The next moment, as An Chen expected, countless horizontal knives disappeared into the clouds, but they could only splash clouds of flowers.

Seeing this, An Chen stopped doing unnecessary probing, and directly started showing his big moves.Countless horizontal knives spun around An Chen, turning faster and more intensively. At the same time, the essence of the Milky Way began to gather in An Chen's hands, forming a Han sword in the next second.The Han sword rotated at a high speed following the direction of the horizontal knife's rotation, and the connection with the ten thousand horizontal knives was already formed in the breath.In the next moment, ten thousand horizontal knives wrapped around the Shui Jing Han sword, forming a high-speed tornado, and instantly swept the cloud and smoke ahead. .

Text 0293: A Dream for Hundreds of Years

The violent sword dragon rolls over the sky and covers the sky, making people feel fearful at the sight of it.But at this moment, out of trust in the plain cloud border flag, the queen mother was quite indifferent.But she was clearly overconfident.In the next second, the tornado formed by the horizontal knife broke through the clouds, forming a passage leading directly to the Queen Mother.At this moment, the Shui Jing Han Sword was advancing rapidly under the escort of the Hengdao passage, approaching like a streamer.

The next second, the Queen Mother shrank her eyes, and at the same time she threw out the Kunlun Mirror in front of her, a thought hit An Chen's mind.Talking too slowly is far less than God's swiftness.

At the same time, An Chen froze suddenly, and the swiftly moving Shui Jing Han Jian slowed down.It turned out that the idea from the Queen Mother was nothing but

"I have your flesh and blood, are you going to kill your own flesh and blood?"

Just as An Chen was slowing down, a stream of light came in the opposite direction, instantly piercing An Chen's heart.At this moment, An Chen's dying fantasy appeared in front of his eyes, and the scenes of his life flowed like a replay, and finally fixed on Chang Xi in his arms.The next moment, he felt the passing of life, but his divine power surged, and the Water Essence Han Sword rushed forward again.

Although because of that one-second delay, the Hengdao Tunnel had been broken, and the Shui Jing Han Sword had also lost the power to accelerate.But at this moment, the Shui Jing Han Sword suddenly burst out with a strong cold air, which forced to freeze the clouds that were trying to close.In the next second, the Shui Jing Han Sword broke through the defense of the plain cloud border flag with an indomitable momentum, and was instantly nailed to the Kunlun mirror.

The cracking sound of "Kakaka" became more and more serious, and the Kunlun Mirror was about to shatter.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother was startled, but before she could make another move, An Chen spurted blood with a "`poof".In the next second, Han Jian, who was going forward indomitably, slowed down, and then gradually dimmed.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother let out a long smile, only to hear her shouting, "See, even the sky is helping me, why do you still resist?"

With the loss of essence and blood, An Chen fell down weakly, and the feeling of getting more and more tired made him drowsy.The darkness gradually invaded his mind, but at this moment, he heard a cry.

"If the sky abandons me, I will kill the sky. If the earth blocks me, crush the earth. If the god stops me, it will disappear."

Hearing this, An Chen didn't miss it any more, showing a sense of relief, and closed his eyes.With or without him, there are still people fighting.

When An Chen opened his eyes again, it was dawn.At this moment, An Chen was a little dazed, as if he had a dream, and seemed to have experienced a life spanning five hundred years.The amount of complicated information seemed like a dream, and for a while, An Chen couldn't tell which was reality and which was illusion.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Opening the door, Liu Shujie took a look at An Chen, and said in a daze, "Did you sleep last night without taking off your clothes? Why are you still wearing yesterday's clothes? Could it be that you were scripted to wash up and eat first?"

An Chen responded and went to the bathroom.He spoke suddenly.

"System, are you there?"

"Host, please order."

An Chen laughed when he heard this voice, as long as the system is still there, then this is true.Earlier he spoke out out of worry, which shows how hesitant he was at the last moment.

"What did I experience last night, and why did I feel like I experienced a part of my life."

"The subconscious mode is a mode that opens the subconscious mind and ignores the main consciousness. In this mode, it is equivalent to sealing the memory of the host and experiencing a certain period of someone's life. When the main consciousness returns, it will be affected by the potential of the subconscious. But the host does not need to worry about this For problems, if necessary, after the filming is completed, you can pay to clean up this subconscious mind, or just hide it deeper."

