But seeing An Chen like this, Huang Xiaoming became anxious.These are a few dishes, and there is also the goal they just set.The next moment, Huang Xiaoming hurriedly took the lead and said, "You can order food, you can order food. See what you want and we will get it for you now."

Today, I haven't made much money yet, so it's no wonder Huang Xiaoming is anxious.Seeing this, An Chen looked at Zhao Wei, and said with a half-smile, "Sister Wei."

Zhao Wei was a little depressed when she heard the words, but she still nodded, after all, she is now opening the door to do business, and it is impossible to push Keren out because of something.

Seeing this, An Chen sat down again, and said, "Serve all the dishes once, and I'll take whatever you have."

Damn, you are teasing us at this moment, Huang Xiaoming was startled and couldn't help complaining.But he still reminded, "Sir, you can't eat so much by yourself."

Hearing this, An Chen raised his head again, and said, "If I remember correctly, you guys are in business, and I'm a customer. So what you order is the customer's choice, right? Even if I can't eat it, whether it's packed or The rest is all my business."

An Chen was right.But if it was her own restaurant, Zhao Wei really wanted to tell An Chen to leave.It's a pity that this restaurant belongs to everyone, so Zhao Wei said, "You are right, then let's do it. I want to drink something."

Text 0347: Are you looking for trouble?

What to drink? An Chen thought about it, and said, "Is there any special recommendation? If not, freshly squeezed orange juice or fruit juice is fine."

"We have a honey lemonade in our shop, do you want to try it?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "Then let's have a drink."

The lemonade came out soon, An Chen nodded after taking a sip.The lemon is well preserved, and the taste of honey is also good. With the water here, this lemonade can score 80 points.The [-] points deducted is nothing more than the choice of lemon and the ratio of water is not well controlled, so that the sweetness of honey is a bit scattered.But the sourness of the lemon is a little bit more.

Have a refreshing drink.After relieving the heat, An Chen took out his mobile phone and began to record the defects in the drink.Soon, the first dish was fried, and the first dish was Kung Pao Chicken.

I have to say that Zhang Yang's Kung Pao Chicken is pretty good.Whether it is marinated or sauced, the taste is very good.It's a pity that maybe because of the foreign country, the taste seems to be poor, but it seems to have a special feeling. Although it is not perfect, it is already great.In the end, An Chen gave a score of 90 points, and wrote that the taste was not enough. If it is innovative, it can be innovative in all aspects.For example, adding some celery can further enhance the fragrance and so on.

The second dish is one of An Chen's favorite Cantonese dishes, pineapple sweet and sour meat, smelling the rich sweet and sour juice, can't help but whet the appetite.The next second, An Chen picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork.The sweet and sour pork was cooked very well, but An Chen could only give him 80 points because the cooking was overcooked and the soup was harvested too early.

The third dish is boiled pork slices, and the fourth dish is casserole fish head. The two dishes taste good, and overall they can reach more than 80 points.But when the fifth and sixth courses were served, An Chen frowned.The two dishes are sweet and sour pork ribs and shredded pork with green peppers.

The sweet and sour pork ribs are still in tomato sauce, which is embarrassing. Are you sure you are not tomato sauce ribs? Also, this is wrapped in starch and deep fried, is this really good? This is not the most important thing, the most important thing seems to be that the meat is not fried together.

Poor review, sweet and sour pork ribs 50 points, green pepper shredded pork 30 points.Just then, the seventh and eighth courses came.Braised fish and prawns in tomato sauce.Braised fish in braised sauce is quite satisfactory, but the prawns in tomato sauce, well, there is too much sugar, it is a bit sweet and greasy.

At this moment, Huang Xiaoming served the last two dishes, Oyster Omelette and Tomato Omelette.

"Okay, there are only so many ingredients and dishes we have at the moment. You can use it slowly, and you can call me if you need anything."

An Chen nodded when he heard the words, and then tasted the oyster omelet.It's okay, the slight seafood flavor is really great with the soft and tender eggs.But this dish could actually be better.

As for the tomato scrambled eggs, I don't know who made them.The first time I saw him, I could only give him 50 points. I didn't even fry the tomato, so it's a bad review for tomato and egg.Sure enough, when An Chen took a bite, he frowned. The egg didn't even seep through, which was a bad review. 30 points, the highest.

