Text 0366: An Chen made a shot, the lore

Maybe Yang Mi is too dazzling, even in the eyes of Thai people, she is also a beauty.Therefore, the moment a gangster drew his gun, his eyes lit up when he saw Yang Mi.

The next moment, he showed a malicious smile towards Yang Mi, and then walked over.Seeing this, An Chen's heart tightened, and he set the ballistic trajectory to level 3 in the next second.Although level 2 is enough, he still has Yang Mi to protect.

At this moment, Yang Mi trembled all over, as if thinking of something bad.Her face turned pale, and one hand couldn't help but grabbed An Chen's hand from below.But feeling Yang Mi's movements, An Chen sighed in his heart, and forcibly separated Yang Mi's hands.Even if he felt the helplessness in it.

At this moment, Yang Mi felt a pain in her heart, as if she had been stabbed.At this moment, she forced herself to calm down, but she still couldn't help the pain in her heart, tears unconsciously blurred her eyes.Although she understood that the other party had a gun in his hand, any obstruction might cost her life, but she was still extremely sad and disappointed.How much she wanted An Chen to rescue her from the fire and water like she helped the mother and daughter just now, but unfortunately, it seemed that she was thinking too much.

But at this moment, when Yang Mi was desperately waiting for the tragedy to come, An Chen suddenly said, "Sorry, but I'm sorry, this is a star in our country, very influential. If you don't plan to make trouble Can't deal with it, I don't suggest you touch her. Of course, I just offer an opinion. "

Although An Chen's last words were a bit greedy for life and fear of death, Yang Mi still smiled. This is already very good, at least he tried his best.At this moment, Yang Mi's heart seemed to warm up a little, even if the coming one was very likely to be tragic.

Sure enough, when the gangster heard this, he pointed his gun at An Chen angrily.Just as An Chen was about to make a move, a gangster in front spoke up.

"Pabhu, don't cause trouble. Getting off the plane safely is the most important thing."

But after hearing what the gangster said, the man named Pabu said, "Pacha, we are desperadoes. Even if we don't do it, we still have to face the governments of various countries. If there is any difference, don't stop me. Brother, never I've never seen such a beautiful girl."

Hearing this, the man named Pacha hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "Then don't forget to call me when you're done enjoying yourself, it's also the first time I've seen such a beautiful Chinese girl."

Before the conversation between the two could continue, at this moment, An Chen narrowed his eyes and finally made a move.Self-inflicted, unable to live, in a split second, An Chen accurately inserted his right thumb into the back space of the trigger.With a flick of the knife in his left hand, the knife flew towards Pacha who was still talking.

After a slight sound of "噗嗤", Pacha clutched his neck in disbelief and fell limply to the ground.At this time, he didn't even raise his gun, so naturally he didn't even have a nervous reaction.

Seeing that Pacha was stabbed, Pabu's first reaction was to shoot.But the trigger couldn't be pulled at this moment.Are they desperadoes after all? At this moment, Pabu let go of his hands and lowered his body. While avoiding An Chen's elbow, he touched the knife at his waist.But he couldn't make a move. An Chen, who had already got the pistol, made a quick turn, aimed the gun at Pabu, and pulled the trigger.

There was a "bang" gunshot, and Pabu's head burst like a watermelon.

At the same time, screams sounded.In the next second, voices came from the two people's walkie-talkies.

"Call back from the 2nd to the 5th, what happened outside."


After being silent for a long time, An Chen said into the intercom, "I have no intention of being your enemy. If you want to blame them, you can only blame them for being cheap and reaching for things that don't belong to them. If you stay where you are now, I promise you will not be an enemy." There will be more deaths. Of course, the premise is that you will not kill the hostages."

What An Chen answered was a gunshot and noises.As the gunshots rang out, the screams sounded again.The next second, An Chen looked a little serious, and then picked up another gun.

At this moment, An Chen felt a ballistic pass by 510, but he didn't dare to shoot at the source.Because of the obstruction, he didn't know whether the person on the other side of the curtain was alone or was holding hostages.But in this way, he will have nothing to do? The next second, An Chen put on the scanning glasses.

"Turn on the heat sensor, turn on the x-ray scan."

With the thermal induction and X-ray turned on, the phantom behind the block at this moment is clearly printed.Seeing this, An Chen raised his gun and pointed it at the man holding the gun in the x-ray.

An Chen kept adjusting the angle as the opponent moved forward cautiously, and then remembered with a bang.

Although the opponent might shoot on reflex, An Chen's shot hit the head directly, causing brain death instantly.

Sure enough, the man failed to fire a single shot even after he died.But the shot apparently scared number four in the other aisle.In one breath, before An Chen could take aim, he had already retreated quickly.Simultaneously jam yourself in a seat and let the other two frightened passengers act as human shields. .

