Lu Han said, "Well, it's fun to be bigger."

An Chen looked at the question and said, "You're right, that's 40 dishes." There was no way, at this moment, his Tai Chi skills could already feel the aura within 4 meters around him.



"It exploded."

After Chen Chichi's words and everyone's screaming ended, Lu Han said, "There are 25 of us, is that okay?"

Hearing what Lu Han said, the director said, "If you lose this round, the next round, the three of you will only have five minutes to play."

Hearing this, Lu Han's expression changed instantly, and he said, "Forget it, let's put back 10 discs, and we have 15 discs.".

Body 0269: Serious Kelly

"Sunset TV"

"Let's just play three games, leaving thirty minutes of game time."

"Movie TV"

"Let's play four games and leave thirty minutes for the game."

Hearing this, Xiaolu looked at the other two teams and couldn't help but said, "This is just playing too hard. One of you will add two more games."

"No way, 30 minutes is divided into ten minutes for each person. I don't know if I can find someone by then. It can't be less."

"Before officially starting the lip-synch guessing competition, we have to play a small game, who is beating me. This game is divided into two rounds, and the winning team in each round can get An opportunity to rule out wrong answers."

"The rules of this game are very simple. Each team sends a member in each round. The person who is beaten gets two points if he guesses correctly. The person who hits gets one point if he is not guessed correctly. High score The team that was selected won, and now each team is asked to send members who will play in the first round."

Music TV is played by Lu Han, Sunset TV is played by Deng Chao, Film and Television TV is played by Zheng Kai, and Chibo TV is played by Chen Chichi.

The first round of the game has begun.Zheng Kai seemed a little annoyed that he was hacked just now. He couldn't fight Chen Chichi because he stood behind him, but Deng Chao could.At this moment, Zheng Kai slammed into Deng Chao's hand with a "slap".

At this moment, Deng Chao took the hand, as if he was stunned by the beating, it really hurts.Just by hearing the sound, you know how cruel it is.At this moment, everyone laughed. Deng Chao looked at Zheng Kai who laughed the hardest, and suddenly slapped him back.The beating game was going on happily and painfully, but the onlookers were still very happy.

As the countdown ended, the second round followed.An Chen couldn't bear to see Reba being beaten, so he said, "Let me do it."

After An Chen's words fell, Xiao Lu suddenly said, "Well, our team has one female compatriot and one person. We have already competed with the males just now, let the female compatriots go up this time."

"Okay, I think it's okay."

Kelly, of course you said that.I just forgot all the clips, and I can't forget how hard you beat someone.Thinking of this, An Chen frowned, feeling sorry for Reba who was about to be beaten.

"Say it first, don't be in a hurry."

Hearing this, An Chen couldn't calm down anymore, it still had to be true.When the four of them took their positions, as the director blew a whistle, Kelly really made a move.

After a crisp sound of "snap", the baby was stunned. Is this a game? Whoever strikes so hard can't be Reba. The baby who has worked with him for two periods knows that Reba won't be so ruthless.That's why Sister Kelly can't, there is no grievance or enmity, or the old actors should love the juniors more.In the next second, the baby instantly patted Lin Yichen.There is only her, young and serious in playing.

Following the baby's slap, Kelly let out a cheer-like laugh.The next second the baby couldn't believe it and said, "It's Sister Kelly"

"Yes." After saying this, Deng Chao said, "Really, at that moment just now, I really didn't think it was a reality show, it was a vendetta."

When Deng Chao said this, he was actually reminding Kelly in a subtle way, and at the same time it was a gag to keep the baby from getting angry.But Kelly didn't understand at all, it seemed that at this moment she was as ignorant as the little white flower who didn't know much about the world.The good thing is that the baby understood, she just smiled and squatted down again.

This time, Reba, who saw this, did not dare to let Sister Kelly make the first move.She slapped Lin Yichen quickly, neither light nor heavy.Seeing this, Kelly, who was about to strike, didn't say anything.From her point of view, playing games is all about attacking.

Reba's angle is very good, and this angle can definitely be hit by three people.Therefore, Lin Yichen guessed the wrong person at this moment.When she pointed at the baby, Reba smiled.

The second time, without waiting for Reba to make a move, Kelly was already ready to slap Lin Yichen in an instant.At this moment, Lin Yichen was also stunned. At this moment, she didn't even feel that she was playing a game.It was Reba just now, so it must not be now. The next second Lin Yichen thought of Deng Chao's words, and quickly pointed out Kelly.

When Kelly squatted there, Lin Yichen really wanted to give it back with a big blow.But at this moment, Reba shook his head cryptically.Seeing this, Lin Yichen sighed and prepared to hit lightly.But before Lin Yichen could make a move, Kelly slapped the baby on the head again, blinding the baby again.

At this moment, the baby is really popular, is it playing chicken feathers? Is it playing a game? Is it a reality show? But after so many seasons of adaptation, coupled with the code of conduct of an artist, the baby endured it.She was still smiling and her eyes were like flowers, and she was joking nonchalantly.At this moment, the two people behind felt sorry for the baby.

I often walk by the river, and there is no one who doesn't get wet shoes. Finally, after being guessed by Lin Yichen, Reba was moved to the front.

The sudden blow of "pa" made Reba stunned for a moment, at this moment she deeply felt the feelings of the two women.Well it should be over soon.Reba smiled and said, "Sister Kelly."

At this moment, Reba didn't seem to see anything unusual about her, she was completely optimistic.But seeing this, An Chen frowned.

The next moment, An Chen's heart twitched.It turned out that just now, Kelly slapped Reba again.An Chen frowned even tighter, but said nothing, after all, this is a game. .

Text 0270: If you really sing, you should perform to your heart's content

Fortunately, the game had come to an end at this moment. When Reba pointed out Sister Kelly again, the director blew the whistle.

"Okay, now the results are announced. The winning teams of the two rounds are Film and Television TV and Wanxia TV. You can get a chance to eliminate the wrong answers. Now, please come and collect the teams. You want the list of real singing and false singing."

When An Chen and the others got the list, An Chen saw his mission and really sang.Seeing this, An Chen smiled, and then said to the director, "Director, should this microphone be moved to the middle, or we won't be able to see clearly from a distance, and our Reba is still short-sighted."

Hearing this, the director nodded, and the microphone was brought to the center.

The first group is film and television tv.Of course, in fact, there is no order of appearance, it is purely because they are willing to be the first.

"Okay, the first group is ready to start, 3, 2, 1."

The sound insulation of the headset is very good, not only that, but there is also a matching music player inside, so that people can't hear the sound from the outside at all.But this is not a problem at all under An Chen's Tai Chi aura.The aura of a singer is stronger than that of a non-singer, so this time the competition appeared transparently in An Chen's eyes.

Then it was the turn of the second group. An Chen couldn't help laughing at the performance of each group. Not to mention the real singing and false singing, the comedy-like performance alone made people feel that it was worth the ticket price.

It was their turn for the third group. At this moment, An Chen thought about it, and really threw herself into singing without any pretense, just like a regular singer.But true and false, especially when known in advance, are more deceptive, which is why An Chen chose this way.

After they finished singing, it was the turn of the fourth group, Deng Chao Group.At this moment, An Chen suddenly felt that this song was really suitable for them.If it is sung by other people, they may not even know the tune and lyrics. Even if there is a lyrics screen on the opposite side, the play will be played in minutes.

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