Following Song Zuer's actions, the others were naturally not polite.At this moment, the six women seemed to be on the battlefield.Even beauties with various temperaments have lost their image before the food.After the last bit of soup was shared, the six women helped An Chen back to the sofa.

At this moment, Liu Xiyu calmed down and said, "Now I believe you can make Chen Chichi cry. Such a delicious thing, I want to cry when I think I won't be able to eat it in the future."

Hearing this, Lai Yumeng pouted suddenly, and said, "Auntie, don't talk about it, Mengmeng wants to cry when you say that...

Body 0260: Sorry, I love you!

"You don't think Chen Chichi cried because he couldn't eat something delicious?"

"Is not it"

Hearing this, Gu Lina became curious, Jiang Shuying became curious, and Chen Yao's aunt Liu Xiyu was equally curious.

"Of course not. I just used the five flavors of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty to make him think of his first love, his own life and life. Similarly, at the end, I used the heart-warming power of boiled cabbage to guide him to make a choice. .”

"Brother Anchen, what are you talking about? Don't bully the baby if you don't understand. If you want to make it, brother Anchen, let us try it."

Lai Yumeng, have you just eaten enough? You want to eat so soon

"I think it's time for you to take a break and go home, otherwise your parents will worry."

"It's okay, Brother An Chen, I can stay here."

Ha ha, I'm just going to hah, I'm afraid you'll eat up my house if I let you stay with a foodie like you.

"Sorry, my house is small, only three rooms. My own master bedroom. One for male guests and one for female guests. The female guest room has been rented out, and men may enter the male guest room in the middle of the night. Then do you want to stay in the men's room?"

At this moment, Lai Yumeng seemed to think that he was sleeping in a dark bedroom, and then a pair of colored eyes squinted and looked at her.It seemed that in the next second, he was going to pounce on her and forcefully give birth to a wave of babies.Thinking of this, Lai Yumeng shuddered, but couldn't help but said arrogantly, "Huh, if you don't want me to live, just say it, and you actually said something."

At the same time, Na Ya asked curiously, "Who did you rent the female room to?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "Reba, Yixin, Guan Xiaotong, Liu Shishi, and Feng Timo. If they have jobs nearby, they will come and live here."

"Then why can't we live"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "What if they come back in the middle of the night and find a bunch of people in the room?" Having said this, An Chen walked up to Gu Li Naga, and said softly in a voice only she could hear. "Sometimes I have to steal incense and jade, so can you stay here?"

Hearing this, Gu Lina wanted to say that she didn't care, and it wasn't that she was unprepared.But Lai Yumeng can't do it, she is different from her, and Sister Shuying doesn't know what's going on.It seems that it is really not suitable for them.

"Hmph, it's fine if you don't give me a place to live. Mengmeng, let's go home."

"Well, Brother An Chen, the big villain, hum." When Lai Yumeng spoke, he made a face at An Chen.Not to mention, she still didn't forget to take the gift.

Seeing this, An Chen couldn't help but said in her heart that if I'm a villain, return my gift.

In this way, finally several women left, including Song Zuer who was most reluctant to leave.When he just got home, the phone rang again, and it was Song Zuer.When An Chen picked up the phone, a choked voice said, "Brother, I miss you. I missed you right after we parted."

Hearing this, An Chen had a headache and a heartache.Finally he said, "You are still young, and my brother already has 5 girlfriends. So, is it not good to be a younger sister?"

bddh "I don't want to be a sister, you saved me several times, you broke my heart when I was most helpless. I don't care, I don't care, I don't want to be a sister, I want to be your girlfriend. Anyway You already have 5 girlfriends, what does it matter if I have one more?"

Hey, this sentence is so right, it really makes people unable to refute it.But An Chen still opened his mouth and said, "You are still young, there will be countless people who have saved you and helped you on the road in the future. If you have to promise each other with your body, you will be obedient many times after you grow up. You'll know when you grow up."

