After Jiang Yiyan finished, it was Di Lieba's turn, and Di Lieba said, "I feel like it's Wang Xun. After all, no matter whether it's his nervousness or guilty conscience, I believe he's a wolf. Okay, I'll take care of it."

Now it was An Chen's turn, and An Chen said, "I don't know if you believe me when I say I am Min. I think you must be skeptical. But in fact, I am really Min. I think the reason why the killer didn't kill me is actually It shouldn’t be difficult to guess. For example, if you don’t kill me, everyone will think why such a smart person doesn’t kill him. Then he must be a wolf. In this case, the wolf can kill two civilians at once, so I hope everyone thinks carefully Do it later."

"In addition, this round, I will vote for Wang Xun, not because of public revenge, but because Wang Xun is really suspicious. In addition to his own exposure, there is also what Zhang Xinyi said, so I will vote him out first. If the second round If you have no idea, you can vote for me. After all, I am also suspicious of the target, but I still remind everyone to be cautious. Okay, pass"

It was Wang Luodan's turn to speak next, and Wang Luodan said, "Actually, you have said everything you should say when it comes to me, but I still want to say it. I believe Brother Xun really doesn't know how to play, otherwise he wouldn't be in a hurry to get rid of it." Myself, and then I directly want to vote for other people, but it is because of this that I feel that he is more. Therefore, I will also vote for Brother Xun. Sorry, Brother Xun, it’s over.”

The last person was Yao Chen, who only heard Yao Chen say, "The matter has come to this point, it seems to be obvious, the first wolf seems to have come out, so I vote for Wang Xun with everyone's opinions. And, the most important point is , When I came out just now, I found Brother Xun was so fast, I just got out of the tent, and he was already standing there."

At this moment, Wang Xun seemed to be crying stupidly by himself, and countless sharp knives seemed to be stuck in her chest, leaving him speechless.

"Okay, everyone please vote."

"In the first round, if you think it's a pig, please raise your hand."

Of course there is no doubt about Luo Zhixiang, if you vote for Luo Zhixiang at this time, it will be exposed.Seeing the result of 0 votes, An Chen directly said, "Well, let's vote for the one with the most doubts, me and Wang Xun. If anyone of us gets more than half of the votes, we can call it a day."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yixing said, "If you doubt Xiaochen, please raise your hand."

Following Zhang Yixing's words, Xiao Zhu hesitated and raised his hand, but other than that, there was only Wang Xun and no one else.When we got here, it seemed that the ending had already been decided. Following Wang Xun's words of doubting Wang Xun's request to raise his hands, many hands were raised.In addition to Zhang Yixing, Wang Xun and Xiaozhu, 6 hands were raised, and two others chose to abstain.

ask for flowers

"It's over, I'm really a citizen."

"Those cast to death have no right to leave a will."

Hearing Yao Chen say that, Wang Xun was in a bad mood.At this moment, the director also continued to say, "Okay, please close your eyes when it gets dark, and the werewolf comes out of the tent."

When the four of them came out, Sun Honglei looked at several tents and indicated how to choose.An Chen looked at it and then pointed to Jiang Yiyan.It seems that Jiang Yiyan still knows how to play a little bit. In this case, it is always a bit guaranteed to eliminate those who can play a little bit.

Regarding who to kill next, in fact, everyone did not have a particularly good suggestion, after all, at this time, everyone has not yet revealed the truth.But An Chen had already figured it out, the next one must kill Yao Chen first.

At dawn, Jiang Yiyan felt bad when she saw the stick in front of her fall down.At this moment, An Chen said, "Why is it Yiyan? I thought it was mine."

"That's right, why don't you kill me. To be honest, you are a wolf."

Hearing this, An Chen showed a helpless expression.

"I wish they killed me, so that I don't have to worry about it. Because I can save one of you, but now I suddenly feel that I can't die. If I die, four people will die, and the rest How can you play well, Yiyan, leave your last words."

Hearing what An Chen said, Jiang Yiyan hesitated instead, and at this moment, the phone was picked up. .

Text 0463: Brainless design team

In an instant, Xiaozhu rushed forward and rushed to answer the call before everyone else.

