Because An Chen is proficient in world cuisines, he knows that many Vikings' food is unpalatable.His only request to Wang Likun is to take fruit.It's fine to just take enough for one plate, and it doesn't matter how much others take, she just prepares according to this standard.

When the two rushed back, An Chen breathed a sigh of relief.Although it looked like a lot, An Chen could see the gaps in the food, and the fact that they were all fruits made An Chen heave a sigh of relief.

I only heard Xiu Jiekai look at Jia Jingwen and shout, "Oh my God, why did we take so much? Haven't we eaten for a few days?"

At this moment, Jia Jingwen was a little confused, wouldn't the more the better?

Next came the weighing session. When the two plates of food were put on, there was no doubt that Jia Jingwen and the others had the right to challenge.Seeing this, An Chen said, "Come on, I believe you can do it."

At this moment, Xiu Jiekai's expression twitched, and he said, "Mom, you are trying to support me to death."

Hearing this, An Chen kindly said, "I suggest you give up, trust me, you will never finish eating."

Xiu Jiekai is not someone who gives up so easily.Yes, he shook his head and said, "Let me try it."

Hearing this, An Chen shrugged and said, "The last group needs a 15-minute time penalty."

Hearing that Xiu Jiekai didn't seem to be so persistent, he looked at the plate of food and heard Xiu Jiekai say, "Then let you go, let's challenge the next group."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said, "You should be glad I reminded you, otherwise you will cry later. Why don't you try these dishes first, and then decide what and how much to take."

Xiu Jiekai seemed a little puzzled, but he still picked up the spoon and began to taste a little bit.The reality is beautiful, but when he started to taste it, he seemed to understand why An Chen said that, the degree of unpalatability of this food is simply astonishing.Although he only ate less than two tablespoons of food, it seemed that Xiu Jiekai was not the one who was tortured.

"Mom, don't take this anymore, don't want this, and this, this, this." Finally, Xiu Jiekai pointed to two of the dishes and said, "You can take more of these two. There are also fruits, um, let's bring more fruits." still."

"Okay, then I'll go first."

"Okay, please tell them we're full when we go out. 05"


Following An Chen's agreement, the Viking referee said, "Okay, the challenge failed." He continued to An Chen and the others, "Here are your clue cards and puzzles."

When An Chen went out, there were already three groups of people waiting, and Ji Bingbing said, "What's going on inside?"

"They ate more than half of the plate, but the time is up, so I think you should be very relaxed. Okay, let's go first."

"You go slowly, wait for us to make it, it's embarrassing for us not to see your taillights every time.".

Text 0469: Really strong

"How fast can we go? Please, we can go all the way except by car."

"You don't care, anyway, you have to help us."

Hearing this, An Chen really ignored it. He saw An Chen waving, and when Jian Bingbing approached, he said in his ear, "Take more fruit for a while, and it's best not to take other fruits. Also, don't take fruit." Too much, the fruit has a lot of water and is very heavy. It is almost enough, but if there is too much, the opposite side will definitely not be able to finish."

An Chen finished speaking and walked outside.At the same time, Qiangzi said, "Xiaochen, it's not fair for you to do this."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said indifferently, "Is there any leveling in this game?"

This time, it was Qiangzi's turn to be speechless.When An Chen and the others went out, they happened to meet the sixth and seventh groups. Looking at Huang Tingting and the others who were ranked seventh, An Chen reached out and grabbed Huang Tingting who was staring at him, and then watched the others go in. The same words were repeated in her ear.

It wasn't until Huang Tingting entered that Wang Likun rolled her eyes and said in a low voice 13 "You are the only one who is passionate."

An Chen smiled but did not refute.

"Let's go, the next task is about to start. It seems to be a manual task. This is my strong point."

After the two got into the car, Wang Likun said, "Can you tell me which one is not your strong point?"

"This, it seems that there really isn't one."

When they arrived, there were already a bunch of people waiting on the side of the road.The task of this link is to complete the task of decorating the tree tower according to the tradition of Midsummer Night.Each team needs to choose a tree stand, and refer to the sample to dress up a tree tower full of festive atmosphere.After the construction is completed and meets the referee's standards, you can get the next clue and a treasure puzzle.

The sample stands there and is not difficult to see, but it is obviously impossible to see the details from this distance.So after the two of them observed closely, Wang Likun asked, "Is there a problem?"

"No, let's go. This match point will take some time."

Because An Chen and the others walked the whole time, when they reached the tree stand they had chosen, Jia Jingwen and the others came.I just heard Jia Jingwen say, "After so many stages, it's finally this stage. I'll see you for a while longer."

"Then you should look more, because at the next point, you may not see us."

Hearing this, Xiu Jiekai couldn't help but speak.

"Xiaochen, you are too confident, are we bad?"

Hearing this, An Chen said shamelessly, "No, it's not that you guys are bad, it's that I'm too strong."

How to answer this? At this moment, Wang Likun urged, "Hurry up and start."

An Chen shrugged his shoulders, and then started to do it. Manual tasks should not be too simple for him. In terms of his strength, explosiveness, and precision, coupled with his ability to never forget, this is simply rewarding points and a waste of time. Undoubtedly it is time.

Twenty minutes later, when the third group of Jian Bingbing and the others arrived, An Chen had already finished.

"Referee, judge."

At this moment, when the little girl came to referee, Jian Bingbing and the others also came forward.

"very perfect."

"What, Xiaochen, you guys are done"

Hearing Jian Bingbing's surprised voice, An Chen nodded and said, "Well, I'm lucky, Sister Bingbing, come on, there's nothing to guide you in this level, this is a manual task, and the samples are over there."

"Well, I can finally see the tail lights this time." After Yan Bingbing said this with a wry smile, he dragged Xie Yilin to the task.

"Then let's go first, see you next time."

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