"Boss, check out"

At the moment of paying the bill, Zhao Wei walked out from behind in a daze, frowned and said, "Do you just have a bite of the same dish?"

Zhao Wei was a little angry seeing this.There is no way, anyone will be angry if they see only one bite of the hard-made dishes. Hearing this, An Chen said, "Kung Pao Chicken, Pineapple Sweet and Sour Pork, Casserole Fish Head, Boiled Pork Slices, Sea Oyster Fried Eggs, braised fish and shrimp in tomato sauce are packaged, and the remaining two dishes are fine, I will not let my friends eat unqualified food."

ask for flowers

"How to say unqualified"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "The taste of pork ribs in tomato sauce is not bad, although it is the first time I have seen sweet and sour pork ribs with tomato sauce instead of vinegar. However, it is not tasty, only the surface is sweet and sour, it can only be said to be a failure." This shredded pork with green pepper should be put in two batches. Some of the shredded pork did not achieve the purpose of stir-frying at all. Some of them took a long time, and the most important thing is that it put sugar. Although some dishes can be put The sugar adds a little sweetness, but this is not fish-flavored shredded pork, but green pepper shredded pork."

For a while, Zhao Wei was unable to refute An Chen's words.She suddenly said, "So you are here to find faults? I don't remember that there is a Chinese restaurant on this island."

Hearing this, An Chen laughed, and said to Huang Xiaoming who rushed over, "Brother Xiao Ming, didn't Miss Baby say I would come?"

Huang Xiaoming looked at An Chen in bewilderment when he heard the words, and then said, "You are the surprise that the baby said, why am I not happy at all, only surprised?"

Speaking of this, Huang Xiaoming didn't know who the other party was, so he hurriedly said, "But I don't know what you call forgive me, I've been busy recently."

Hearing this, An Chen didn't care, and said with a smile, "An Chen"

Hearing this name, Huang Xiaoming's mouth grew instantly, and he said in disbelief, "An Chen from the men's team, no wonder the baby said it was a surprise. Our baby often talks about you as a younger brother."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said, "That's over, it must be that I bullied her on the show, right? Brother Xiao Ming, you won't hit someone, right?"

Body 0348: Anchen's Massage Service

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming looked at An Chen with a dark face, and said, "You are bullying my wife, I don't think you can get out of Elephant Island anymore."

When the voice fell, Huang Xiaoming's expression changed, and he said in a funny way, "Okay, just to tease you, but why did you come here? I don't believe that you are here to find fault. Baby, I said it, although you have a strong desire to win. , but he is a gentle and considerate brother.”

Hearing this, An Chen laughed, and said, "Sure enough, it's the brothers from our men's team who know me well. That's right, I'm here this time, and I have two tasks. One is the task given to me by the program team, Mainly here to taste the dishes. The other is a task I set myself, and I plan to reward you "Four Five Seven". Whether it is in the mouth or in the body."

"I don't know why, but I suddenly feel that this reward is better." Zhao Wei said this, but it was obvious that she wanted to be dirty.

An Chen didn't explain when she heard the words, but said with a smile: "Sister Wei, don't regret it! If you let me serve you again, I will charge you ten bottles of 82-year-old Lafite."

An Chen knew that Zhao Wei had her own winery, besides her own wine, she also collected a lot of other good wines.

Hearing this, Zhao Wei laughed and said, "Hey, I'm thinking about my red wine. But you have no chance, I won't use my wine to pay for my service."

An Chen didn't retort when she heard the words, but said, "Brother Xiao Ming, let me borrow your place to cook some dinner tonight, one is to reward you, and the other is because there are guests at night.

Now, let me satisfy your body first, who wants to try it? If there is no one, I will call the name."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming said: "Let me come first and show everyone."

Hearing this, An Chen nodded and said to Zhao Wei: "Sister Wei, you guys eat these. Don't worry, I will pay for it. Use the meal expenses for the evening."

"You do the cooking and use your own ingredients"

To Zhao Wei's three consecutive questions, An Chen's answer was very concise.


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