"No, I can speak Vietnamese, so we can take the stage after you learn it."

Hearing this, Wang Likun twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Is there anything else you don't know?"

Hearing this, An Chen seemed to have pondered for a while, and then pretended to be serious and said, "It seems not." At this point, An Chen showed a smile, as if telling Wang Likun that he was joking.But it seems that there are really not many things he doesn't know.

After a while, the second group came.Sure enough, they were still Huang Tingting, but this time, An Chen really had nothing to teach.Finally he said, "You can only memorize it by rote, don't worry about the original lyrics, just memorize the current pronunciation and wish you good luck."

Hearing this, Huang Tingting said, "Brother An Chen, be careful, I remember things super fast, don't let me overtake you."

"Thinking about you too much, we will challenge when Li Kun remembers."

At this moment, Xu Yang Yuzhuo said, "Tingting, let's memorize the lyrics first."

Only then did Huang Tingting remember that there was still a task to do, and she hurriedly said, "Okay." Then she said to An Chen, "Brother An Chen, I'll go there first."

"go quickly."

Three minutes after Huang Tingting and the others arrived, the third team also arrived, and it was Qiangzi and Zhang Xingyue who came.Seeing that both teams were here, they breathed a sigh of relief, only to hear Qiangzi say, "Is it difficult to be here?"

"It's okay, memorize the lyrics, it's quite simple."

Hearing this, Qiangzi was relieved, but he soon discovered that An Chen was farting.This is called simple teasing me. Just when Qiangzi was complaining in his heart, Jia Jingwen and Jian Bingbing arrived in no particular order.

"Is it so difficult to be here?"

At this moment, Wang Likun said, "Okay, let's go challenge." 51

At this moment, the two teams were stunned.What the hell, you just challenged when you first came in, is it very simple?

"Okay, let's practice slowly, let's take a step first."

An Chen knew Wang Likun, so she would say yes with [-]% certainty, otherwise she would just say let's give it a try.

Sure enough, when they entered, they passed the challenge in one go and got the final clue card.

"Everyone play slowly, let's go first."

The last clue card points to the location of the relay station, Town Hall Square.When An Chen and the others arrived, they were still the first ones. .

Text 0515: Meeting Zhang Xingyue by chance

Following C Wu's advertising-like nonsense, he finally got to the point. "Congratulations for winning the first place in the eighth stage. This is your drink this year, and you can give it away again."


Hearing this, C Wu was not surprised at all, but said curiously, "I'm curious to ask, why didn't you just give it away today?"

c Although Wu seemed to be asking the two of them, but looking at An Chen, he also knew who the backbone of this team was.

"It's delicious, with such a beauty by my side, of course I have to show some face, right? If you can find such a beauty every time, I can listen to your nonsense for a while more every time."

"Haha, you are really straightforward. It seems that I have to let more beauties participate in the next few stops. Alright, once again congratulations on winning the first place. See you at the next stop."

"OK, goodbye."

As for the conversation between the two, 13 and the other were purely joking, and no one could take it seriously.After returning to the hotel, it was getting late. After washing up, the two went to eat.In the evening, Wang Likun used her enthusiasm to celebrate winning the first place again. When she was defeated, Huang Tingting also came to wash up.

When Huang Tingting was also defeated, An Chen finally managed to relax.It was already late at this time, but An Chen didn't feel sleepy. After thinking about it, An Chen put on his clothes, locked the door and went downstairs.

An Chen walked aimlessly on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, feeling awkward everywhere, at this moment, An Chen passed by a bar.After seeing how well the decoration looked, An Chen walked in.

At this moment, An Chen saw an acquaintance.Yes, acquaintances, although he had no friends at all in Vietnam, he had a few people who came with him.

"Why is Xingyue sitting here and drinking drunk?"

The two faces of Zhang Xingyue drinking at this time were flushed, looking extremely attractive, but this was not the key to An Chen's concern.It was why Zhang Xingyue was here and Qiangzi was not, and Zhang Xingyue seemed a little sad.

After Zhang Xingyue heard An Chen's words, she turned her head to look at An Chen, and then said, "Qiang Zihe, he has returned to China. Maybe it's because I said something to him."

"Did you quarrel?"

"Arguing may not be counted, but he is too masculine and cannot accept criticism from others. That's okay, at least it's okay now. Have a drink?"

Hearing this, An Chen shrugged his eyebrows, and said, "Okay, otherwise why would I come in here?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xingyue smiled, and then poured An Chen a glass of the wine beside her.The two of them didn't talk too much, and they didn't say a word. One person talked and the other listened, and then drank.In fact, An Chen quite enjoyed this state, and there was a feeling of forgetting something spreading.

But sometimes you will encounter accidents when you want to stay quietly, especially when there is a charming big beauty by your side.

"Hey, girl, what are you playing with such a boring guy, why don't you go dance with me and have fun"

Looking at the cheap yellow hair beside her, although Zhang Xingyue couldn't understand what the other party was saying, she also knew that it was definitely not a good word.This man has already written desire all over his face, and he almost told you that I want to fuck you.

"Sorry, I have a male companion and I don't need someone to accompany me, thank you."

Although Zhang Xingyue drank a lot, she was still quite clear-headed.After all, she was a host. She has been practicing drinking since school, and I don't know how many people were drunk by her.So she replied in English, not wanting to cause any trouble.

But after hearing her words, that person knew that she was not Vietnamese, so at this moment, the yellow hair became even more arrogant.He put his hands on Zhang Xingyue's shoulders, and regardless of Zhang Xingyue's resistance, he hugged Zhang Xingyue's shoulders abruptly.With the other hand, he pointed at An Chen and shouted in Vietnamese, "Boy, I advise you to stay away if you are sensible."

Huang Mao's words caused the people around him to cheer excitedly, it seemed that such Huang Mao was extremely handsome.Huang Mao was also very proud, and then he suddenly remembered something, and said to an accomplice beside him, "Kacha, tell him to get away in Chinese, they seem to be Chinese."

Without waiting for the person to translate, An Chen said directly in 457 Vietnamese, "Now, I'll give you three seconds, let go of your paws."

Hearing this, the punks immediately burst into flames.However, in the next second, An Chen directly grabbed the yellow-haired arm that was throwing his fist, and kicked it out with a bang.The moment An Chen stepped out, he pulled Zhang Xingyue suddenly, and at the same time pulled him behind him, he said, "Find a place to hide away."

The next moment, An Chen raised his arms and moved, palming the saber, Bengquan, and Tan Kui, and with one move, he knocked these people down in just a few strokes.

For a moment, for a moment, the bar was silent.The next second, they were detonated by jubilant voices. They didn't care who was fighting, let alone who was fighting with whom, they only cared about having fun.

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