At this moment, An Chen said, "Because I'm a citizen, so I won't rob. I hope someone can prove my innocence later. What I'm afraid of is the news from the werewolf, not the civilians."

At this moment, Xiao Zhu didn't know that An Chen made the phone call meaningless with just a few words.

At this moment, the piggy who answered the phone came out.I just heard An Chen say, "Can you prove my innocence?"

I heard the little pig shrugged and said, "I can't, because I can't hear what they said at all, and I can't hear anything." "Four six three"

This surprised An Chen.After thinking about it, An Chen was about to retaliate, only to hear An Chen say, "Since there is a phone call, how can it be hard to hear clearly, and there are many wolves, the crew should not do this kind of thing, right? Or are you a wolf yourself? confusing the public opinion”

Hearing what An Chen said, everyone turned suspicious eyes on Xiaozhu.Seeing this, Little Pig said, "It's not me. I'm really not a wolf. It's just like that on the phone. If you don't believe me, go and listen next time."

At this moment, the phone rang again, and the next second, Piggy snatched the phone again in a flash.

At this moment, everyone was speechless, even Zhang Yixing was the same.When Xiaozhu answered the phone, An Chen said, "I think there is something wrong with Xiaozhu. Shouldn't someone else answer the phone at this time to prove his innocence?"

"That's right, I said I'll grab it, he runs faster than me, it's amazing."

After Zhang Xinyi finished speaking, everyone agreed.At this moment, Xiaozhu also finished answering the phone, only to hear Sun Honglei say, "What is it this time? Let us learn from it."

"This time, wow, wow, Sun Honglei"

Sun Honglei was stunned, and then said, "Aren't you fooling me, am I obviously a citizen?"

Hearing this, Little Pig said, "I didn't hear what it was, I only heard the name."

At this moment, An Chen said, "But why are you so anxious to grab the phone and say that Brother Hong Lei exposed a person to attract others' attention because of my previous suspicion? Or is it really Brother Hong Lei? The most important thing is that you only After hearing the name, we didn't even have the chance to try it. Finally, I want to listen to your speech, Yiyan, let's leave your last words now."

Hearing this, Jiang Yiyan organized her words and said, "The person must be here. The other party came and left very quickly, because after the other party shook the tent in front of me, it would be dawn in five seconds. So I think An Chen's suspicion is right, considering the distance, I believe it's the little pig. Alright, I've passed."

At this moment, Xiaozhu was extremely sad, as if he was saying dear, I am your teammate.

It's a pity that it's not the little pig's turn to speak at this time, so the little pig can only sulk there.Then it was Di Lieba's turn, and Di Lieba said, "I believe An Chen and Yiyan's analysis, yes."

Hearing this, An Chen also said, "I just said what needs to be said."

Thanks to Reba's support and Jiang Yiyan's last words, this time, even the wolf friends are bold enough to get Xiaozhu.The ending seemed to be doomed, but Lin Zhiling's words made An Chen's heart tighten.

"After I came out just now, I have been listening to someone's shortness of breath, but I heard Brother Hong Lei's breathing is a bit short of breath. So I think Brother Hong Lei mentioned by the little pig may really be a wolf"

Then it was Xiaozhu's turn to speak, and Xiaozhu said at this time, "Brothers, I'm really not a wolf. Listen to Zhiling, the wolf has already surfaced, so you can't still say it's me. "

Then it was the turn of the voting session, but after seeing this, An Chen suddenly discovered something after calculating.He suddenly said, "Go to sleep. The game is over, the wolf has won. Grandma Wolf, you can come back."

At this moment, everyone was stunned. After Huang Lei, who was far away in Xiaoqingzhou, was stunned, he thought quickly, and then said after a while, "The people who died just now are all civilians."

At the same time, An Chen said, "This program group is not designed well. There are more wolves and fewer people. Go to bed when you are done. There are four wolves and four people. If you vote again, it will be Christmas Eve." , or the death of the people. So if the wolf beats you, you have already lost. The design team, think more carefully next time, there is no challenge at all."

When the design team was speechless, Zhang Yixing said, "Okay, okay, 00 is going to sleep, good night."

Hearing this, everyone turned to the director.At this time, the director had no choice but to say, "Congratulations to the werewolf for winning, everyone can rest."

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