Lin Zhiyu and Wang Jiaer killed Zhang Jike, Chen Chichi, and Zhang Xuefeng after Wang Jiaer was controlled by Chen Chichi's skills, and they were also killed by Yin Zheng.Although three for two, it is quite worthwhile for the blue team.

Then, at this time, Lin Zhiyu had enough to buy two super soldiers. If they continued to play like this, they would still suffer a lot.Wang Bowen failed to attack the tower, but he has already fixed the direction of three mirrors, as long as there is one more, they will take down the tower.

At this moment, An Chen appeared at the Qixuan Ancient Mirror Array. 457 At this time, there is no one on the field except Yin Zheng and the blue side, and An Chen is also on the red side.Of course, An Chen and the others are purely for self-consumption.

The opponent of Qixuan Ancient Mirror Array has only one turret, because the opponent only bought two turrets with the money, so there is only one road 1 and road 3.

Is a tower a threat to An Chen? It really isn't.And it was only the last ancient mirror, so it was not a problem.After An Chen quickly approached and dodged, he used the gap of a ball to shine light on the opponent's tower.

Looking at the turret that had stopped attacking, An Chen walked over, inserted a card and knocked down one of the opponent's turrets.

"The defense towers on the blue side were destroyed along the way."

After pushing down the tower, An Chen looked at the information he could see, still full of confusion.What the hell is it? It seems that all the props have to be obtained.

Hearing such a broadcast, the blue team became anxious. They didn't expect Yin Zheng to be second, but only hoped that Yin Zheng could also push down a tower of the opponent.

Just then, another voice sounded.

"The red side's 3rd defense tower was destroyed."

Hey, is Yin Zheng very powerful?However, there is only one turret in the 3-way defense tower, and no one is defending it, so it is normal to be broken.After thinking about it, An Chen decided to attack the second tower of Lan Fang's house.But what he didn't expect was that Yin Zheng was already defending when he arrived.And it was hidden very tightly, and the only exposed weakness was blocked with hands.

At this moment, people from the red and blue sides were resurrected one after another.Seeing this, An Chen didn't bother, and just guarded under his tower.

Not long after, the two teams had already arrived. Of course, only a part of them came. For example, Wang Bowen was guarding the tower at Tower 1.On the other side, Zhang Jike and Zhang Xuefeng are guarding the three towers.

Seeing the two teams appear, An Chen said, "Miss Zhiyu, go buy a super pawn, and then you and Jiaer will guard the middle. You will go to the jungle, mainly focus on the red and blue buffs. The first half is over, It’s been a while since the second half. The red and blue buffs should appear soon. I’m going to take down the three towers.”

"it is good."

The next moment everyone parted ways, and An Chen also went to the Three Pagodas.There is only one cannon for the three towers. If the bdcj opponent has only one person guarding, it is not impossible to defeat it.

When An Chen arrived, the other two were already ready for battle.Zhang Jike took a gun and started aiming at An Chen, but it was impossible for An Chen to stand there and let him shoot. For a while, everyone was still shooting at each other.

In such a situation, An Chen couldn't do anything for a while, suddenly he remembered something, and said into the microphone, "Bo Wen, do you have someone? If there is no one, come to the third tower quickly, and go to the first tower to defend. Also, Bowen, do you still have Daji's skills? If not, copy the skills of Miss Zhiyu."

"Yes, the one I copied just now is useless."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled. With Daji's skill, the 3 towers are no problem.

"Okay, come here quickly."

Ten minutes later, Wang Bowen finally came over. After he came, An Chen spoke directly.

"Bo Wen, control Zhang Jike, let him hug Zhang Xuefeng and pull Zhang Xuefeng out."

Hearing what An Chen said, Wang Bowen understood in seconds, and he immediately yelled, "Zhang Jike, let Daji see your heart."

At this moment, although An Chen knew that he was playing a game, he couldn't help but feel chills.

At this moment Zhang Jike stood up helplessly, before he could speak, Wang Bowen continued to shout, "Hold Zhang Xuefeng now, and then pull him out."

Zhang Jike had no choice but to hug Zhang Xuefeng who was too late to get up.But he didn't intend to carry out the order honestly, he only heard him shout, "He's too heavy, I can't lift it."

Hearing this, Wang Bowen looked at An Chen, only to hear An Chen say, "Then let him hold down Zhang Xuefeng. Anyway, it's fine if he doesn't cause trouble for us. After attacking the tower in a while, he can't be dealt with." what?"

"Zhang Jike, then you can suppress Zhang Xuefeng and don't let him move."

Just as Wang Bowen was shouting, An Chen had already rushed out.Moving like a rabbit, he rushed towards the opponent's three towers with lightning speed. .

Text 0553: Overwhelmed by Strength

Just as An Chen was sprinting, a shell hit him.It stands to reason that if this shell hits someone else, it will definitely go wrong, but if it hits An Chen, it hits just right. This is definitely the chance of a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

But An Chen is a person who can see the trajectory of the ball, how could he be hit at this moment, he once again used the stunt of the running man when he first appeared on the stage.He suddenly bent over and leaned back, and the tennis ball that was supposed to hit him flew past him in an instant.

Hey, what kind of operation is this? Don't say that Zhang Xuefeng and Wang Bowen were dumbfounded, even Zhang Jike who didn't deal with An Chen was also dumbfounded.

At this moment, An Chen had already passed the turret as soon as the ball was served, and he took down the turret with the next breath.

When An Chen got the building blocks, the radio sounded again.

"The defense tower of the blue team 3 has been breached."

At this moment, the blue side of the 2nd lane is not calm. How can it be that at least 3 people defend the tower and two people attack the tower?

At this moment, the news of Zhang Xuefeng's death came from Lan Fang's headset.Although Zhang Jike hasn't died yet, he has been brought by An Chen and the others to the 2nd road. I'm afraid he will be hit with a super ball when the control is released.

When An Chen came to the [-]nd Road, he looked at it and said, "Then you guys wait here, when the time is up, Zhang Jike will send him home, and then start to attack. During the attack, Sister Zhiyu's skill Chen Chichi is super. Bing Miao Yin Zheng, Jia Er, you kill Xi Mengyao, and then Bo Wen you start to forcefully attack the tower."

"it is good"

Seeing the three of them nodding one after another, An Chen turned and ran towards the tower without giving any further instructions.When An Chen reached the tower, he said directly, "Let's go to the jungle, remember the red and blue buffs."

"it is good."

Next is the time for defense. Without the skills of Chen Chichi and Daji, An Chen guarded the road and few people could break through.Although I can rush over in one go, it's useless, I have to fix the ancient mirror.At that time, An Chen's opponent had almost two blood cows, not to mention they only had one blood cow.

While An Chen was waiting idly, the radio sounded again.

"The blue team's 2nd defense tower was breached, and the red and blue buffs appeared."

Hmm, did they appear at the same time? In the next second, An Chen shouted into the microphone, "Wang Yibo, go to fight the blue buff, Wang Bowen go to fight the red buff, and Jia Er will bring me the information on the 2nd tower."

At this time, the blue team only has Zhang Jike and Zhang Xuefeng who have just been resurrected, and they have no chance even if they want to attack the tower, and the opponent's time may have just been resurrected, and there is still a distance from the red and blue buffs.

Just when An Chen got the item from Tower 2 and was curious about what it was, the voice of the radio suddenly sounded again.

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