As the host's words fell, the man who just stood up raised the sign beside him and shouted "1000 million."

At this moment, such a violent price increase almost made the host overexcited. 1000 million, a one-time increase of 400 million, you must know that he is a small host, and it is not his turn to host the big auction.

Arriving here, Zhang Yuqi frowned, as if hesitating.But Jian Bingbing said, "1200 million."

When Jian Bingbing heard that it was An Chen's painting, he intentionally raised the price.And even if such a painting is actually photographed, it will not lose money.


This price has reached Yan Bingbing's estimate, and she was willing to accept a price of about 1500 million, so Yan Bingbing gave up after sighing.

And the person who shouted 2000 million without hesitation is naturally the boss.Neither An Chen nor the boss participated in the following auction.The two left the same sentence to their female companions.

"Wait here for a while, I'll be back in a while."

Is this a matter of a while? But the two women surprisingly didn't refute it.

After arriving in a quiet room, An Chen set up the drawing board.Following the boss's narration, he began to paint and wipe from time to time.After all, it's not a real person, and there are no photos, so even An Chen needs to modify it. .

Text 0393: The Value of An Chen

s read here to refresh the previous chapter.No money, sent wrong, sorry.

It wasn't until more than an hour later that An Chen said, "Is that so?"

"Well, the appearance is fine. It's just that it lacks a little temperament and spirituality."

"Oh, tell me, what kind of temperament and spirituality is missing?"

"Generous and concise temperament, lively and sunny spirituality."

After pondering for a while, An Chen understood, and took out the first piece of paper that was scribbled and altered, and the girl's appearance was also remembered by An Chen.An Chen is constantly evolving in her mind, evolving the most spiritual and beautiful side of the girl.

"four five seven"

"Do you mind if I change clothes for her? To be honest, I think she looks better in a long skirt."

"Of course it's okay. I was working hard to earn money back then, just to buy her a long skirt, but unfortunately when I came back, she was gone."

The next moment, An Chen started to write. The pencil made a rustling sound on the white paper, and lines were outlined.Apart from the rustling, the room was as quiet as a street in the afternoon, and this rustling sounded as if it were cicadas singing.

With the last stroke drawn out, a lively girl appears on the paper.At this time, the girl was walking forward, and suddenly she looked back and smiled, which made the whole painting feel sunny and lively.Add in the neat skirt and that clean t-shirt, and it seems to have it all.

After finishing the painting, An Chen stood up and said, "Is that okay?"

"Well, this is her, this is her in my heart." Saying this, this grown-up man actually started to cry.But seeing this, An Chen suddenly pulled the easel.

At this moment, the man was stunned and a little angry.

"what are you doing"

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and didn't care. Anyone who saw their most precious things being taken away would probably have this reaction.

"Wipe your tears, it will be useless if you drip on the paper. If you ask me to draw again, I may not be able to draw exactly the same."

Hearing this, this person knew that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly wiped his tears while saying, "Yes, yes, thank you for not letting my tears fall on it. Sorry, I was too excited."

"Well, it's understandable. Then let's have the notary accept it now, and let them frame it for you by the way." An Chen tore the waste manuscripts on the floor into pieces.He opened his mouth again and said, "The reason why I charged you two copies is because I spent two copies. But it's better not to let the waste manuscript appear."

"Understood, understood, let's go to the notary immediately."

At the same time, the outside auction has also ended. After all, two and a half hours of painting time is enough to auction off a lot of things.But the people inside did not leave, they were waiting, waiting for An Chen's painting.

Seeing the two coming out, everyone stretched their necks.It seems that I want to see what a painting worth 4000 million looks like.

After the two sat down, not long after, the framed portrait was brought up.After whispering a few words with the other party, the host said, "Just now the notary said that both parties are very satisfied with this transaction, so the transaction has taken effect. Congratulations to the gentleman on the 23rd who won the auction of this live painting. Before we trade, let's take a look at the painting."

The woman in this painting is beautiful and lifelike, the only point is that it is monotonous, but that temperament seems to be the best foil.

Is 2000 million worth? For many people, it is worth it, at least that's what Jian Bingbing thinks.

With the end of the auction, the money arrived. An Chen also met Li Chen's girlfriend, Jian Bingbing.

"Sister Bingbing, thank you. If it weren't for you, my paintings wouldn't be able to sell for so much money."

Hearing this, Jian Bingbing smiled generously, and said, "Don't say thank you, your paintings are worth so much. It's just because this is an artist's auction that the auction is so cheap. By the way, what are you doing? Why are you leaving?" Follow a camera and what show"

"Well, Xiaotong and Xiaotong came to participate in our love affair, but she dragged me to do charity."

"It turned out to be a love show, so if you play it, I won't be a light bulb. Xiaochen comes to play at home when you are free, and your brother Chen misses you very much. Let's go first, bye"

"Ok Sister Bingbing, bye"

After saying this, An Chen looked at Guan Xiaotong and asked, "Where are we going now?"

Guan Xiaotong didn't speak, but looked An Chen up and down, and said after a long time, "I didn't expect you to earn so much money, 2000 million in one morning, my God, after half of it is gone, if it's all yours, you can't get 4000 million." Now he is considered a wealthy son-in-law, no, no, he is the fifth son of a diamond king."

"How about 50, is your heart moved?" After saying this with a smile, An Chen explained, "Actually, it's not as valuable as you think. Rare things are more expensive. If there are not many outflows, this may even increase in value." Space. But if there is too much outflow, it will definitely depreciate. Anyway, basically, I generally don’t paint for others.”

"Okay, okay, I was wrong. But when you recorded the show, you gave away paintings worth 2000 million yuan at the beginning, isn't it too arrogant?"

Hearing this, the accompanying choreographer hurriedly recorded it.From this point alone, this is definitely the best publicity stunt in the first issue, bar none. .

Body 0394: Going to the Extreme Challenge

"It's for you. I can't draw the charm in every painting. If there is no charm and beauty, this painting will be worthless."

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong smiled sweetly.Any woman will laugh when her sweetheart praises herself

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