When Yang Mi was killed and returned home, everyone was shocked.This is Yang Mi, the most powerful of the two teams, even Chen Chichi dare not say that he can kill Yang Mi with one person.But at this time, Yang Mi was killed and returned home by a rookie, a rookie who didn't even have a rune.

"Xiaochen, to be honest, what level of master are you?" This operation is not impossible for the strongest king, so Chen He asked this.

Hearing this, An Chen directly threw the phone to Chen Chichi, and said calmly, "Look for yourself."

At this time, An Chen's account was hanging on the phone because of the previous login.There is a level of stubborn bronze on it.But when Chen Chichi carefully opened the battle record, he was stunned for a moment.

A Diaochan has 56 v, almost every time there are pentakills, and the number of deaths is very few.As for failure, what is it? All battle records are victories.Yes, there are only 56 records, and all of them are victories.

Seeing this, Chen Chichi was speechless.He said directly, "God, please take me to the strongest king, and I will buy Diao Chan hero and skin for you."

Hearing Chen Chichi's shout, everyone looked over, and the curious Reba even asked, "What's the matter, Brother Chichi?"

s: It's a bit late today, it's past 12 o'clock, it's still yesterday.Sorry for the long wait. .

Text 0216: Hanging and Beating Yang Mi

"Although Xiaochen's number is indeed Stubborn Bronze, it is the best Stubborn Bronze. There are only 56 matching records, and most of them are v. That's fine, but the most abnormal thing is that most of them have five kills, almost 0 Death. This kind of record means that I can't get out this eternal diamond, and I can no longer express my worship." Season 7

"Wow, Xiaochen, you will take me to lie down and win in the future."

Regarding the baby, An Chen smiled and declined politely, "I usually don't play games, and I'm always dragged and beaten by my friends. Besides, I'm a stubborn bronze. If I match, I can't have a master. I'm a female college student." What's so great about "Four Nine Seven"

Regarding An Chen's words, the baby didn't accept it at all, and only heard the baby say, "Then sister Mi, sister Mi is the strongest king."

Hearing this, An Chen was silent for a while, and then suddenly said, "I think she came from a power leveling, and she seems to be a little taller than a female college student."

Hearing that the baby was silent, but after a while, a dialog box from Yang Mi came on the phone screen.Although it is a font, Yang Mi's anger can still be felt between the lines.

"You say I'm a female college student, right? Don't think that your skills are good. I can be arrogant once I'm shady. Let's fight one-on-one."

Seeing this, An Chen raised his head speechlessly, only to find that everyone was lowering their heads and giggling.Only Reba raised his head, showing a charming smile at An Chen.

Seeing this, An Chen also felt that there was no one else, as expected, he couldn't tell people behind his back, there were too many hurtful friends making small reports.But seeing this, An Chen didn't speak, and ran towards the middle of the map silently.

At the same time, An Chen's teammates who saw this scene stopped fighting, and directly nestled under the tower to point An Chen's perspective.

It's a pity that the other party didn't know, otherwise they would definitely see Yang Mi's perspective.At this moment, An Chen, who was hiding in the grass, saw Yang Mi's Huo Wu approaching the grass, and made a move.

The reason why Yang Mi dared to get close to the bushes was because she sent a fan before, but the fan passed through without hindrance.

An Chen's shot was flat a, and at this moment, Yang Mi was startled.In the next second, she also started to level a and add a fan, and then added a flying kick with the 1 skill Flying Dragon Flame Formation.However, even with personal skills, Huo Wu's skills are still difficult to hit.Li Bai's invincibility with 2 skills and 1 skill avoids these two skills consecutively.When Huowu's basic attack spawned Ninja Bee, Yang Mi was ready to run away.The second after Ninja Bee made a move, An Chen swiped out his big move behind his back.

In the next second, he hit all shots, but Remnant Blood Huowu had already started to use his big move to prepare to escape.At this moment, An Chen followed up with Jiu Jiu with one skill and one skill, and instantly caught up with the domineering Huo Wu.In the next second, just as Huowu's big move was flying, a Frost Punishment was used, and then the person disappeared.

