"No, don't kill me. I was wrong, don't kill me."

An Chen didn't speak, but looked at the other person, and said, "Your accomplice is dead, don't you want revenge? It seems that your injury is not serious."

Following An Chen's words, everyone's nerves tensed at this moment.At this moment, the man calmly said, "How did you see that?"

"Because the moment I made a move, your hand reached into your arms, and you acted too calmly. But maybe I shot too quickly, so you gave up the possibility of being exposed."

"It's just your guess, isn't it?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said nonchalantly, "It's okay, the police should arrive tomorrow at the latest."

"Are you trying to force me to kill?"

"No, I just don't understand why people with sensitive identities like you come to tourist areas." Yes, this is what An Chen is most curious about.You should know that there will be inspections in some places in the tourist area. Although it is not so strict, it will be inconvenient.

"I told you to let me go"

"Of course not."

Hearing this, the gangster seemed to think it was reasonable. The next moment, he said, "Then why should I tell you? Guess for yourself, I'm leaving now."


An Chen thought this sentence was funny, could he let him go? But the next moment An Chen knew where the other party's confidence came from. .

Text 0444: Jiuzhaigou mission ends

At this moment, An Chen felt that he was really screwed up.He didn't expect to encounter guns in China, and the most important thing was that there were still many people in the car.

"I know you are a Lianjiazi, but can you pass the bullet quickly? Of course, I don't want to cause trouble. So, let me go, or I will kill you."

Hearing this, An Chen was helpless, and it seemed that he could only let the other party go.After thinking for a while, An Chen said, "Okay, I'll let you go, but you can't hurt anyone. Let's get out of the car now. You can see that we can get down after we have gone far. You can see it."

"Okay. After getting out of the car, step back thirty meters. Remember to walk from a place where your sight is clear."

It was really cautious, but An Chen still nodded.He got out of the car with the others, and walked towards Guan Xiaotong and the others cautiously.But at this moment, an accident happened.

The killer who got out of the car suddenly said, "Hey, Guan Xiaotong didn't expect to meet Guan Xiaotong here, it looks like he's lucky."

The killer's voice was not loud, but it was just enough for An Chen to hear it.At this moment, An Chen was shocked, and the next second, the Tang Dao in the system warehouse appeared again.The moment Tang Dao appeared, An Chen flipped the switch.Immediately afterwards, the needle that was originally used to grab the fixed needle pierced through the void instantly, and with a "poof", it pierced the throat of the killer who hadn't spoken yet.

This attack happened in the blink of an eye, and no one saw it clearly until An Chen withdrew the knife in an instant.After all, it's a dark night sky.


The sound of the killer falling to the ground was so abrupt that it startled the few people who were already on guard.When their flashlights were aimed at the place where the sound came from, they saw a person who had fallen to the ground.

At this moment, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't know what to do, and then everyone looked at An Chen.

"I'll go and see, you guys are waiting here. Give the light to his head."

Following An Chen's words, everyone followed suit.At this moment, An Chen was their backbone.

In An Chen's glasses, the other party no longer had signs of life.But An Chen still looked at it pretendingly, then walked back, and said to everyone, "He is dead, and there is a wound on his throat. I don't know what caused it."

Speaking of this, An Chen paused, and then said to everyone, "Since everyone's life is no longer in danger, you should wait here. A rescue team will come to rescue after dawn."

"What, do you want to leave? We don't have anything now. What if a wolf, tiger, and leopard come over?"

"Brother, this is a tourist area, not deep mountains and old forests. Where did wolves, tigers and leopards come from? And don't they have guns? You can find someone reliable to hold it. You are not the only one in this tourist area, we have to save more people people."

Hearing this, these people were a little embarrassed, but someone spoke again.

"However, it's only midnight, we don't have food or water, and it's very cold at night, what should we do? Or you can take us to the service area of ​​the tourist area."

"The service area is still ten kilometers away from here. If you go in the other direction alone, it should be less than five kilometers. Okay, now, if you want to go, you can go back to the car. The warmth and windproof on the top is not bad, and it can also effectively prevent animals. It is enough for one night. In addition, follow us, we will not stay, because every minute may be a life, so please estimate your own correctly stamina."

ask for flowers

"Okay, now everyone chooses, we will wait for everyone for three minutes, and we will set off as soon as the three minutes are up."

When the three minutes were up, An Chen said to Guan Xiaotong and the others beside him, "Let's go, let's go." After saying this, An Chen turned to the people behind him and said, "Please follow us directly. Go to the other side Those who set out form their own team, and those who park in the car close the door."

After An Chen finished speaking, he turned around and left, Guan Xiaotong and the others quickly followed.The road is still far away, let alone a long mountain road.The good thing is that all the girls are able to walk.Especially Timo, as an anchor who often goes outdoors and can walk for two or three hours at a time, although ten kilometers is a bit difficult, it is not that big.And Guan Xiaotong also often has high-intensity filming. Although ten kilometers is difficult for her, it should be no problem.

Not long after, after walking three kilometers, An Chen waved his hand again, and after shining the flashlight on a place on the mountain, he said, "You guys wait here, there should be few people, I'll be down soon."

"Farewell, let's go together to have a caretaker, and you are not here, we feel very insecure."

An Chen always felt it was weird when a big man talked about his sense of security, but An Chen didn't refuse again.The rest of the journey went smoothly. An Chen had brought everyone to the service area by dawn and saved dozens of people.

Next, An Chen continued to set off after a short rest. A group of more than a dozen people, together with the rescue team, finally searched Jiuzhaigou completely in the early morning of the third day.

So far, Anchen has rescued a total of 12 seriously injured, 187 slightly injured, and more than 400 uninjured.At the moment when the task was over, the generous reward almost made An Chen look silly. .

Body 0445: Overseas call from Thailand

A total of 34000 points for rewarding good and punishing evil, plus two lottery draws for items and two lottery draws for A-level skills, which is simply terrifyingly rich, but it also fits the name of the system.Finally, An Chen hesitated.He drew all the lottery skills, and this time he got three A skills again, Western Medicine Mastery, Water Spirit and Animal Taming.

"Proficient in Western medicine, A-level skills. Can master all types of treatment methods of Western medicine, and can synthesize S-level skills with Chinese medicine proficiency, genius doctor. Meet the synthesis conditions, whether to synthesize"

"Water Spirit, A-level skill. Can master all types of swimming skills, and can sense the direction of the undercurrent."

"Beast Taming, A-level skill. You can master the language of "[-]" animals, and communicate and interact."

At this moment, An Chen didn't hesitate, and instantly synthesized the S-level skill, genius doctor.At the same time, after looking at the points on his body, he marked all the skills to the master level.When the master level appeared, several special skills opened hidden levels and special effects.

"Genius doctor, master of s-level skills. Master all medical methods. As long as you have a breath, you can snatch people from the hands of death. You can also assist other skills to explore the mysteries of life."

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