"Goddess Plot"

Following Liu Shishi's doubts, An Chen explained, "Yes, the current society is too impetuous. Everyone hopes to see the kind of elegant and gentle woman in the ancient style." Speaking of this, An Chen paused, and looked at Liu Shishi again , opened the mouth and said, "It just so happens that you are such a woman."

Speaking of this, An Chen smelled the fragrance of Liu Shishi's hair, and said intoxicatedly, "So maybe your other styles will also be very good, but the one that suits you best is undoubtedly that long hair that flutters."

Hearing this, Liu Shishi smiled slightly, and said, "Since you like it, then I will continue it for you."

"Well, it doesn't need to be too long. It's just right here." While speaking, An Chen drew a mark under the plumpness in front of Liu Shishi.

"Listen to you."

To be honest, Liu Shishi is really a woman who can satisfy the needs of men, no matter what.

An Chen smiled, and said again, "In the future, don't open the door so frivolously, at least you should take a look through the cat's eyes first, call someone."

"Okay..." This is the first time Liu Shishi opened the door so rashly, but she will not explain, but chooses to accept it.

In the end, the two embarked on a journey home.Of course, it was An Chen's home, Liu Shishi did not return to her home, even her home was in Beijing.After staying at An Chen's house for two days, Liu Shishi returned to the film crew again, and An Chen also boarded the plane to go to Shanghai.Before leaving, An Chen also gave him a locator device belonging to his woman, and recorded fingerprints for Liu Shishi.

Liu Shishi who stayed for two days also found some strange things, but she didn't open her mouth to ask or say anything.She is not only a very traditional woman, but also a very smart woman.Don't say what you shouldn't say, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, just like what An Chen said, show the outside and the wisdom.

As for going to Shanghai, it was because he still owed Feng Timo an explanation and a promise.So he came here with a heavy heart and a little apprehension.It has to be said that this girl has lived in his heart like other women.

An Chen, who was in a bad mood, didn't even draw the reward, even though it was an A-level skill reward, even though he already had the chance to draw three items.As for why it is not an S-level skill, it is because Liu Shishi before 24 o'clock has not yet fully completed the attribution of his heart.

When he got off the plane and came to the parking lot, a dazzling white supercar had already parked there, and a small person who was not tall seemed to be broadcasting live.

Suddenly, she seemed to be aware of it and raised her head, just in time to see An Chen.Seeing this, she said to the little friends in the live broadcast room, "Okay, Timo will be broadcasting here today, and we will see you next time." After speaking, Feng Timo closed one eye and made a meme The pose, that look is simply too cute, comparable to a two-dimensional beauty.

The next moment, Feng Timo, who turned off the live broadcast, directly threw the device into the car window that hadn't been closed yet.In the next second, she was already running towards An Chen lightly.

Seeing this, An Chen also opened a hug.He thought this little Teemo just wanted to hug him, but he didn't expect this little Teemo to jump and hang.Like a koala, it wrapped itself around An Chen's body.It's a pity that she is too small, and she doesn't jump very high. At this moment, she is only entangled in An Chen's legs.The next second, An Chen, who had reacted, suddenly moved her hands and lifted her to his waist.

It wasn't until this moment that Feng Timo rubbed against him, and said affectionately, "I miss you."

At the same time, after a man arrived, he froze in place suddenly.He looked at the little guy, then at An Chen, and silently logged into the live broadcast room, and used his local tyrant font to draw out more than a dozen special boxes.At this time, the people in the live broadcast room have not disappeared, so there are still quite a few people.

"Teemo actually has a man. My Teemo is gone. It belongs to someone else. 5555 My heart hurts so much. Get off, get off."

Seeing the words of this man named Sneak into the Night with the Wind, a bunch of taunting barrages appeared below.

"Where did the fake fans come from after watching Teemo's live broadcast for a long time? If you watch it, it's not true love."

"Yeah, doesn't he know that Teemo has already announced his relationship?"

"That's right, that's right. And looking at it like this, it seems that he has obscene thoughts about our Teemo. The super management came out and hacked him."

Seeing this, this person called Sneaking into the Night with the Wind is not calm anymore.I saw him flashing a barrage again, and said, "Hey, aren't you jealous?"

Seeing this, everyone felt something, and for a while, the topic became low-key.

"How can it be possible not to be jealous, but since it's true love, even if that person isn't me, as long as she can be happy, of course I love her, Manuo Zhao will bless her."

"Yeah, now that Teemo can smile so happily every day, we are already very satisfied. Besides, isn't she accompanying us all?"

"That's right, there shouldn't be many who fell in love with Teemo because of her looks in the first place, right? We're all attracted by her voice and funny appearance? As long as these two things are still there, she will always be Our Teemo"

Along with the rhythm, everyone found that this seems to be the truth.For a while, sneaking into the night with the wind is not so uncomfortable.He didn't even go to the car, just holding his mobile phone, and spent more than two hours with his water friends in the live broadcast room with a black screen. He didn't react until his hungry stomach growled.


Text 0242: Dirty Timo, Dirty, Dirty, Dirty!

At this time, Feng Timo didn't even know that her water friends had been drinking in her black-screen live broadcast room for several hours. At this time, she was cooking for An Chen at home as a little cook.Of course, this taste seems to be only average.At least not comparable to him at all.

“Is it delicious”

"I don't know if it's delicious or not, but I ate what a little loli wanted."

Feng Timo pouted when he heard the words, and said, "What's your intention, I just hate my cooking is not delicious. And I'm not a little loli, according to my age, you have to call me sister."

"Young lady with a height of 1 meters and a breast, be good, don't make trouble, and be your little loli with peace of mind."

An Chen didn't mention this, Timo still forgot, but when An Chen said it, she remembered it, and she asked in confusion, "What did you eat last time? I haven't had a stomachache in the past ten days, and my chest It’s also grown a few times. I used to think it was too big to wear an a, but now I’m almost wearing a c.”

"That's it. It's nothing, it's stomach medicine, and the other one is naturally plump breasts. How about now, are you confident that you can grow to c?"

Hearing this, Feng Timo's eyes lit up, and he said, "Then why don't you help me get 450 d and let me eat another one, I want to grow to d." Speaking of this, Feng Timo seemed to think of another A question, continued, "Is there anyone with a height? Give me a taller one. I want to be this tall."

When talking, Feng Timo smiled and compared his height with his arms, which was [-] meters tall.

Seeing this, An Chen also smiled, and he said while eating, "I have everything you said, but if I eat it again, it will become e, are you sure you want to eat it? As for the height, I'm sorry, yes, but I won't give it. "


Following Feng Timo's curious words, An Chen said, "There is no reason, I just like your little one. If you grow taller, will you still be Feng Timo?"

Hearing this, Feng Timo was silent, suddenly she thought for a moment, and suddenly said, "Is there any medicine for breast reduction? I want to try what it feels like."

Although I have heard that you are a dirty anchor, Timo, but you can't be so dirty.

"No, you either have to wear e big breasts all the time, or you are satisfied with c."

Hearing this, Feng Timo shook his head and said, "Forget it, I think c is a gift."

Happy times always seem to be fleeting, even if they are really long.When the two of them were watching TV at night, Feng Timo, who was relying on An Chen, finally didn't look back, and pretended to casually bring up the problem that had to be faced.

She is not Liu Shishi, not Tang Yixin, it is impossible to pretend that nothing happened.

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