An Chen said and quickly left the stage with the three girls.In the dedicated channel for leaving the field, An Chen suddenly received a call from Di Lieba.As soon as the phone was picked up, I heard Di Lieba's crackling training.

"Asshole, you said how your fight turned into a fight and it was such a heavyweight fight. I won't talk about it. The point is why didn't you tell me what to do if something happened to you? And you know that during your fight, I Can't be by your side, how lost and sad am I? If something happens to you, won't I not be able to be by your side? You are such a bastard An Chen, I hate you."

Hearing this, An Chen showed a smile, and said affectionately, "Because I love you all, I don't want to delay work. The most important thing is that you said you would come back on the 19th. You have worked so hard, of course I can't hold back .Remember to come back early."

Hearing that, Di Lieba paused there, and then softly said, "Okay, you are always right. But next time you won't allow it, no, there won't be a next time. I don't like you fighting."

An Chen smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Fighting is something you can't help yourself. When did you see me take the initiative to make trouble 490?"

Di Lieba was silent for a while when he heard the words, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was really the case.Shaking his head helplessly, Di Lieba changed his words again, "Remember to tell me if this kind of thing happens in the future, and I will stop worrying about you on the other side of the screen."

Hearing this, An Chen thought that the other two women recorded it for her.So I didn't think much about it, but agreed.

The moment An Chen was about to walk out of the dedicated passage, he suddenly noticed someone.At the exit of the parking lot, it was still hidden in the corner. This is the revenge killer. At this moment, An Chen, who had watched too many gangster movies, couldn't help but come up with this word.The next moment, he stopped at the doubts of the three women and the staff.The next second, he raised his finger.

Seeing this, the few people who were about to speak stopped.At the same time, An Chen motioned for several people to retreat.But he himself walked to the door, and then An Chen opened the door without any hesitation, and ran to the side in an instant.That location was exactly where the killer was, less than three meters away from An Chen. .

Text 0251: So the killer is you

At the same time, Dai Si, who heard An Chen's voice, looked over.She showed a smile, and then ran towards An Chen.How fast are the two people rushing to each other? The answer is very fast, and the distance between the two of them is less than one meter in one second.

But at this time, An Chen only had time to see clearly that the other party was a woman, wearing a baseball cap and a pair of wide toad glasses.At this moment, An Chen didn't let down her vigilance. Instead, she made an instant move, choking her throat to capture her.

At this moment, the woman suddenly jumped up, separated her legs, and sat down.At the same time, her two hands are also separated very quickly. What kind of attack is this?

No weapon in hand, nor on foot.Could it be that this woman is a master of boxing, good at hand-to-hand boxing but this size doesn't seem like it.But thinking of his explosive power, An Chen didn't dare to neglect.With a solemn expression, he paid attention to the attack direction of the incoming person, locked his throat unchanged, and instantly cut his fingers at the woman's thigh with the other hand.

At this moment, Daisy suddenly said, "Master, you are too powerful." 580

In an instant, An Chen recognized Dai Si's voice.In the next second, he suddenly stopped his move, and he circled around Daisy's thigh in an instant, embracing his slender legs.At the same time, his throat-locking blow quickly passed through that beautiful neck, and then landed on her shoulder.

Only then did An Chen ask in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Dais pouted when he heard the words, and said, "What's more, Master, you can run around when you have nothing to do, and you will almost catch up with Miss Mi when you see each other. I won't talk about it. Now I am participating in this important event of upholding justice. , You don’t even ask me to come and cheer, master, you are really uninterested.”

Hearing this, An Chen was even more puzzled, I don't know who else told you about you, suddenly, An Chen thought of what Reba said.Suddenly asked, "So you were broadcasting the address that Reba told you to Reba just now."

"Yeah, Sister Reba only told me the address and the game, I didn't expect it to be such an exciting thing." Speaking of this, Daisy smiled and said: "How is it, master, is it surprised or not? Not surprisingly"

At this moment, the other three women and the staff also approached.Seeing this scene, Guan Xiaotong was upset.Well, you tell us to stay away, you are here to talk about love and make ambiguity, who is not like Di Lieba.But for the insurance period, it is not too late to ask for clarification.Guan Xiaotong asked curiously, "Is that Sister Reba?"

