Although An Chen's dishes focus on the artistic conception, the delicious food can't disappoint either.

The Daijun came out by leaning on the wall.Before he left, he also ordered a set meal of 16888, and of course it was also on credit.Now he finally knew why he couldn't compete with An Chen and the others.With an opponent like this, it's no surprise to lose.It's just pity that my building a is still working, while the people in building b are already enjoying it. .

Text 0499: The director team is not happy anymore

After the contemporary army rushed back to Building B, they said with a serious expression, "I have something to tell everyone."

Hearing this, Li Jing asked curiously, "What's so serious about it?" At this point, Li Jing seemed to think of something, and asked casually, "By the way, how is the food over there delicious?"

When Dai Jun heard this, he suddenly laughed, and said, "I just want to talk about this. I plan to have dinner over there. If you want to go, you can come together. 16888 people, of course, this is a day's meal money .”

Hearing this, Li Jing said in disbelief, "Oh my God, Daijun, do you agree?"

"Well, Xiaochen's cooking is really not comparable to us. If I can use it to describe a chef, then Xiaochen must be a chef."

Hearing this, Di Qianyi said, "It's really so amazing. If it is, then I must try it. After all, as chefs, we want to make breakthroughs in cooking."

Hearing what Di Qianyi said, Dai Jun said, "That's right, I promise I won't disappoint you. Let me tell you, I came out today with 480 supporting the wall. Look at my stomach now, when will I If you have eaten to this extent and eat there, you can owe the bill.”

He Zhen said in Wenyan, "Does it mean that we don't need to spend money first? Then it means that we don't need to spend money."

He Hao's words made everyone stunned for a moment.Then I saw Li Jing clapping his hands, and said, "Yes, we don't have to pay for it this way. If we sign the bill, it's a great deal. That's fine, let's try it later."

Hearing what Li Jing said, Dai Jun added, "Let me tell you first, 16888 is the price of a day's meal. If it is a meal, it needs 6666."

Hearing this, Li Jing said nonchalantly, "It's okay, it's just a signing."

The Daijun was a little speechless.But what Li Jing said made people unable to refute.

In the afternoon, when An Chen and his bddgs came back from playing.He Hao was already waiting, and said, "It's almost time for dinner, we've already prepared some delicious food, and the BBQ is also grilling. So you go over now. It's very delicious, really"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Of course, we just happened to be tired after playing all afternoon, let's go together."

When An Chen and the others arrived, they took a look at the barbecue on the table.The content is very rich, but most of them are purchased ready-made materials.What flesh and blood are connected, mutton skewers, ham sausage and so on.Most of these are wholesale, in fact, very few of them are made by themselves.Seeing this, An Chen was helpless.

After thinking for a while, An Chen walked to the side of the little barbecue prince Guo Jinqi.He looked at the sauce beside Guo Jinqi, then picked up a stick to dip some, and tasted it.He said, "Honey, I want 8 chicken wings and 20 lamb skewers."

After hearing An Chen's voice, Guo Jinqi said, "Okay, I'll send it to you when I bake it. Do you need anything else? Tell me, isn't our sauce great?"

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and said, "The sauce is not bad. I don't have anything else I want. If there is any, I'll call you again."

Anyway.The chicken wings are also marinated, although it is factory marinated, but the taste is ok.Plus the barbecue sauce, the taste is not bad.

But An Chen didn't want these things for himself, but for Jing Tian.Jing Tian is leaving, I'm afraid he won't be able to eat much tonight, although there is still a little time to eat some.

Sure enough, when Jing Tian had eaten a few skewers, An Chen said, "Jing Tian, ​​you can go."

"Well, am I leaving? Unfortunately, I'm not full yet."

hear this.An Chen said, "I have prepared chicken wings and skewers for you, take them away."

"so good"


Jing Tian left, but everyone was there. After dinner, everyone returned to Building B, only to hear Zhao Yingjun say, "Let's have a meeting."

Well, a few people who were puzzled came to the table, and Li Xiaolu faintly felt bad.I just heard her say, "What is so mysterious."

"That's right, the director team thinks we're cheating, so they plan to block An Chen's ability to cook."

As soon as Zhao Yingjun's words came out of his mouth, there was a lot of mourning.On the contrary, An Chen Xian seemed a little indifferent, but he still said, "If I don't cook, then our team will collapse. I have tried their dishes today. Although they are not as good as mine, they are still at the level of a restaurant chef. .At least one Michelin star, some dishes are even close to two stars”

"I've also considered this issue, so I invited a foreign aid. Although it's definitely not as good as you, An Chen, it's definitely not bad for them."

"Well, let's see, I can do whatever I want anyway. Then I won't do it tomorrow"

Hearing this, Zhao Yingjun hurriedly said, "Don't tell me, my friend won't arrive until the morning of the day after tomorrow, so I have to trouble you for tomorrow's meal. And this is also the last day for you to collect the mountain, so will you be exempted from tomorrow's meal?"

"I'll save you a meal, and tomorrow's dinner money will be wiped off for you. Then you can give me a whole number for tomorrow's meal money."

s pushes a book for a poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng.

Text 0500: Obscure conditions

Everyone has no objection to what An Chen said.And the next day, the people in Building B finally saw what God of Cookery is.After tasting the delicacies made by An Chen, Di Qianyi has become a loyal fan of An Chen.

But on the morning of the third day, after Huang Yali came, An Chen left.An Chen failed to taste Huang Yali's cooking, but he felt that Zhao Yingjun could be trusted.Well, the main reason is that An Chen saw Huang Yali's furniture, and if he could bring so many kitchen utensils, it wouldn't be bad no matter what.

An Chen's departure was due to the start of the race again. After nearly two weeks of rest, they will meet in Singapore.

After arriving at the "[-]" slope in Singapore, An Chen washed away the fatigue of the journey and got relaxation at Huang Tingting and Wang Likun.The three of them slept until the next day, and ushered in the first special turning task.The task is to vote back, and the team with the most votes will be turned back.

When seeing the task content, Huang Tingting turned back again and said, "An Chen, which team should we turn back to?"

Now unless the Anchen team is turned back, whichever team turns will die.Moreover, Anchen and the others also had a pass-through card, which could be said to be the most ideal choice.But out of the remaining five teams, two are closely related to An Chen, so it is basically An Chen who decides who is who.But when An Chen was about to make a decision, Jia Jingwen knocked on An Chen's door first.

After opening the door, Jia Jingwen had already seen Huang Tingting, but there were no other teams.Seeing this, Jia Jingwen said happily, "Xiaochen, I brought you some candy, please don't turn us back."

Well, just want to bribe me with a little sugar? It's not too bad to use yourself, but after thinking about Jia Jingwen's deformed figure, An Chen shook his head in his heart.

At this moment, Yan Bingbing also rushed over, seeing the three teams that were all there, Yan Bingbing said, "Xiaochen, have you decided which team to vote for?"

Seeing this, An Chen said, "I didn't think about it either. Everyone, feel free to vote. Let's go first."

An Chen took Wang Likun out after saying that, not caring about the struggles of the other teams.But as soon as An Chen went out, he ran into Qiang Zi and Zhang Xingyue who were oncoming.Zhang Xingyue said, "Will you vote for us?"

After looking at Zhang Xingyue, An Chen suddenly smiled, and said, "You really have everything, they are all in there. If we don't vote for you, what benefits will we get?"

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