At this moment, the killed head appeared on everyone's screen again, and everyone was silent for a while.When Yang Mi died and returned to the spring, she didn't say a word, but Yang Mi had already started to gather people on the opponent's screen.A group of people can't do it alone, and the glory of the king is not a game for one person after all.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is skinny. Besides Han Xin, can anyone catch up with Li Bai? In addition, Li Bai also has 2 skills to slow down. Even Han Xin can't catch up with Li Bai who wants to escape.Not only that, An Chen, who had already released the blood-sucking knife, was full of blood in a short time.When the opponent pushed the middle tower guarded by Chen Chichi, An Chen instantly cut into the battle group. After a 2-skill Magic Brush instantly slowed down three people, the big move flew out and he didn't even disappear in the next second. Flat cut hard steel.

The knight line is ready, but there are still 4 seconds to cast the big move.Relying on his position, An Chen killed the adc in the residual blood, and the next second the big move flew out again.The meat shield and support were cut in an instant, and he dodged again, avoiding the approaching fan.At this moment, Han Xin flew up, and a skill 1 was picked up.Seeing this, An Chen tapped out skill 2 instantly, avoiding the fate of being picked up, and then tapped skill [-] to fly down the tower.

At this moment, Chen Chichi's Zhang Liang threw out his big move in an instant, and tied Han Xin who was chasing him under the tower.The ultimate move was to add a tower, and An Chen, who cut back again, took Han Xin's head in an instant.Four of them were killed in a storm, and three were beheaded by An Chen. At that time, An Chen produced another big one, the Shadow Axe.

Losing six heads in a row within 8 minutes of the start, as long as other players play steadily in this round, there will be basically no mistakes.Although the ending was basically doomed, the few people still persevered and persisted until they were pushed from the tower.It was just over, and at this moment, a friend request popped up.

"If there is a chance to play together, otherwise I will arrange more tasks for Reba." 53

Seeing this, An Chen's whole body is not good, this is considered a threat, I can't bear it! An Chen accepted the friend request without tears.

Then everyone played another game, this time it was Chen Chichi and Yang Mi's team.And An Chen led Reba, baby, Xiaolu and the first team.Although there are two more great gods on the opposite side, there are also Reba who is not very good at this side.But An Chen still led the four of them to hang and beat Yang Mi and the others.Well, it's not a slap, it's hard to win.If it wasn't for grabbing the big dragon in the end, getting four kills, and winning half a pipe of blood to push down the tower, the ending might have been rewritten. .

Text 0217: Indirect Kissing Goddess

At this moment, the director came over and said, "Okay, everyone, get ready and go to the final location."

Two hours, Haichang Ocean Park Polar Pavilion.

"Welcome everyone, Haichang Ocean Park Polar Pavilion."

"Before everyone set off, there are 9 shared bicycles in front of you, the small yellow bicycles of the original creators and riders. Now you can find the corresponding license plates and claim your own bicycles."

Following the director's words, An Chen was speechless.Was this money invested by the big horseman? But when An Chen found his little yellow car, he was in a bad mood.

"Director, why is my car so small"

As the words of the big black cow fell, An Chen also complained, "Director, why is my car so low? Are you sure it's not a motorcycle?"

Just when a few people started complaining, the director said, "Now we are presenting to you the oor2000 camera phone with 1311 million before and after, and clear photos. You can use this phone to unlock it."

As the bicycle was unlocked electronically, Deng Chao said, "Comrades, take your place."

At this moment, the people riding the yellow bike were taken to different locations to prepare, and everyone was put on blindfolds before the start.

With the mechanical sound of "3, 2, 1", the game began.

When An Chen took off the blindfold, he looked at the surrounding environment.The aquarium is still a big aquarium, and what An Chen is in seems to be the penguin aquarium.The emperor penguins are very cute, but a bit cold.After looking around, An Chen took a photo and started running.He wasn't afraid of the cold, but was preparing to tear apart while meeting his brothers.

Soon, he met the first person.

"Hi, Brother Chao, why are you alone?"

"Well, Xiaochen, let's discuss how to tear it up later"

"Do you need to discuss this? Just find baby sister, and I'll tear you up."

Xiaochen, if you talk like this, you have no friends, and this method is wrong.So I only heard Deng Chao say, "Then what about the rest of you? Let the baby tear you apart, isn't that too fake?"

"Okay, then I see them being torn off by you one by one, and I will tear you off one by one."

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