As Chen Chichi's words fell, only Deng Chao said, "It's okay, and you are still there. We are more at ease with you holding us back."

"That's right, you can relax now that I'm holding you back."

"Well, as long as our team doesn't let brother Zulan eat, it's basically fine."

"Not necessarily."

Following Deng Chao's rebuttal, Xiaolu and Kelly said at the same time, "It's out of reach."

At this moment, the baby said, "The height of the first period seems to be about the same as this."

At this moment, Wang Zulan seemed to usher in a wave of heartbreaking words.

"Now, please put in your broadcast time. The first place in each link, how much time you have invested, the program team will give you an equal amount of time. The second place, you can get the investment time of the fourth place .There is no loss for the third place, and you can get back your investment time."

507 Eh, the number one program team, so it seems that a should be promising, right?

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Let's play 10 games, and save five for the rest of the game." Although An Chen felt that he would not lose, it was a team game after all, and it was right to keep some money.

"It's too cruel for you to play so big."

Hearing this, An Chen interjected, "We're aiming for the first place. If we don't work hard, how can we earn the amount of broadcasts from the director."

Hearing what An Chen said, Li Chen said, "I don't deny that you are very strong. But there is still a girl and a laggard in your team. You really play so well."

"Don't look down on our brother Chichi, our brother Chichi is a very good eater. We have thought about it, throwing brother Chichi to the last link, and killing you all in one fell swoop."

"Xiaochen, you actually underestimate us so much, you think the number one is yours? Everyone must win Xiaochen."

Hearing this, everyone responded one after another.Zheng Kai said, "That's right, in order to prove that we are the strongest, our film and television team will play five games.".

Body 0264: Abandoned second round

When Wu Pan heard this, An Chen also hehe.

"Brother Kai, you are so aggressive, I thought you were going to play 10 games."

"Hehe, I have to listen to our girls' speeches. We Yichen said 5 sets, so that's 5 sets."

"Our music tv5 disc."

Hearing the numbers of the two teams, An Chen looked at Deng Chao and said, "Brother Chao, if you don't know, you can also play 5 sets."

"That won't be true. Although we are a senior team and not as aggressive as yours, it must be true that there are more people than them."

Hearing what Deng Chao said, Zheng Kai and Zu Lan stretched out their hands, took out 9 sets from Deng Chao's box, and said, "9 sets, less than Xiaochen, more than us."

At this moment, Deng Chao became impatient.He hurriedly said, "It doesn't have to be that many, just more than your two teams. Six sets."

"Now everyone has completed the investment time for this session. The first round of the relay race will start soon, please take your place."

"Reba, you come and run the first shot. If you come, you'll be fine, just keep calm. I'll take the second shot, and Brother Chi Chi will take the third shot."

"No problem, isn't it just eating? Look at me." After speaking, Chen Chichi left with a confident look.

Seeing this, An Chen hurriedly said, "Brother Chi Chi, hurry up later, in the second round they probably have a moth, whether it's a mule or a horse, it's just a hammer."

"Oh, no problem."

When An Chen looked at Reba, Reba said, "No problem, I will definitely do my best. I know you have a strong desire to win."

Although Reba had no solution, this misunderstanding was not bad, so An Chen didn't explain it, but nodded.

As the whistle sounded, various characters began to appear on the screen. In the next second, when the word running came out, Reba, the Wind Girl, was the first to start, but compared with Zheng Kai, she was still too slow.

But at this moment, Reba miraculously took one step beyond the team and arrived second.In the next second, An Chen completed the handover with Reba, went in and quickly put on the dummy and left.The content of the task has not changed, and he already understands it at a glance.

At the same time, when he went out, he saw Li Xian who had already run out.At this moment, An Chen felt a little pity, why not Lin Yichen, if it was Lin Yichen, it would be called no pressure.

In the next second, An Chen was already running wildly.He is more powerful than Li Xian, and faster than Li Xian.In the whole team of running men, except that he is slightly inferior to Li Chen in strength, he is not bad at all.At this moment, An Chen started to run wildly, and after a dozen breaths, he had already caught up with Li Xian.The next moment, start to surpass.When he high-fived Chen Chichi, he even surpassed the fastest Li Xian by nearly 10 meters.Although the distance of less than 10 meters could be tied in just two breaths, An Chen still won more than 3 seconds for Chen Chichi.

The last item is technical work, but Chen Chichi seems to be really talented in eating. After being blown up, Chen Chichi succeeded in one attempt.In the next second, Chen Chichi also started to run wildly.With victory in sight, even Chen Chichi went berserk.With a leaping bell, the score came out, 2851 seconds.

Seeing this, An Chen thought inwardly that he had stabilized.

Although he couldn't remember what everyone's grades were at the end, he seemed to remember that all the grades were over 30.

"The first round of the competition is over, and the best time so far is the yellow team's 2851 seconds. Then we will have the second round of competition, everyone prepares."

This time, when An Chen and the others walked to the arena, An Chen said, "You can just compare as you like. This record is no problem."

The whistle sounded for the second round, and the running continued. Although An Chen told Reba to run freely, Reba still ran extremely seriously.The moment An Chen went in after handing over, he was dumbfounded.What about the dog? Well, what about the dog? At this moment, he looked at the wall.

Put your front bat on your back and run.Seeing this, An Chen's memory seems to have just begun to go back. Is it true that he has become forgetful after a long time?

In the next second, he quickly opened the back door and said, "Reba, come up."

Reba was stunned for a moment, and then thought of the mission.Reba, who no longer hesitated, quickly jumped onto An Chen's back very naturally.The next second, An Chen started to run.But An Chen, who had only run two steps, suddenly slowed down and began to walk slowly.Seeing this, Reba was puzzled, and said, "Run, they are overtaking you."

"It's okay, anyway, we already have the chance to win."

At this moment, Reba was a little anxious. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.Suddenly, Wang Haoran turned off the microphones on the waists of the two of them, only to hear Reba say, "Why don't you run away all of a sudden? I turned off the microphones."

"It's okay, I just thought that it might be difficult to have the opportunity to carry you behind my back under the attention of so many people. So I just want to carry you through this section slowly, and you can treat us like we are walking on the red carpet of the wedding." gone."

At this moment, Reba's heart warmed up, whatever the outcome is up to him.She leaned against An Chen's back, sniffing his body odor quietly, with a peaceful and satisfied expression on her face.

After a long time, the two were approaching, and when they could see Chen He, Reba said, "I'm on the mic, is there anything else you want to say?"

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