Hearing this, An Chen looked at the narrow-minded Jiang Shuying, shook her head amusedly, and said, "It's too early for you to get old. Now you are golden, and you will take better care of it in the future. It's not as good as elegant." Sister Zhi is bad. As for the little girl Mengmeng, forget it, I am not interested in her. The little girl in the group is still queuing up, when will it be her turn. "

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Text 0431: Jiang Shuying

Hearing this, Jiang Shuying rolled her eyes again at a place An Chen couldn't see, and said, "You just said, I don't believe you can let Zuer go. But Na Ya, don't think I can't see how you plan to deal with it." , Naga also likes you."

An Chen paused for Jiang Shuying's pinched hand, and then said, "To be honest, I don't know what to do with Naga. But one thing is for sure, I like her body very much. If she If I take the initiative, I may not be able to bear it, but as for the future, I don’t know.”

Jiang Shuying couldn't help but turned half of her head, and said, "Aren't you afraid that I'll tell Naga if you say that? If she knows, you might not have a chance."

"That's even better. It saves me from choosing difficulties." While speaking, An Chen had already recuperated Jiang Shuying's body, and said, "Okay."

After saying this, An Chen got off Jiang Shuying, and said, "Do you need some wine to flirt or just start?"

13 Is this bastard a master in love? At this moment, Jiang Shuying was a little suspicious, but this was the first time between the two of them, so it was inevitably embarrassing.After thinking about it, Jiang Shuying's eyes lit up, and she said, "It's been a long time since I gave you a massage, and you've been tired all day, let me give you a massage."

An Chen knew what Jiang Shuying wanted to play when he heard the words, but he still smiled and said, "That's right, I'm tired too."

An Chen said, lying down on Jiang Shuying's previous position.Then Jiang Shuying sat up blushing and heart beating.Jiang Shuying couldn't help trembling as soon as she got close to An Chen.But she resisted and sat down.Because of taking a bath and some reasons, Jiang Shuying actually only has a pair of pajamas on her body, and the inside is vacuum.

As for An Chen, well, he was actually wearing a pair of big underpants.

Because Jiang Shuying sat down, some hairs came through An Chen's underpants, making An Chen itchy.The next moment, Jiang Shuying began to make trouble for An Chen.But Jiang Shuying seemed a little anxious, and within a few minutes, she began to move unconsciously.

At this moment, An Chen wanted to turn around and press Jiang Shuying under him, kissing this beautiful leg.He is also half of leg control and foot control.Of course, the foot control was brought out by Guan Xiaotong, but An Chen endured it and planned to wait for Jiang Shuying to go to the high place first.

While thinking this way, An Chen smiled while gently pressing the hidden point on Jiang Shuying's leg.He didn't expect Jiang Shuying to be a good female knight.I don't know how the performance of this female knight will be for a while, but it seems that I have to wait for a while.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Jiang Shuying was getting faster and faster. Suddenly, she froze, and her whole leg collapsed and became stiff.Seeing this, An Chen smiled and gave him one last help.He gently slid his fingers over Jiang Shuying's slender and slender legs.

At this moment, Jiang Shuying's tense legs instantly relaxed, and she spread herself on An Chen's body.Knowing this time, An Chen finally took action.

It took a long time for Jiang Shuying to recover. Only then did she feel that she had survived.She just heard her say, "Asshole, did you want to kill me just now?"

Hearing this, An Chen said helplessly, "Please, I haven't started yet, okay?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Jiang Shuying's legs went limp again, and she said with a little fear, "How did they suffer from you? You're not a human, you're that stallion, right?"

"You are the stallion. As for them, they have already attacked and defended the alliance. Now they dare not go home alone, and they only come back with their friends."

Jiang Shuying's face turned bitter when she heard this.

"Then what should I do? I don't know them well." But Jiang Shuying's eyes lit up after saying this, and she said, "Why don't I get Naga."

An Chen hesitated when he heard the words, and then said, "It's up to you, I'm also very interested in her body anyway."

Jiang Shuying rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and then said, "You are not afraid of driving her away when you say that, won't you say something nice?"

"You know, my greatest strength is telling the truth."

Hearing what An Chen said, Jiang Shuying rolled her eyes again, but before she could speak, An Chen had already said, "Have a good rest?"

At this moment, Jiang Shuying 493's scalp tightened, but she felt that she could hold on.Yes, just stick to it.Yes, after hesitating for a moment, Jiang Shuying nodded.

At this moment, An Chen turned Jiang Shuying onto himself, and said, "I'm tired, come on. To be honest, your previous actions made me want to try this effect."

Jiang Shuying blushed when she heard the words, but she was really moved by An Chen's proposal.Jiang Shuying blushed, and didn't dare to look at An Chen, she turned her head slightly, and at the same time moved gently on An Chen's body while looking aside.

Jiang Shuying didn't know how the time passed. In the end, she seemed to be in a short film. She only vaguely remembered being very comfortable, very comfortable.When she woke up again, she felt that her whole body was soft, and it was very difficult to move her fingers.Calling Nazha together, she was actually joking, but now if she is asked to do it alone again, she will really have lingering fears.

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Text 0432: Fickleness is the nature

When Jiang Shuying woke up, An Chen was watching TV. Feeling Jiang Shuying waking up, An Chen said, "Okay, you've slept enough. Wait a minute."

An Chen said, picked up the hotel phone and dialed the front desk, and then said, "Hello, the meals you prepared can be served. Room 802."

An Chen hung up the phone after finishing speaking, and then said to Jiang Shuying, "It was originally scheduled in the morning, but I didn't expect you to sleep until noon. I let them heat up, and they will be ready soon. Are you hungry?"

Jiang Shuying was a little moved when she heard the words, she nestled in An Chen's arms and said, "You are the one, why don't you eat it yourself after waiting for me all morning?"

"I didn't know that a certain little pig could sleep so well. I thought it was time to wake up, but I didn't expect to sleep until noon."

"It's not because of you that I feel like I'm broken. I've never slept so comfortably one day. By the way, no one called me. I feel so quiet today. To be honest, I really like this feeling."

"There is one, I don't know who it is, I told her that you were busy and sent a text message. I read the text message and it was nothing serious, so I just disturbed you. By the way, you won't be angry with me, after all, I checked your mobile phone. "An Chen said this half-jokingly, still a little worried that Jiang Shuying would mind.

"It's okay, but don't look around, I have a lot of things in my phone that are inconvenient for others to see."

"Oh what is it?" Jiang Shuying said, An Chen was really curious.

"The private conversations with Naga and other girlfriends are very secret anyway." After Jiang Shuying said this, she looked at An Chen with a funny face and asked, "Do you really want to see it?"



An Chen and Jiang Shuying left after staying in Hong Kong for two days.Although Jiang Shuying was a little scared later, she was bullied by An Chen again.So much so that Jiang Shuying walked very strangely on the third day.

After getting off the plane, An Chen originally wanted to go to Jiang Shuying's house, but was chased away by Jiang Shuying.In the end, her agent came to pick her up.An Chen shrugged and dialed Guan Xiaotong's cell phone.I haven't seen you for a few days, shouldn't I be shooting

"Hey, Xiaotong, where are you? Has the crew contacted you? When will we shoot?"

The corner of Guan Xiaotong's mouth twitched on the other end of the phone, feeling a little emotional.

"Why do you call me once every few days and tell me this? Tell you, I'm upset, so hurry up and coax me."

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