Hearing this, An Chen stared at Guan Xiaotong's murderous eyes for a moment.After letting go of Dai Si's slender legs, An Chen pretended to be calm and said: "This is my apprentice Dai Si. At first I thought she was Xu Xiaodong's killer, so I almost beat her. If it wasn't for her voice Master, she has to walk with a limp now."

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong's face became much better.At this moment, Daisy also got off An Chen's body, and exaggeratedly said: "Master, it turns out that you just wanted to beat me, and I came all the way to cheer for you." After speaking, Daisy turned to the others, took off He took off his glasses and said, "Hello, I'm Daisy. Hello, Teemo."

Regarding Dai Si's words, Feng Timo was the first to respond to bdci. After all, the two of them are almost artists in the same studio.

"Hello, Dace."

At this moment, Guan Xiaotong said arrogantly again: "I am Guan Xiaotong, you should know me. If you like, you can also call me Shimu"

Hearing this, Daisy just hehe, if I didn't take the initiative to take the position, I'm afraid you would still call me sister, thinking so, thinking of An Chen's passivity, couldn't help but glance at An Chen resentfully.

At this time, Tang Yixin took a look, walked forward, and said calmly, "Okay, I have something to go home and talk about. By the way, Daisy is Reba's junior sister, right? I've seen you play Sansheng III, and your acting skills are very good." Great."

There is a saying that people are carried in bridal sedan chairs, this kind of Tang Yixin makes Daisy like it even more.Daisy smiled and said, "Sister Yixin is great, the role of the little master is still impressive."

Hearing this, Tang Yixin smiled and said, "You really are, why did you remember the image of my bad guy? No, I have to go back and watch all the good guys I played, and remember a new one."

Hearing this, Daisy felt sad, and said gloomily, "This is going to be difficult."

Hearing that Tang Yixin is also curious, what's going on with Daisy, isn't it over after talking about the scene? Are you serious?

At this moment, Daisy continued, "Sister Yixin, you have acted in too many movies. If I watch them all, I'm afraid I won't have to do my work this year."

"Little girl, you really know how to talk. Let's go, what do you want to eat when you go home, let your master cook something delicious for you today."

In this way, the four women, Jia Anchen, returned to Feng Timo's hut again.Feng Timo said at this moment, "I suddenly feel that the house is too small. It seems that I have to work hard to buy a house in the future, otherwise this house really can't accommodate people."

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong said, "Then change it, and I will pay for the shortfall."

s Tweet Book God-level Instructor of Special Forces There is a hole in the backyard of my house.In addition, I am busy with work today, so the update will be delayed.Even if the code is in the middle of the night, it will be collected for you. .

Text 0252: Reba is here

Speaking of this, Guan Xiaotong suddenly said, "I think we should count the houses. There is no shortage of words in Beijing. An Chen has a house, and Sister Reba and I both have houses."

"In Shanghai, Timo has a house. I don't know if Sister Reba has one. How about you, Sister Yixin?"

"I have houses in Chengdu, Sichuan and Guangzhou. After all, my company is in Guangzhou."

Hearing this, Daisy stepped forward and said, "I have houses in Beijing and Xinjiang."

After Dais finished speaking, Guan Xiaotong looked at Dais strangely, and said, "It doesn't matter to us that you have a house, right? We are discussing the issue of accommodation for our sisters in the future." After finishing speaking, Guan Xiaotong ignored Daisy's stiff expression, Looking at An Chen, he said, "Be honest, you have other women who don't have a house?"

"She, Beijing has a house, and Shanghai should have one too. But she is the only one I didn't tell her directly, so let's wait."

"Hey, you lied to me if you didn't tell me directly, right? You also told me when you ate me. You bastard, tell me, which beautiful woman have you harmed again?"

"Uh, it's Liu Shishi. She should have houses in Shanghai and Beijing."

Liu Shishi has struggled for several years, and it is normal to have two large and good properties in these two places.

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong didn't answer.Instead, he said, "Let's not count seniors and seniors first. In this way, if I go to Shanghai, Chengdu or Guangzhou to film in the future, I will live with you. If you come to Beijing to film, if he is not here, you will live with me. Turn around and tell me the address of the house. , fingerprints, irises, and passwords are exchanged. In this way, how about we take the time to form a group tour and identify the door by the way?"

Hearing Guan Xiaotong's words, An Chen said, "Why are you sisters even if you don't count Shishi Shishi?"

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