"Xiaochen, treat Reba better in the future. Why didn't I catch up with such a cute girl, so don't give me a chance."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled.

"Don't worry, you have no chance."

Apart from Huaxin, An Chen has other shortcomings... But this one is exactly what Reba can accept. .

Body 0278: Introduction to super-short s-level skills

Early the next morning, An Chen looked at Reba in his arms and smiled.I was so exhausted yesterday that Reba woke up before him.

"Is there any task after waking up? If not, we can have a good time."

It's rare that nothing happened, An Chen also wanted to make out with Rebado.But after hearing An Chen's words, Reba showed an apologetic expression, and said, "Sorry, I can stay for an afternoon at most, and I have to rush to the set to film in the early morning of tomorrow. It seems that you can only ask the other sisters There is no time."

Hearing this, An Chen felt a little disappointed, but he still said, "It's okay, we knew the result when we were together. Besides, we don't have to sneak around every time the running man meets. There is something better than this." It's a pity that the fifth season is coming to an end, so I really want to keep filming the sixth season." Speaking of this, An Chen looked at Reba and said maliciously, "But since we can only stay for one afternoon, we It’s not that you should do morning exercises and do something more beneficial to your physical and mental health.”

At this moment, Reba didn't speak.Instead, she timidly tried to bury her little head in An Chen's arms. Obviously, she wanted it very much, but she was ashamed to express it.The next second, An Chen smirked and pressed Reba under him.

In the afternoon, An Chen sent Reba to the plane.While lamenting how little we get together and how much we leave, he shamelessly started calling a few girls.After thinking about it, he chose to go to Liu Shishi.It's not that the new generation is better than the old ones, but it is still necessary to consolidate the relationship.

"Teacher, are you free〃〃"

Liu Shishi was silent for a while, and said, "I want to film. Do you want to come? I am in Dunhuang now. If you come, I will ask my assistant to pick you up."

This girl, she doesn't want to let him down even if she wants to make a film? I like it.But after thinking about it, An Chen still said, "Do you have a double? I mean some scenes that were not easy to shoot."

Hearing this, the corner of Liu Shishi's mouth raised on the phone, and then she said lightly, "Yes, are you jealous? In fact, we basically don't shoot this kiss scene in person. The current stand-in wants to find someone who will have sex with me." The image segmentation is very simple, coupled with the skills of the makeup artist, generally nothing can be seen."

"Well, although I think this is your career, I still can't be open-minded. Let's forget about the past, but I feel a little uncomfortable when you become my woman."

"You" Liu Shishi is a woman who is good at discovering and has a delicate mind, so she found the key point at once.

"Uh..." At this moment, An Chen almost wanted to slap himself. Could it be that he is so bad at keeping secrets?

"Well, let's meet and talk."

Is the time to come finally coming? Liu Shishi sighed in his heart, and said lightly again, "Okay."

Following Liu Shishi's words, the two fell into a brief silence.At this moment, there seemed to be a voice shouting over there, so Liu Shishi said again, "If there is anything else, I will start filming."

"Uh, it's gone."

"Well, pay attention to safety on the road."

Confused, at this moment, An Chen doesn't even know Liu Shishi very well, let's forget what it means, and we'll know everything when we meet.

After buying a plane ticket to Dunhuang, An Chen also had a phone call with each of his sisters.After putting down the phone, An Chen remembered about the lottery draw, so he clicked on the lottery system and began to draw his ultimate prize. There are really few s-level skills, but there are only a dozen or so.As the cursor rotated, and then the cursor fell, this ultimate S-level skill was exhausted in such a hasty manner.

"Weapon proficiency. Weapon proficiency can master the use of all cold weapons and hot weapons."

After reading it once, An Chen, who felt dazzled, read it a second time.But it's really gone, what about chicken feathers? This is the legendary S-level skill

"System, are you kidding me? Are you sure what I drew is not a b-level skill but an s-level skill?"

"This system will not produce errors. This skill is one of the top skills even among S-level skills. As long as it is added to the expert level of level 4, you can use some super abilities. If you reach the master level, you will be able to complete all skills. Weapons are theoretically applied."

"Can you explain in detail what is the application of superpower theory?"

"For example, after reaching the expert level of level 4, you can complete the curved attack of the pistol. Other weapons will also master many skills. If you reach the master level of level 5, you can master the ballistic attack prediction, including the ejection angle, lethality, etc. Wait."

Damn, it's so strong but it seems to be of no use to me, right? An Chen, who was thinking so, instantly attributed this skill to the Xuezang skill, which is the same as the ballistic trajectory.It doesn't seem to be working, at least temporarily.

Just after he received the basic knowledge of all weapons, An Chen waited for his plane.I have to say, worthy of being an S-level skill, the amount of weapons you need to master is simply outrageous.Even with his mental strength, he was a little dizzy.After insisting on getting on the plane, An Chen directly went to sleep mode and slept all the way to Dunhuang Airport. .

Text 0279: The elusive Liu Shishi

When An Chen saw Liu Shishi, it was already past 8 o'clock in the evening, and she rushed here without even eating after finishing work.

"have you eaten"

"Not yet, just finished work."

"Come on, let's eat."

Hearing this, Liu Shishi frowned beautifully, and said, "Shouldn't we talk about things first?"

"Can it be more important than your body?"

Liu Shishi said "oh" softly when he heard the words, as if he didn't appreciate it.But the slightly raised corners of her lips seemed to indicate that she was in a good mood.

The two who had eaten went directly to An Chen's room instead of Liu Shishi's.After all, where big stars live, even if there are no paparazzi, there will be people paying attention.

"Can I talk now?"

An Chen was a little helpless when he heard the words. Are you in such a hurry? But he still nodded and said, "Actually, there is one thing I didn't tell you."

Seeing that Liu Shishi did not answer the call from 510, An Chen had no choice but to say to himself, "Actually, I have other girlfriends besides you. Di Lieba, Guan Xiaotong, Tang Yixin, Feng Timo."

"Feng Timo"

Liu Shishi tilted his head, as if he wanted to say that he had never heard of this person.It's no wonder that if you let a career-focused person get to know a live-streaming sister, it's embarrassing for her.

"Well, an anchor, someone I saved in Beijing."

Hearing this, Liu Shishi nodded and signaled An Chen to continue.The current situation is a bit beyond her estimation. She thought she was the third, but she turned into the sixth.

"I don't know how to tell you, but you are the only one I want to hide. Although I know it won't last long, I just don't want you to know. Because I'm afraid of losing it."

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