The first work is a self-portrait of Frida.When An Chen saw it, did he really wonder if it was a self-portrait? How could men of that era be like this?

With the display of the first work, the director said again, "Okay, now let's see your second work to be restored."

The second work is the Duke of Olivares on horseback by Velázquez.When hearing this name, An Chen couldn't help complaining, is this a Duke or an Earl?

At this moment, the director began to popularize the content of the two paintings for everyone, only to hear the director say, "The first painting I present to you is a self-portrait of Frida. Frida is a famous female painter in Mexico. Her The works describe her own stories, and the most painted subjects are herself. The value of her works ranks first among female painters in the world."

When An Chen heard this, she couldn't help complaining again.He didn't expect Frida to be a woman. When he saw the portrait, he thought it was a man.After all, he grew up like that, and he was on par with Brother Chun.Fortunately, at the beginning, he thought Frida was a witch who liked to wear women's flowers and accessories.At this moment, An Chen felt that he was not well.

At this moment, the director began to read the content of the second painting.The director continued, "The second painting I present to you is called the Count of Olivares on Horseback. It was created by the Spanish artist Velasquez."

After the director finished reading the history of the two paintings, he said, "Time, start."

With only three minutes left, An Chen hurriedly pulled Zhang Tianai to watch.His eyes scanned groups of props like radar.Of course, this is just an exaggeration, but he has got a lot of needed information.The first step is the hat, wig and fake beard, yes, he chose to imitate the Duke of Olivares on horseback.

Of course he is a horse, and Zhang Tianai is an earl.No way, although he also wanted to ride Zhang Tianai, but Zhang Tianai might not be able to bear his weight, at least under such circumstances.The most important thing is that if you want to ride Zhang Tianai, you still have to ride in private.

The next moment, An Chen got a harness, and then dressed up for Zhang Tianai.The hat, beard, and wig An Chen chose did not use their original colors.The beard and wig were innovatively bright yellow gold, while the hat was dark blue.Blonde wig and beard, with a slightly high-brimmed hat, and a dark blue military-like uniform.

At this moment, Zhang Tianai really seemed to be a Mexican Air Force soldier, but it was modern.That's right, An Chen wanted to use the creativity of two eras to imitate this painting.

s has two messages, one of which is the resumption of stable updates.The second news is that the bonus will start in August.Every girl has it.Make up for Guan Xiaotong and Tang Yixin first.Those who are fully booked into the group, I will make up for Guan Xiaotong in these two days. .

Text 0327: Almost unanimous works

"Okay, first of all, I would like to invite An Chen and Zhang Tianai to show you your work."

Although he didn't know why he was ranked first, An Chen led Zhang Tianai up without fear.Zhang Tianai studied acting, so this is not a problem.In the next second, An Chen, who was wearing a horse suit, lay on the ground, and then Zhang Tianai sat up.The good thing is that Zhang Tianai is not too heavy, and it is even fake.But at this moment, An Chen said, "Tianai is tight."

Hey, tight, but at this moment, Zhang Tianai obediently clamped An Chen's waist.

The next second, the two began to perform. Zhang Tianai held the rein in one hand and waved the whip in the other.An Chen made a running movement with his front paws, and at the same time had his own voice, making hooves and whistling sounds.At this moment, An Chen suddenly got up and almost brought Zhang Tianai down.Simply, Zhang Tianai obediently clamped An Chen's waist and the rein.An Chen, on the other hand, clenched the reins tightly and did not cause any accident.

The tight rope and the backward knight created an unparalleled impact at this moment.I just heard Li Chen say, "Xiaochen played too much, it's too dangerous. But it does have the essence of the painting."

At this moment, An Chen lay down again and asked Zhang Tianai to get down.Then An Chen said, "The theme of our painting is the knights of the era. The concept of comparing two eras and different knights. The inspiration comes from life, and the creativity comes from reason. I think that every idea is not just open. Brain holes should be rationalized at the same time. At the same time, we have restored the authenticity of the work itself to the greatest extent." After finishing speaking, An Chen gave the final summary, "So, I think our work can give full marks, what do you think?"

An Chen's last sentence seemed a bit blunt and arrogant, but that's what foreigners do.

"Next, we will vote for An Chen and Zhang Tianai's groups. If you like their works, please raise your placard."

Following the words of the director, each sign was lifted up, and in a blink of an eye, there were already 13 people.Seeing this, everyone was amazed, how come there are only 15 people in total?

"Next, please invite Lu Han and Xiao Di to show you your work."