So, hearing this, An Chen was even more relieved.Not long after, he saw the actors of the entire crew.

Only Yu Feihong said first, "You are here instead of Ou Hao, welcome you to join our big family."

Following Yu Feihong's words, An Chen looked at her strangely.Although the characters in the dream world are basically the same, they are all presented according to everyone's best state.After all, gods don't grow old.

Well, this is not the key point, the key point is that all people are designed according to the substitute, even their privacy is the same.Therefore, facing Yu Feihong, An Chen still had the illusion of seeing through her body at a glance.

"What's wrong with my dress today?"

Yu Feihong was a little strange and blushed at the same time, she always felt that she was naked under An Chen's eyes.

"No, today? Zhao Zhao's Sister Feihong is very beautiful. Besides, Sister Feihong was the goddess in my heart. I like Li Feidao from childhood to the third young master's sword."

Hearing this, Yu Feihong laughed and joked, "Then you mean that I am not now."

"That won't, it's still the same, didn't you look at me just now?"

At this moment, Nini said, "Stinky boy, I don't care where our other two beauties are. You have to please me quickly, or I might make trouble when you are filming."

Meizi also said at this time, "Yes, we don't object to your praise of sister Feihong, but you should also praise us. It's okay for sister Nini, but I have a lot of scenes with you.".

Text 0294: Kissed forcibly

"My two sisters, I was wrong. The two sisters are as beautiful as a fairy, and they are as beautiful as a flower. I can't help seeing this canopy. How about I walk behind your back?"

Hearing this, Nini rolled her eyes, and said disgusted and dissatisfied, "You must not have a girlfriend, you actually called our sister, I really want to chat with you, I will spend the day talking to you. Have you ever seen such a girl?" Naturally beautiful, young and beautiful sister? We are obviously younger sisters, always 18 years old."

"That's right, and you actually want to take advantage of us. Don't think that we are innocent, and you can't hear anything behind our backs. You are the canopy marshal Zhu Bajie, who dares to let you carry that? Wouldn't we become your daughter-in-law?" You, people are smart."

I'm just talking, if you are serious, you will lose.An Chen, who was complaining in his heart, showed a smile on his face, and said, "Well, I just said it. If I really want to recite it, I also recite 493, my goddess Feihong."

Hearing this, Yu Feihong became a little shy again, what's the matter with this little brother, he keeps making fun of me.Only Yu Feihong said, "Stop making trouble, Xiaochen, I am about the same age as your mother, so you can't make fun of us old people."

Hearing this sentence, although An Chen didn't mind, she still smiled sadly.

Sensing An Chen's despondency, Yu Feihong couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Chen, what's wrong with you, did I say something wrong?"

"Oh, it's okay, Sister Feihong. I just remembered my mother who passed away. If she is still alive, she should be about the same age as you, Sister Feihong. Of course, she must not be as young as you."

Hearing what An Chen said, Yu Feihong still didn't know what she said was wrong. She stood up, walked to An Chen's seat, and gently hugged his head.Let An Chen stick to his waist bdbb at the same time, gently stroked An Chen's head, and said, "I'm sorry, child. I didn't expect to poke your sadness. If you want, you can treat me as your mother in the future Yes. Although it is a bit weird to have such a big son, I felt very close to you when I first saw you."

Hearing this, An Chen took a deep sniff of Yu Feihong's body fragrance, then gently pushed her away, and said, "Thank you, Sister Feihong, but forget about being a mother. Although I also love Sister Feihong There is a sense of closeness, but I only have one mother. If Sister Feihong wants to, she can be my older sister, you see."

Hearing this, Yu Feihong is of course happy.Although there is indeed a sense of closeness, she still can't accept being a mother for a while, especially for a son in his twenties.

"Okay, then I have a younger brother today. Should I drink a little on such a happy day?"

In fact, An Chen's refusal was not all because he couldn't accept the so-called new mother, it was because he couldn't accept that a woman who had been happy with him just a moment ago turned into a mother.As for you saying that it is a fantasy, does it make a difference? The person is still the same person, it is nothing more than a little younger.

"Drinking is better after work is over, we still have a shooting task later."

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