Text 0367: Yang Mi, you can't escape!

Maybe if it's an ordinary person, there's nothing wrong with Robber No. 4, but An Chen is an ordinary person? Under the x-ray and heat induction, the secrets of the human body are close to nothing in his eyes.

Looking at the turtle-like No. 4, An Chen was not in a hurry, but glanced at the cabin.It's a pity that the design of the engine room is an explosion-proof door, even if he can see the No. [-] gangster, he can't kill him.

The next second, An Chen looked at No. 4 who was surrounded by meat shields again, and then raised his gun.The gangster hid in a good position, no matter which direction he could make a fatal blow.After watching for a long time, An Chen finally decided to take a risk, and while Yang Mi shook his head, he walked towards the economy class.At this moment, his gun has been pointed at the gangster.

At the same time, the gangster seemed to have spotted An Chen, and he stretched out his gun from the side of the meat shield, intending to use the protection of the meat shield to attack An Chen.But what he didn't expect was that An Chen shot, three shots in a row, and hit a young Thai boy.The three shots were shot very quickly, almost a line of gunfire across the city.When the sound dissipated, all the dust fell to the ground.

It turned out that just now, An Chen shot three times in a row at the same place.It pierced through the Thai man who was a meat shield and shot through the gangster's head.The gangster was unable to complete any shooting action because the gun had just been extended.A series of anti-kills all benefited from his weapon proficiency. Although it is only level 3, it is an S-level skill after all.

Hearing the Thai man's cry of pain, An Chen hurried forward.Seeing the limp people beside him, An Chen said, "Find him a towel to block the blood. Tell him, he won't die. I'm half a doctor, he wasn't fatally injured, just wrap it up later" .”

Hearing this, the people around reacted, and three people came to help.Seeing this, An Chen asked the stewardess to help bandage her, and returned to the first-class cabin.There is still number one in the cockpit that needs him to solve.

Seeing that An Chen had returned safely, Yang Mi threw herself into An Chen's arms, crying violently.Seeing this, An Chen hugged Yang Mi and comforted her gently while observing the cab.Then his eyes found the stewardess who was held hostage at first.Temporarily let go of Yang Mi who had recovered a bit, he stepped forward and said, "Excuse me, are you the chief purser? Is there any way to open the door of the driver's cab?"

"I'm sorry, although I want to help you, but this is very difficult. This door is designed to be explosion-proof. It can be said that once it is locked, it is difficult for ordinary grenades to blow it open."

Hearing this, An Chen seemed slightly different and said, "Then how did he get in?"

When An Chen's words fell, the purser was a little embarrassed.Seeing this, An Chen doesn't know the reason. Although it is a bit annoying, it seems to be understandable. Whose life is not life, does it have to be dedicated to others?

"It's okay, I understand. And maybe you have a family and children, so it's okay." After speaking, An Chen ignored the tearful purser who was already moved, but after thinking for a moment, he suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Can you?" Tell me about the drinking water and eating conditions inside.”

Hearing this, the purser, who was still crying faintly, was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said, "There is no water or food inside. Because there are precision instruments inside, it is stipulated that drinking or eating inside is not allowed."

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and now he could only wait for the moment when the other party couldn't bear it anymore.Although it is very likely that they will not be able to wait until they land, there is no good way now.

Returning to the seat again, An Chen sat down with Yang Mi.At this moment, Yang Mi nestled in An Chen's arms excitedly again, wanting to say something excitedly, but couldn't say anything.Her tears soaked An Chen's clothes, but An Chen just hugged her and comforted her.

"Don't be afraid, I will take you back safely."

Hearing this, Yang Mi wrapped her arms around An Chen's waist from behind, choked up and said, "Well, I believe it."

She may never forget in this life, when she was facing misery, there was a vague and hazy figure that blocked all the harm for her.From that moment, she knew that this man would be in her heart for the rest of her life.But why why he already has a girlfriend.Why, and why she met this man when she was already married and divorced.

At this moment, Yang Mi felt so lost and sad, and once again had a feeling of wishing not to see her when she was still married.

"Don't cry, it's over."

Hearing this, Yang Mi cried even more fiercely, as if An Chen was talking about him and her.For a while, An Chen was also very helpless, while keeping an eye on the cab, he kept comforting Yang Mi, stroking her back.After a while, Yang Mi gradually calmed down.Just when An Chen thought that Yang Mi fell asleep again like last night, she only heard Yang Mi whispering, "You are like this, how can I let you go?"

The voice was not loud, like whispers in a lover's ear, Yang Mi might not be able to hear her own words, but with An Chen's hearing, he could hear them.At this moment, An Chen's hand froze, and then he showed a smile.Secretly thought Yang Mi, oh Yang Mi, you fell in by yourself, I'm afraid you can't run even if you want to. .

Text 0368: Go back and be my lover

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