Lu Han and Di Lieba adopted the original idea, and they chose to imitate Frida's self-portrait.Lu Han said, "We may not be as high as Xiaochen in terms of reduction rate. But our reduction rate is also close to 90. The most important thing is that in terms of innovation, they are definitely not as good as us. Also, let me tell you, our Awesome. Ours is a high-tech product, and this is her remote control glove. Look, as long as I snap my fingers, she can pose."

Following Xiaolu's words, he didn't snap his fingers, which was embarrassing.At this moment, Deng Chao said teasingly, "Son, you can't snap your fingers with gloves on."

After Deng Chao's words fell, Xiaolu said, "It's okay, we can beat him with this."

Following Xiaolu's movement, Reba made another movement.Immediately afterwards, in Xiaolu's dumb finger, it changed again.The action at this moment may be too sexy, Xiao Lu actually forgot what he said before, and told the truth.

"Wow so sexy"

Hearing what Xiao Lu said, Li Chen didn't seem to hear clearly, he pricked up his ears and said, "What, what, what did you just say?"

Lu Han didn't have any embarrassment when he heard the words, and said, "I said that we are not only high-tech, but also very sexy."

ask for flowers

After saying this, Lu Han began to introduce again: "For example, if you are bored at home and suddenly want to watch a dance, you can do this. 1, 2, 3, dance, she will dance. Come on, we can Invite the audience to try it."

Finally, Lu Han chose an audience member to interact with.With the sound of "dancing" from the audience, Di Lieba started the dance mode.Meimei's dance, I don't know if it is Xinjiang dance, modern dance, or ethnic dance.Before the song was over, after several dance moves, Lu Han had already finished the performance, and then drove Reba back into the frame.

"Next, we will vote for Lu Han and Xiao Di's group."

Although the idea is very good, it has lost the original meaning of the painting, so at this moment Lu Han and the others only got 1 vote.

"The next show is Chen Chichi and Ying Caier."

Chen Chichi and Ying Caier also chose Frida's self-portrait, and Chen Chichi dressed up Frida.It's just that such a scene is simply hot-eyed. Although she looks a little bit demony, she is a woman after all.And Chen Chichi is not alone as a man, he even looks unique in his attire.The most terrible thing is the fish on his head, the penguin on his body, and the dog in his arms.This moment, what a god! Are you sure you're not playing Animal World?

With Ying Caier's commentary and Chen Chichi's commentary, they only got 0 votes in the end.This was embarrassing, it was a heartbreaking blow to the genius Chen Chichi.

"Okay, the next show is Zheng Kai and baby."

Zheng Kai and baby chose the same as An Chen, and they were also the Duke of Olivares on horseback. .

Text 0328: The most ruthless Deng Dynasty

At this moment, the baby's screams seemed to bring out an inexplicable sense of joy.It's just the screaming that makes people unable to stop laughing, and she seems to be able to undertake all the laughs in this paragraph by herself.

"Okay, let's vote for the baby and Zheng Kai groups."

Although the performances of baby and Zheng Kai were very monotonous, and they couldn't even find any innovative ideas, but in terms of the degree of restoration and hard work of the paintings, four signs were raised at this moment.Although it was not as high as An Chen, but Chen Chichi and Lu Han's groups were overwhelmed, and they became the second place.

At this moment, the director said again, "Next, we will invite Li Chen's "[-]" and Wang Zulan to show you their works."

Li Chen and Wang Zulan also chose the Duke of Olivares on horseback. Li Chen wore a jacket that he didn't know if it was a wolf or a horse.At this moment, he started galloping with Wang Zulan on his back.It has to be said that Wang Zulan's leg skills are still good, and the clamping is quite strong.But at this moment, the worst came.I saw Wang Zulan suddenly became funny while playing.Sometimes he blows his beard and stares, and sometimes he looks up to the sky and laughs. It's obviously only a few minutes, and he is stunned by all kinds of tricks.

Without this impromptu performance, An Chen looked at it, and they would have gotten at least 6 votes.But once this show came out, they could only get 6 votes at most.

When Wang Zulan came down, Li Chen said, "We try our best to restore this painting [-]%. Because we love art, we feel that art is the treasure that remains in life. It has been passed down for a long time in the long river of history. "

As Li Chen's words fell, An Chen said in shock, "Brother Chen, if there is no performance by Zulan, we will really believe it. But after Zulan's performance, your [-]% recovery is really funny. I think, whether you can get five points depends on the mood of the jury."

At this moment, Li Chen was stunned, and couldn't help but ask, "During that period of time, what happened that I don't know?"

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