"Welcome everyone to the largest seafood wholesale market in Dalian, New Changxing Market. There are tens of thousands of seafood varieties and nearly a thousand stores. We are here, and we can taste the most delicious seafood. You will be here to search for The third task of memory. All members of the winning team will retrieve some of your memories. Now the order in which you were seated just now is your grouping."

At this moment, An Chen looked at the three girls beside him in a daze.Meanwhile, the other eight quit.Only Deng Chao said, "Director, it's unreasonable for you to divide up so much, right? There are three girls at Xiaochen's table. It's okay to have one at each table.".

Text 0232: Eating clean and beautiful (reminder for more)

After Deng Chao spoke, Xiaolu also spoke.

"Director, this is too hasty. We strongly require one girl per table."

"Okay, this is the choice of luck. The girls did not choose you, which means that you are not gentle enough."

At this moment, the other eight people felt as if they were struck by lightning.Maybe they thought they were gentlemen, but compared to An Chen, it seemed that they really didn't do enough.Let them mention it again for a while, and they are embarrassed.

"Since we are here, let's enjoy Dalian's seafood first."

Every time it's time to eat, there is always a task, and everyone can't help but guess what the task is this time.Xiaolu even asked about the director, but the director would tell him? He just heard the director say, "Please serve seafood."


The sound of exclamation at this moment seemed to be mixed with countless saliva, which made people salivate.

"Come on, now everyone please enjoy Dalian's gourmet seafood."

"Don't, don't, don't. Tell us what you want us to do this time."

The director will tell you what group blue you are too naive.

Just when everyone was trying their best to find clues, An Chen had already started eating.Of course, he didn't eat alone, but every time he ate a food, he gave each of the three women a portion.Those who were difficult to deal with even helped the third daughter deal with them directly, such as opening all the crustaceans.

"Eat Reba quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold. Senior sister and baby sister also hurry up to eat' ‖."

Reba couldn't wait any longer.Seeing what An Chen did, she swallowed, and said, "Then I won't be polite." When she spoke, she had already started eating.

Because An Chen is a chef, his movements are fast, and there is enough time to eat after handling the food.Soon, the plate in front of the four bottomed out, and Reba's plate also bottomed out.Of course, one is a tray and the other is a porcelain plate.

Seeing this, An Chen looked at his plate, which was also about to bottom out, handed it to Reba, and said, "Hey, I'll eat it for you."

At this moment, Liu Shishi looked at Reba, a foodie, in shock, and didn't know what to say.Hearing that An Chen asked for food, he reacted quickly and said, "Xiao Chen, you can eat, Reba, I'll share half with you, there's too much food for me to finish. I usually eat less."

For a moment, the two of them looked at Liu Shishi's plate, and sure enough there were still a lot of things left.Seeing this, neither An Chen nor Reba refused.An Chen believed that what Liu Shishi said was true, sometimes too much was too much.So he left a portion of everything on Liu Shishi's plate for her, and poured the rest to Reba.And Reba was also rude, she only treated her as a concubine to honor her big wife, so she took it for granted.At the moment when the four of them had just finished eating, the whistle sounded.

What the hell is different from everyone's dumbfounded expressions? An Chen knows about this food restriction link.Of course, even though he knew it, he still showed a look of surprise.

Although the other groups were all four men, and the Deng Chao group even had Chen Chichi as a foodie, their combat effectiveness was much worse than that of An Chen and the other four.The fastest group, Chen Chichi, still had a quarter of the food left.The other four left even more, a full third of them remained.

"In the first round, the task you have to accept is, please go to the market to retrieve the ingredients you ate just now."

Hearing what the director said, only Deng Chao said first, "Is it that simple?"

As Deng Chao's words fell, Lu Han followed closely and said, "Yes, it's too simple."

When they said this, both of them were full of confidence.But when An Chen spoke, they were shocked.

I only heard An Chen say, "Through the taste of my top chef, there should be nineteen kinds of seafood ingredients we just ate, so do you think it's really simple?"

Hearing what An Chen said, the director also said, "That's right, there are indeed nineteen kinds of ingredients that you all ate just now. The time limit is [-] minutes, and whoever finds the most ingredients will be ranked first in this round." .”

After the director's words fell, the old fox Deng Chao spoke first, "Wait a minute and follow Xiaochen. Since he can name nineteen kinds, he must know which nineteen kinds it is."

Hearing this, An Chen showed an apologetic look, and said first, "I'm sorry Brother Chao, although I can eat many kinds of seafood, but don't forget that I cook Sichuan cuisine. Seafood is really the first time Eat so many kinds."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi said, "Yes, it is impossible for people who have never been to the seaside to know everything about it. Even Dalian's local aquatic product dealers may not be able to recognize these thousand kinds of seafood. Try your luck."

With the end of Chen Chichi's words, everyone began to enter the vegetable market.At this moment, Chen Chichi looked at An Chen's route and observed them from time to time. When An Chen and the others passed by a place, he ran over quickly and said, "It's as if they gave me everything they took just now."

When Chen Chichi finished taking this stall, An Chen had already walked out of another stall with the three girls, and the next second he started to sweep the goods again.So after three stores.An Chen looked at the nineteen kinds of things and walked out.

s: I finally got out of Chapter 6. I'm a little tired recently, but thank you for your support.Everyone vote quickly, this time the vote is on the 12th. There will be new votes after the 13th, so stay tuned. .

Text 0233: The height of the devil is one foot, and the height of the Tao is one foot

Seeing this, Liu Shishi, who was as careful as a hair, suddenly said, "Are we leaving? Why do I feel something is wrong?"

Apart from a few obvious ones, An Chen took almost none of them were correct, so it's no wonder Liu Shishi was suspicious.

After walking tens of meters, An Chen saw that there was no one there, and then said, "We don't want these anymore, and now we will start buying new ones."

"What's the matter with buying new"

"It's nothing, the other two teams must have been staring at us just now, so I just randomly bought a bunch of similar ones. Now it's time to buy real ingredients."

Hearing this, Liu Shishi said hesitantly, "But I think some things are indeed eaten. Do you want them all?"

"Yes, but we don't have time to pick and choose. If we have that time, we might as well buy new ones."

Hearing this, Reba worriedly said, "Then do we have enough time?"

Hearing this, the baby said bluntly to 510, "Trust him, this little fox used to make everyone play around."

Hearing this, An Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Reba and Liu Shishi were the first to trust him, but the baby he had cheated on.Is it true that the one who knows oneself best must be the opponent?

"Okay, let's buy new then, what do we need to buy now"

With Reba's final word, An Chen smiled.

"Do you think I was buying randomly just now? I was observing the appearance of the ingredients. Now I know the answer."

An Chen walked to a stall and said, "Miss Fish, Mr. Fish, King Crab, Bread Crab, Flower Cover Crab, Flying Crab, Hairy Crab, Monster Shrimp, Lugu Shrimp, Haihong, Pippi Shrimp, Abalone, Hai Intestines, green prawns, asparagus, octopus, conch, razor clams, yellow clams. Bring me what you have, and tell me what you don’t have.”

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