"Play, but I need to feed my girlfriend first. You go, we'll catch up later."

"Uh, I ate another handful of dog food by surprise. Okay, then I'll go first."

Without further talking to the three shocked fans, An Chen and Reba started their trip again after eating dog food.Because the nearby mission points should have already been occupied, An Chen and Reba set off for the pier.But at this moment, Reba suddenly paused, and immediately said, "Look, there are prop supplies ahead, let's grab them quickly."

After Reba's words fell, the two hurriedly chased a few steps, and stopped the two who were carrying the gold and silver parcels.I just heard the other party say, "Don't grab it. You can only choose one package for a prop supply. Do you choose the golden package or the silver package?"

Hearing this, Reba looked at An Chen, and An Chen said, "Then let's choose gold."

It was said that the other party left the golden package behind.When Reba got it, he looked at it, smiled and said to An Chen, "There are three props, hey, I'll give them all to you."

An Chen was not pretentious, took the props and took Reba into the car heading to the pier.

The pier is a bit far from here, and it took almost an hour for the two to arrive.After arriving, An Chen looked around and said to Reba, "Let's go, the photo studio is closer, let's go there and have a look first, if we are fast enough, maybe we can get two supplies."

The photo studio is very large, and there are many photos in it. Seeing this, An Chen said to the guard captain who was guarding there, "Excuse me, are there two boxes here?"

Hearing this, the other party said, "You have to find the box yourself."

When An Chen was speechless, Reba said, "Little brother, can you help me, this place is so big."

Hearing that the captain finally let go, he said, "Since this place is so big, you can go to the second floor to have a look."

Hearing this, An Chen took Reba up to the second floor.But at this moment, An Chen was taken aback, and saw the captain again.


"Yes, it's the first time someone has reacted so quickly. The one below is my brother, and I'm my brother."

"Hello, we are here to get supplies."

Hearing the words, the captain said, "Your family's supplies are here. There are 8 boxes in it, and one of them is real. Then the clues are here, and it's up to you to explore slowly."

"Are the 7 fake?" An Chen looked at the 8 boxes and smiled.Since it is in a photo studio, it must be related to the photos, and there are only photos and boxes in this room.Thinking of this, An Chen began to look at the photos.

After seeing An Chen's actions, Reba asked, "Is the clue in the photo?"

"It should be right, there are only photos and boxes in this room." At this point, An Chen's eyes paused, and at the same time, he smiled.

Seeing this, Reba, who was looking at An Chen, said, "I found it"

"Hmm." An Chen pointed to a photo, and said, "We saw this person yesterday, but no one else has. According to her fingers, this box should be the right one."

After An Chen took the box and handed it to the captain, there was indeed something inside, but it turned out to be a set of numbers.

90925, material settlement point, No. 16 Luhuitou Road, Jiyang District, Sanya City.What do you mean? At this moment, An Chen's mind started to run fast, but she still didn't have the slightest clue.But at this moment, An Chen's head suddenly lit up, remembering the box that Sun Honglei took out when calculating the scores yesterday.

The next moment, An Chen narrowed his eyes, and then laughed.If you guessed correctly, that is the key to the outcome, and the program team loves to do this kind of thing.

"let's go."

"where to go"

"Find the key to winning or losing."


When An Chen walked out, he had torn up the clue card and threw it into the trash can.The two walked a few steps, and suddenly saw a few people over there.Seeing this, An Chen said, "Yixing, have you found any new supplies?"

"Well, I got the supplies from the roast duck restaurant. How about you, An Chen?"

"There are no supplies, but we got three prop cards. In this way, I will give you another one, and the remaining two are to prevent others from taking pictures of me after I get the supplies."

Hearing this, Zhang Yixing quickly refused, "No need, Master and sister Zhiling gave me three more, and I have seven now, you should use it."

Did you hear Zhang Yi and Li Haoxing say that? An Chen didn't say anything more, and said, "Okay, then we'll split up and meet up later. Besides, there must be not enough props for the remaining people. If you can't find the supplies, just shoot them." .”

At this time, Huang Lei on the side also said, "Yes, Yixing, go and shoot, we are your ammunition depot."

"Okay, let's go then."

After they broke up, An Chen came to the place where he could take a taxi and got into a taxi. He said to the driver, "No. 16, Luhuitou Road, Jiyang District, please hurry up."

When An Chen and the others went to No. 16 Luhuitou Road, Zhang Yixing also found Sun Honglei and Wang Xun.A big battle was about to break out, but they didn't care what happened to An Chen. .

Text 0466: Listening to Jiang Yiyan in the corner

"They're all here, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Yeah, you two came earlier and I said why didn't I see you two."

After Huang Bo finished speaking, An Chen smiled confidently and said, "Yes, we have found the key to victory."

"The key to success"

Following Huang Lei's question, An Chen said, "Yes, Brother Hong Lei's box."

Hearing this, Sun Honglei hurriedly said, "Ah, you took my box, it's my box. Return it to me quickly."

"I'm sorry, Brother Hong Lei, whoever gets this thing counts. You are just responsible for keeping the box."

"Director, is that so?"

"That's right, the key to opening the box is the password. If you get the password and open the box, you will get the supplies in the box."

Hearing this, Huang Lei suddenly said, "Just now Xiaochen said that it is the key to victory, so how much is this material?"

Without the director's answer, An Chen directly answered Huang Lei's question.

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