the box with a "plop".

Damn, the next second thought is to change clothes.Although the water inside is warm water, when he comes out, it is definitely cold wind blowing.Although it is already May, I can't help the cold wind in the morning.

"Haha, Chen Chichi, are you taking a bath inside 470?"

At this time, the big black cow was sighing because he stepped into the water, and he didn't expect to see such a pleasant thing in an instant.

Chen Chichi was speechless. I came to prove that I can do it, okay? But at this moment he still smiled and said, "I'm just trying to see if the temperature of the water is suitable for bathing. By the way, no one of you will pull me up?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "I think it's good for you to do this. If you turn over, you'll have more shells. It's a good match unexpectedly."

"Xiaochen, you are enough, are you my teammate today? I feel more and more that you are a traitor. Baby, tell me the truth, Xiaochen is from your family, right?"

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, the baby hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, Xiaochen is our family's mole."

"Did you hear that, let me just say that Xiaochen is the mole of the baby's family."

An Chen was helpless when he heard the words, you don't know if I'm a traitor? stand up."

At this moment, the director said, "This round is Li Chen, so the third round will begin."

The remaining four jumped up in an instant as the music started and ended again.This time, there were only two consecutive sounds of "噗噗", and in the end only the baby and An Chen were left standing on the box.At this moment, Chen Chichi walked out again.He opened the mouth and said, "I don't believe that the third box still has water. Xiaochen, let me go, I will challenge again."

An Chen was speechless when he heard the words, but he got down.At this moment, Chen Chichi suddenly jumped up, but at this moment, Chen Chichi jumped directly to the middle.


The sound of falling into the water was heard, accompanied by Chen Chichi's embarrassed smile.At this moment, a finger pointed over. The strength of the finger was not strong, but the point it touched was a point of relief. At this moment, Chen Chichi, who had just stood firm but had nowhere to use his strength, suddenly fell backwards.

"Baby and An Chen can wear socks on the shiatsu board. Now the two teams please assign members for the first round."

As the director's voice fell, baby and Reba looked at each other, and then baby said first, "We send Kai Kai."

We also have speed.He only heard Reba say, "We'll send Luhan on."

The yellow team mainly attacks and the red team defends.

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