"Okay, then you can be busy."

While An Chen was busy cooking, there was news that the guests were coming, as well as the commentary arranged by the director.But An Chen didn't participate in all this, just when the two of them were about to rob someone.Jing Tian walked in and said, "Come on, take a photo, the crew said let us run the inn by ourselves, our definition is the inn for handsome men and beautiful women."

"Have you come up with a plan? That's good." An Chen said, and after posing, he took a photo.At this time, the dishes on the table were still lettuce, although Jing Tian was almost drooling with greed, but there was still nothing he could do.

"Well, can you make it faster, I didn't eat much in the morning."

Hearing this, An Chen said without raising his head bdcd, "Isn't it better to eat more later."

An Chen's words left Jing Tian speechless, so she said, "Then let's go to the inn first, hurry up."

Just when An Chen started cooking, Jing Tian walked in with three girls.Seeing this, the three girls said, "Ah, we are cooking, and we haven't eaten yet."

Hearing this, An Chen said without raising his head, "6666 per person, this is an internal price. But since we are here to do a variety show, I can give you a shocking price. 8888 per person for all-day meals, room free You live."

Hearing this, the girl who moved the most exclaimed first, "My God, is this a money grab? This is the first time I've heard such an expensive one."

"The presidential suite in a five-star hotel is expensive, but their food is definitely not as good as mine." Speaking of this, An Chen raised his head and said, "Introduce yourself, An Chen, a state-level chef."

At this moment, the three girls suddenly let out an exclamation, and then the tallest girl shouted first, "King of Variety Shows, An Chen is so happy to meet you."

Speaking of this, I only heard the most active girl shouting, "Are these the mysterious delicacies that appeared in Chinese restaurants and refrigerators?"

Hearing this, An Chen shook his head, and said, "Today's is not so bad, but it shouldn't be much different."

"Can I have a taste"

Although An Chen only cooked one dish, the tangy aroma and delicate appearance had already conquered the three girls.

"No, it's okay if you pay for it."

"It's so stingy, what should we do if we don't have that much money?"

Hearing this, Jing Tian looked at the three of them, and said, "Xiaochen, let everyone have a taste."

"No, I have an appointment with Sister Yue, and I must bring my worth, so unless you treat them or they pay for it."

Hearing this, Jing Tian gritted his teeth, and said, "Well, they will count it on me. Bookkeeping, you can see it."

Hearing this, An Chen showed a smile, and said, "In this case, let's try it, but my purpose is to feed you, so don't let one dish take up most of your stomach, because there will be a lot of meals in the future." .

Text 0487: Artistic cuisine

Hearing this, the short-haired girl Mao Mao let out a cheer, and then picked up the chopsticks beside her and picked it up.

The first dish is garlic eggplant, steamed eggplant, evenly topped with a special sauce, and served with an exquisite presentation.But at this time, no one cared about the arrangement, they were all attracted by the attractive aroma of minced garlic and seasoning.

When Maomao took the first bite, he was stunned, what the hell was this warm and familiar taste, why did he seem to think of an hour later.Why, why would I think of that warm home.Although she knew that the warm home was gone, she felt it at this moment.

"Maomao, what's the matter with you? Is it delicious or not?"

At this moment, Mao Mao did not speak, but tears flowed down.At this moment, the two girlfriends were stunned, and the tall girl immediately comforted him, "Maomao doesn't cry, it makes you cry because it's so bad."

Hearing this, Maomao said, "No, it's so delicious, I cried when it was so delicious. Eat it first, don't eat it all, I want to make a call."

Well, when everyone was puzzled, Maomao took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said, "Mom, I miss you and Dad. I will go home after I finish shopping here. By the way , Mom, I want to eat the garlic eggplant you made."

Everyone didn't hear the voice from the phone, but with An Chen's hearing, he could vaguely hear it.

"Maomao, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying? What do you want to eat? Mom will make it for you when I come back. Is there something that happened and I need to tell mom."

"Mom, I lost my wallet. Me, I want 6000 yuan."

The person on the phone seemed relieved, and replied, "Okay, as long as you are fine, Mom will transfer the money to you right away."

"Thank you mom, I miss you and dad, I'll go back tomorrow."

"Okay. Be safe."

After Maomao hung up the phone, the most delicate girl said puzzledly, "Maomao, isn't your money in your bag?"

Maomao didn't answer the girl, but said to An Chen, "Brother An Chen, I want the 8888 set meal, don't forget to pack it, I only have the ticket to go home."

At this moment, the tall girl said, "Maomao, you are crazy, this is all your money. Don't you want to play with us?"

All the money she was talking about was not just on her body, but also what her mother had just promised to give.

Hearing this sentence, Mao Mao did not refute, but said, "Taste this, maybe you will understand after eating."

Because of Mao Mao's behavior, the two girls have not had time to try An Chen's craft.Therefore, with puzzled hearts, the two of them picked up a piece of eggplant.The next moment, they understood.Although their experiences are different, this little eggplant seems to touch their hearts.

The three of them ate while weeping, and in the end, the three of them still didn't leave the dish at all.

"Okay, the appetizers are finished, you should exercise more, otherwise, you will eat a lot less for the follow-up dishes."

For the food cooked by An Chen, the three girls gave up the follow-up trip, but An Chen didn't come here to make money.

So he said, "If the three girls don't have boyfriends, how about I take you to experience the romance in the mountains tonight? Of course, if you have boyfriends, you can also participate, provided that your boyfriends won't be jealous and beat me." .”

"Really, that's great, I don't have a boyfriend yet."

ask for flowers

"Me too, me too."

Except for the pinkest girl, the other two are single.Seeing this, An Chen said, "Okay, let's talk about the rest tomorrow, you guys go get busy."

After An Chen's meal was ready, everyone arrived as scheduled. After all, 6666's meal is really too curious.

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