"Well, let me take you for a walk. Anyway, we have completed the task, so you don't have to worry about the rules. They haven't come yet, and we are definitely ahead. Do you want to try?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Wang Likun hesitated for a while and finally nodded, then said, "Okay, let's try. If I get scared, you have to bring me back."

"Don't worry, as long as you don't move around, I can just carry you back."

"Hehe, I hope it's true." Although Wang Likun said so with white eyes, she still stepped out.

At this moment, Wang Likun wanted to go back on his word.Standing at a height of 500 meters and looking down, especially the swinging suspension bridge, it is simply killing people.At this moment, when Wang Likun wanted to repent [-] times, An Chen also stepped on Wang Likun's pedal and said, "Go, it's not because you are afraid. If you are afraid, you can walk with the safety rope, or I can walk." Hug you."

Hearing An Chen's hateful words, Wang Likun actually held back the words that came to his lips.In the next second, she summoned up her courage and took the first step.

Although the first step is easy to take, however, not all steps are so easy.When Wang Likun walked to the middle, the rope shook more and more.Wang Likun couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said, "I feel like I'm being pushed out of the shelves right now."

An Chen chuckled when he heard the words, stood on the step behind Wang Likun without any pressure, and said, "Then I'm an old farmer who drives ducks, Wang Duck, let's go."

Wang Likun rolled his eyes when he heard the words, but the pressure relaxed.Looking at the safety rope on his body, it's okay even if it's crooked. The next moment, Wang Likun bravely took another step. .

Body 0450: Interpretation of competence

At this moment, Wang Likun's feet were suddenly empty, and she also fell sideways.In the next moment, Wang Likun's mind went blank. Although she knew it was safe, at the moment when she really lost control, looking at the tiny object below, she still lost control.Although it was not enough to scream, the person was so frightened that he could not utter a word.

At this moment, Wang Likun was suddenly embraced.Seeing An Chen hugging Wang Likun and being fixed there by the safety rope, he smiled slightly and said, "Don't be afraid, the security measures here are pretty good, and I'm still here."

It wasn't until this moment that Wang Likun seemed to have recovered, but at this moment because of the relationship between An Chen and the rope, she was no longer nervous, but rolled her eyes and said, "It seems to be your credit, if there is no safety lock, I've already fallen."

Hearing this, An Chen showed a smirk, and then said, "Why do you want to try the feeling of falling? If you dare to open your arms to experience it, then this must be a good choice."

"You're crazy, the devil would think, what if the rope net breaks?"

Hearing what Wang Likun said, An Chen didn't care, grabbed the safety rope and pulled Wang Likun down the round plate again.The next moment, An Chen hugged Wang Likun amidst Wang Likun's exclamation.

After Wang Likun's scream, she couldn't help but worry and said, "Can you do it, what if the weight of the two people breaks the rope?"

"As long as you don't move, you'll be fine. Don't move now, hold me well."

Hearing this, although Wang Likun was worried, she didn't dare to speak or move any more.The next moment, An Chen took the first step amidst her fear.

Her steps were steady, even though she was a little wobbly, they still didn't stop An Chen's firm steps.It should be firmness, because An Chen still didn't stop.If someone looked carefully at An Chen's feet, he would find that An Chen walked in the very center of the circular plate in every circle, no more and no less.So although An Chen hugged Wang Likun and didn't even stop, he still didn't shake much.

Not long after, An Chen had brought Wang Likun to the bell at the end.Wang Likun said, "Why don't you let me down, I'll go down here later."

Hearing this, An Chen laughed and said, "This is a one-way street, that is to say, there is only one way to go back and forth. Look, there is no way out here."

Hearing this, Wang Likun blushed, but said, "Why don't you let me down, I can go by myself."

"It's okay, you're not heavy, and you're beautiful, can you give me more hugs?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Wang Likun chuckled, and then said, "Okay, I will give you this honor today."

The next moment, An Chen turned around and walked back holding Wang Likun again.Although she was at an altitude of 50 meters, Wang Likun was no longer afraid this time. She just looked sweetly at An Chen in front of her, with a rosy face.When An Chen arrived, Wang Likun blushed and fell into An Chen's embrace.

"Do you want to see something more exciting"

Excitement is always a persistent topic. If it was someone else, Wang Likun really wanted to see it, but if it was An Chen, Wang Likun hesitated.

After thinking about it, Wang Likun shook his head, and said, "Forget it, our two trips have also delayed a lot of time, maybe they should come here."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "It's impossible, they should take a long time. But since you said so, let's go."

When An Chen and the others walked down, no one had arrived, and they were about to head to the last information mission checkpoint of this stage.

"Boat. Today, the contestants will drive the boat by themselves. During the tour, if they successfully find the clues of English subtitle information along the way, and can successfully decipher the correct address of the relay station, they can directly drive the boat to the relay station of this station."

Seeing this, An Chen laughed, and then revealed his confidence.Sure enough, at his level, it is basically difficult to stop him.

"Come on, let's go."

After boarding the boat, An Chen directly launched the boat. Although it is solar powered, the principle is electricity. As long as the output is sufficient, its speed is still very objective.Of course, it's still a lot worse than speedboats.

Not long after, they saw the first letter, h.No matter what the letters are, in fact, less than three are basically useless, because the 26 English letters are common English letters, and none of them is a single letter that allows people to distinguish the word address at a glance.

The boat continued to drive, but Wang Likun said, "Xiaochen, I found that there are very few things you don't know. Can you tell me where you learned these things?"

I'm afraid this question is not only what Wang Likun wants to know, but also what everyone who knows An Chen's magic wants to know.But can An Chen answer this question? Fortunately, he already has a draft in mind.An Chen said, "Most of these skills are based on the game."


Body 0451: Gap between first and second

Seeing Wang Likun's astonished expression, An Chen said, "Yes, that's right, it's a game. Most of the current games are established by simulating reality, so many things are mostly real."

At this moment, Wang Likun's mouth opened wide. This result was beyond her expectation. She thought a lot, but she didn't expect this.

At this moment, An Chen said, "Give me the map."

Wang Likun regained consciousness instantly after hearing the words, handed over the map immediately, and said, "Why, have you found the location yet?"

"Saw three, so basically all right. Now what we need is a comparison map."

As An Chen finished speaking, he looked at the map in his hand, and the names on the map quickly flashed across his eyes.Then he pointed to Xingang and said, "This is it. Since it is said that it is arriving by boat, the range is already very small, and with the addition of English letters, it must be here."

Hearing this, Wang Likun cheered instantly13, and then said, "That's great, I knew that partnering with you was the most correct choice."

"Hey, who detested me and dawdled."

Hearing this, Wang Likun said shyly in embarrassment, "Are you slow in the first place? Well, count me as wrong, okay?"

An Chen just smiled when he heard Wang Likun's words, and then sailed the boat to Xingang.Xingang is not very close, but no one can surpass An Chen and the others on this road.Because An Chen's speed has always been the fastest.

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