"I can not do it."

"I'm asking if you'd like to accept it"

Although Feng Timo didn't know why An Chen asked such a question, he still nodded and said affirmatively, "I am willing. If I can accept it, of course I don't want to lose you."

Hearing this, An Chen sighed, and then said, "Wait here for a while."

After finishing speaking, An Chen entered Feng Timo's live broadcast room, and closed the door behind him.Facing the system, he asked, "System, how can we solve Feng Timo's problem?"

Following An Chen's inquiry, the system quickly listed several options in the next second.

"A-level special skill "Four Nine Three" can hypnotize. It uses deep hypnosis to hypnotize people. It can reshape the hypnotized person's personality, memory, etc., and even control people's behavior. Skill exchange, reward good and punish evil 10000 points."

"A-level special skill Dream Eye. With special pupil power, people can fall into hallucinations. After the master level, they can regularly let the other party fall into the illusion that they yearn for. They have the ability to control illusions and kill people in illusions. Skill exchange, reward 10000 points for good and evil punishment."

Such points can also be seen by An Chen.Although there are a few more below, the cheapest special B-level skill requires 5000 reward points for rewarding good and punishing evil.Seeing this, the corner of An Chen's mouth twitched, and the system made the screening again.

"Help me list the options that can be exchanged at the current stage, with points below 4200."

"One-time deep hypnosis card, you need 2000 reward points for rewarding good and punishing evil."

"One-time mood substitution card, you need 2000 reward points for rewarding good and punishing evil."

"Designated item, good mood bracelet. The person wearing it will be constantly affected by good mood, and quickly clear all unhappiness. Redemption requires three item lottery draws."

"Designated item, brainwashing device. It can clear the memory of a certain period of time. The memory gap will be filled with dull, unfocused sub-memory. Redemption requires three item lottery draws.

Seeing this, An Chen directly asked, "What is a mood replacement card?"

This is the only thing that is literally incomprehensible and has no explanation, but An Chen feels that he can ask.For nothing else, just because it's one of the least consumed things.

"The mood substitution card can substitute someone's attitude and opinion on a thing, and look at the problem from different angles and moods. It will not change any memory or personality during the period."

Seeing this, An Chen knew it was it.Although 2000 points are quite a lot, is it comparable to Little Teemo?

"System, help me redeem the mood substitution card."

It would be hard to say if An Chen was the first to meet Feng Timo, he couldn't be sure what other people thought of their relationship.But now what he lacks, not to mention Reba and Tang Yixin, even Guan Xiaotong accepts it.

In the next second, a milky white card appeared in his hand.

An Chen, who was holding the card, walked back to the outside room.At this time Feng Timo was curled up on the sofa, crying with his arms folded.Seeing this, An Chen stopped hesitating, helped Feng Timo up and said seriously, "Trust me?"


With Feng Timo nodding, An Chen continued, "Eat this card, and you will forget about these unhappiness. Would you like to eat it?"

Feng Timo didn't ask what it was, but looked at this chocolate-like card, and said, "Will you forget you? If so, please don't give it to me. I would rather suffer than forget You." Because of An Chen's miraculous medical skills, she has reason to believe that there may really be such things as Wangqing Water in this world

"Silly girl, no, I may dominate you next time. If you want, you can eat."

At this moment Feng Timo didn't care about any side effects.In her heart, as long as she doesn't forget An Chen and doesn't lose it, that's fine.She knew long ago that she was willing to part with this kind of thing, so she just grabbed An Chen's hand, shed tears, and ate it bite by bite.She didn't raise her head until she finished eating, and said with a not-so-pretty smile, "It doesn't taste good, it's a bit unpalatable."

"It's not dessert, do you expect it to be delicious?"

"It seems to be useful. It's a strange feeling. It's like peace of mind. What the hell is this? I've never seen such an amazing thing."

No matter who it is on this issue, An Chen will not tell the truth.So he said, "This is the product of the top essence of Chinese medicine. It comes from an ancient prescription, a soothing agent for the mind. I added some modern modifiers to it to remove the taste of Chinese medicine."

When Feng Timo heard this, he suddenly complained, "There is such a good thing, you just took it out now, and it hurt me for so long. Say, how do you make it up to me?"

Is this the reason why girls nowadays are so weird?

"This is because it will change people's minds and change their views on the sad things at the moment, so I think it is a kind of spiritual medicine. So under normal circumstances, I don't choose to do this. If you have not been so painful and unwilling to give up, I'm not going to take it out either."

Hearing this, Feng Timo squinted his eyes, released a murderous look, and said, "So you are willing for me to leave, believe it or not, I will cut you, and find another one"

"Are you willing?"


Text 0245: We are meeting

Because the mood was substituted into the card, Feng Timo regained his former happiness.

At that time, An Chen chose to substitute Reba.Although Tang Yixin was a better choice, that dead girl Tang Yixin actually said she was not good to her and she left.In contrast, Reba's attitude towards An Chen is the best at this time.

In this way, An Chen lived with Feng Timo for three days.Within three days, he finally drew two skills on the second night, one with A-level skills and one with B-level skills. The reward for A-level skills made An Chen very speechless, and he actually got the advanced level of Sichuan Cuisine.Chef.

"A-level skill chef. He has mastered all the top food culture dishes from all over the world, and can make touching food after reaching the master level."

Compared with the a-level skill Master Chef, the b-level skill is much more useful.

"B-level skill Leap of Faith. Assassin's Creed's assessment skill for Assassin's graduation, it has the ability to master life and death from a 13-meter landing. Leap of Faith 50 is the ultimate extension of parkour skills, so parkour skills are promoted to A, and at the same time Leap of Faith The level of the master reaches the expert level. Master the ultimate jump of 30 meters and the safe jump of [-] meters."

With the sound of the system, the parkour skills have changed.

"A-level skill Parkour. Movements and physical strength beyond the limits of the human body, can easily complete the extension of various movements. Assisted skills Leap of Faith."

Seeing this, An Chen was silent for a while. What the hell is the 50-meter extreme jump? What the hell is the 30-meter safe jump? Why does it feel so tall?

"The system explains the limit jump and safe jump."

"Extreme jump. It can be performed when soft media such as haystacks, air cushions, and water reach 1 meter. Safe jump, which can be performed at any time, but the landing point must have an unloading distance of more than two meters. Safe jump is one-third A distance can be accurate to a point jump, as long as the weight is sufficient."

Well, it sure is a dick.But it doesn't seem to be useful in general.Although it's useless, at this moment, An Chen still wants to turn parkour into a master level.He wanted to see how many meters there were in that master limit jump and safe jump.Fortunately, he still resisted the squandering of 1500 points.

On this day, An Chen also received a call from her manager, Liu Shujie.

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