Hearing this, Song Zu'er was silent for a while, and then said, "Brother, I'm not young, and I'm going to be three years old next year. And I won't make any promises to other people again, I'm very specific. You think I'm doing it all to repay my kindness, no? I'm still moved. Your saving me is just an inducement, and the most important thing is the little things we experienced together."

Going to the third year next year, you are really good at talking, you will only be twenty next year, okay? "Okay, you just came home, spend time with your parents. You still have a long way to go, so don't draw conclusions too easily , or you will regret it. Your sister Naya is very confused now, you can talk to her heart to heart."

"It's different, she is her, I am me, I know myself. Brother, why do you always push me away because I am young?"

The answer to Song Zuer was silence.Is Song Zuer really young? She and Guan Xiaotong are actually only one year apart, okay?

But because of An Chen's silence, Song Zu'er's heart turned cold.She kept cheering herself up, and then said, "I'm sorry brother, I made you embarrassed. I'm sorry, I love you, brother An Chen"

Song Zuer's voice choked up after saying this, and before An Chen could reply, she hurriedly hung up the phone.She was afraid, afraid that what she heard would be heartless words.

Listening to the beeping sound of the phone, recalling Song Zuer's choking.An Chen turned on the text message mode, sighed and sent a message to wait for your birthday next year, if you still want it as much as now.Give yourself more time and don't let yourself regret it. .

Text 0261: Grouping of the tenth period

Although Song Zuer was terrified when she heard the text message on her mobile phone, she still overcame her fear and clicked on it.In the next second, she wept with joy, no matter what year it was, it didn't matter to her.Isn't it just a year, she is only 19 now, a year is not a long time for her.

At this moment, Song Zu'er's mother knocked on the door and opened the door.The moment she came in with the fruit, she suddenly stopped.Looking at Song Zu'er with a frown, he said, "Baby, why are you crying? It's your birthday today. Who is so cruel to bully you on your birthday."

Just when Mother Song put down the fruit plate and was about to comfort her daughter, she suddenly saw the photo frame on the wall.The girl in the frame didn't cry, but she seemed to be crying.Even people who have never experienced it can understand the artistic conception in that look, let alone someone who has experienced it.

"It's okay, Mom, I'm crying with joy."

Hearing this, Song's mother turned her head, looked at Song Zu'er and said, "It's because the person who gave you the painting draws very well."

Song Zu'er didn't shy away from his mother's own love, and said, "Well, it's really good, he is a very amazing person."

"Can you tell me about him?"

There is no mother who doesn't care about her daughter, especially Song's mother.At this time, Song's mother was worried about Song Zu'er, but she was even more curious about An Chen's personality. She was worried that her innocent daughter would be cheated and hurt.

"Okay, but mom, can you stop meddling in our affairs? I want to be self-willed once, and I want to make my own decisions. Even if there is no result and I will be hurt, I want to try it once."

Hearing such an answer, Mother Song was filled with emotions.After a long time, she said with emotion, "I didn't expect my mother's group to grow up. Although what you said is a bit difficult for my mother, my mother is willing to let you be self-willed once. But if you are injured, remember to tell your mother that home is yours." The last backstop."

"thanks Mom."

Not to mention how Song Zu'er told her mother the story of her and An Chen.After finishing her work, An Chen embarked on a new journey the next day.After half a month of rest, Running Man will start recording again on the 25th.

The good thing is that Zhengzhou is not far from Beijing, and it takes less than two hours to get there by plane.An Chen was one of the early batches, but Reba was a little slower this time.So the two didn't meet to eat together before dinner.Fortunately, when Reba arrived, he notified An Chen and gave An Chen a good meal.

As usual, An Chen left Reba's room before dawn on the second day.It wasn't until dawn that the director team sent someone to call for someone.After breakfast, the director began to assign tasks.

"We are divided into four groups to fight today. An Chen, you, Reba, and Chen Chichi are in the eating and broadcasting group."

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