"Then I went there at that time. He can train for free every Saturday, and he can take vocal music lessons and dance lessons, but you don't have to pay. At that time, my mother also thought I was very naughty, and said that you should go, anyway. I had nothing to do at home. Then she asked me to go, and I went to practice. After training for more than a year, I started singing, and then recorded a video and posted it on the Internet. Then it became popular slowly, and then I made my debut slowly , and finally became what it is now. I didn't expect it to become what it is now."

At this moment, everyone started to complain.Wang Ziru said in a dazed voice, "Are you omitting ten thousand words in the middle? The first part is so detailed, and the latter part is so concise, I can't get used to it."

An Chen 20 heard the words and said, "Actually, I can understand him, because the important thing is the beginning and the end, and the process is not important to him." At this point, An Chen paused, and continued, "For example, I, in fact, I Entering the entertainment industry was an accident. I was just a small anchor. But after participating in a running man, I somehow became a guest. Then the guest became a resident guest, and I made my debut out of nowhere. Then It became what it is now.”

Hearing this, I only heard Wang Ziru continue to complain, "You are all so inexplicable, I want to be inexplicable too. Inexplicably, I become like you.".

Text 0484: Jing Tian is here

How to answer this? At this moment, Li Jing said, "Then what are your strengths and weaknesses?"

Hearing this, Wang Yuan was the first to say, "I'm good at it. Actually, after thinking about it, I don't have anything good at it."

Wang Yuan's words surprised He Zhen, and she only heard her reminder and said, "Music."

"Singing is okay, singing is okay, you want to talk about how good you are, there is nothing. In fact, in the past few years, it was all lip-syncing."

"So honest."

Following Cheng Xiaoyue's words, Li Jing said, "If you want to be so honest, cut this paragraph out. What about An Chen?"

"Me, I'm the exact opposite of him. He doesn't think he's good at anything, and I don't think he's good at anything."

Hearing this, Li Jing scoffed, "Che Xiaoyuan is too modest, you are too modest."

Hearing what Li Jing said, Cheng Xiaoyue was the first to say, "Sister Jing just doesn't understand An Chen. Xiaochen is not exaggerating, it seems that there is nothing he can't do, singing, dancing, cooking, martial arts, painting, etc. Anyway, there are too many, I don’t know why he can’t, otherwise he wouldn’t be called the king of variety shows, right?”

"It's really amazing"


Hearing An Chen's shameless answer, Li Jing was skeptical anyway.Next, it was He Sui's turn to introduce, and their introduction made An Chen understand one thing, that is, most of the people in Building B are good at cooking, and of course, He Sui's singing seemed ugly.Dai Jun's abilities seem to be similar to his, and there is nothing he is not good at, but the moisture behind this not good at is unknown.

With the end of self-introduction, everyone began to toast and eat.Here I have to say that Wang Yuan is worthy of being a foodie, he had already eaten two bowls of rice, and he insisted on stuffing another bowl and a half.After everyone had eaten and drank well, Dai Jun said, "Please close your eyes when we play in the dark."

Following Dai Jun's words, everyone responded one after another, only He Hao said, "Then I will be the judge first."

At this moment, Li Jing suddenly asked, "A red card is a good person."

Following Li Jing's words, An Chen said, "Sister Jing is a red card, is this going to end before the game?"

When An Chen complained, Guo Jinqi said, "Sister Jing, you seem to have exposed yourself. Red is the bad guy, and black is the good guy."

After the complaints were over, everyone started playing the game. It wasn't until this time that they realized how awesome An Chen was.From the beginning to the end, An Chen's team basically never lost.Even if they wanted to vote for An Chen, it was impossible, because everything An Chen said seemed to be very reasonable, which made them always choose other people after weighing the pros and cons.

Just when everyone was about to break up after playing a few rounds, An Chen suddenly saw something.A hazy white figure seemed to appear in the glass.Seeing this, An Chen quickly walked to the door, opened the door in everyone's surprise, and said, "Why did you come here now?"

While speaking, An Chen had already seen the luggage below, and then walked down the stairs with great insight.

Seeing this, Jing Tian said, "Have you been watching the door all this time? They didn't see me. I just came from the film crew to catch a plane. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to catch up."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Why have you been working so hard recently? Are you hungry and there are instant noodles in the room."

"I'm a little hungry, but I want to go to the bathroom first."

"Then you go in first, I'll get the things." Speaking of this, An Chen suddenly thought of something, and suddenly said, "By the way, you look very good wearing glasses today, are you short-sighted?"

"Yes, but I haven't worn glasses for a long time, and I usually wear colored contact lenses."

"Well, don't wear color contact lenses in the future, it will be a burden on the eyes if you wear them for a long time."

"Okay, I'm going to the bathroom first, it's killing me."

While speaking, An Chen had already arrived at the door with his luggage, but Jing Tian had just opened the first door.

"go quickly."

When Jing Tian came out, he suddenly realized that everyone was leaving. At this moment, Jing Tian had a feeling that he was not being taken seriously.But this feeling only lasted for a moment. An Chen handed over a piece of watermelon first, and said, "I've made instant noodles for you. First, eat a watermelon to appetize."


Hearing this, Jing Tian showed a sweet smile and started to eat watermelon.At this moment, Li Xiaolu said, "Jing Tian, ​​Xiao Chen is so kind to you, I'm so envious of you."

Hearing this, An Chen hurriedly picked up a piece of watermelon and stuffed it to Li Xiaolu, and said, "There are all of them, don't make trouble."

Seeing An Chen's appearance, Li Xiaolu smiled and said, "Which room are you Jing Tian, ​​are we in the same room?"

When Jing Tian heard this, he said directly, "I'll live with you."

For Jing Tian, ​​she is used to the life of being with people often, so it doesn't matter.And there are so many people, there is a sense of security.

At this moment, Zhao Yingjun said, "That's about the same, let's go to bed early, it's almost 10 o'clock."

Today is the first day for everyone here, and it is normal for the exhaustion of the journey to make people want to go to bed early.But after looking at the noodles that had already been soaked, Jing Tian said, "Then you guys go to bed first, I'll go right after I finish eating the instant noodles."

Li Xiaolu heard the words and said, "Then I'll wait for you."


Text 0485: Private money

Early the next morning, An Chen, who got up early, called Jing Tian on WeChat. This was what he and Jing Tian had agreed to exercise together.Although Jing Tian complained to An Chen about this matter, she still accepted the morning exercise.But when the two of them got dressed and passed by the front hall, Jing Tian was in a bad mood.

"The boss is gone, what should I do?"

"I just left. Although I didn't expect it to be like this, it's nothing special."

Hearing this, Jing Tian got even worse, and she said incomprehensibly, "Brother, the boss is gone, now we have nothing to eat and no money."

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