It was much easier to go down the mountain, because there was no steep slope, so they completed the task in just over ten minutes, but at this moment when they arrived at the bottom of the mountain, they unexpectedly found Xiu Jiekai and his wife.Huang Tingting was overtaken, and at this moment another car arrived, it was actually a group of soldiers.Seeing this, An Chen was speechless, is it difficult to fly a plane?

When An Chen and the others got into the car, they didn't see Huang Tingting either, which made An Chen's idea of ​​giving the pass-through card to the other party unable to be implemented.

"Master, Taman Botanical Garden."


Wang Likun looked at An Chen, and said, "Tingting and the others will catch up."

"It's okay, I'm just curious about why they are so slow. Let's take a break, we don't know what tasks are waiting for us later."

"it is good"

After 20 minutes, they came to the Taman Botanical Garden. There was an arrow on the ground, and they followed the arrow to find the nearby clue card.

Anyone who wants to walk in the woods must be joined by a player who did not participate in the roadblock last time.Contestants who choose to do this task need to climb a ten-meter-high palm tree, pass a rope bridge, walk among the three trees, and successfully get the two halves of the fast forward logo card hanging on the rope bridge within five minutes .After reaching the finish line and successfully putting them together, you can exchange with the referee for the next clue.

After reading it, An Chen said, "Likun, can you do it?"

An Chen's question means that if it doesn't work, then use the direct card.But after Wang Likun looked at it, he said, "It's okay, I can give it a try, I'm a dancer, as long as I go up, it shouldn't be difficult. Anyway, don't worry, we have a lot of time, don't we?"

"Okay, let's try it."

When the two arrived, An Chen said, "Let's change the equipment first."

After changing the equipment, Wang Likun said, "Is there any skill in how to climb this?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "The palm tree is very slippery, but have you seen the noose on it? Grab the vertical ones and pull them up one by one. Remember not to pull the same one. As for the horizontal ones, they increase friction. As long as you It is much more convenient to step on the rope. Of course, there is another way to lie on your side, which I personally don’t think is very easy to use. You should try the method I gave you first.”

Hearing what An Chen said, Wang Likun nodded, then took a deep breath and began to grab the rope.As soon as he grabbed it, An Chen said, "It's not like this, it's up and down. It's hard for you to use your strength like this."

At this moment, Wang Likun said apologetically, "Sorry, I forgot, I was too nervous."

"It's okay, we still have a lot of time."

Hearing what An Chen said, Wang Likun finally smiled, and Manuo Zhao then began to climb.Finally, Wang Likun finally went up after being half dead tired, and the rest was much easier. After all, he was learning dance, so he was not worried about balance.Soon, Wang Likun won this round before the arrival of the second group.

After they took the clue cards and got into the car, the second group came over, this time it was actually Jian Bingbing.Seeing that An Chen and the others were about to board the car, Ji Bingbing said, "Xiao Chen, is this round going to be difficult?"

"It's not difficult, it takes a lot of energy, but if it's Xie Yilin, I think you guys are a little overwhelmed."

Hmm, is this contemptuous?

"Xiaochen, what do you mean I'm so weak and my strength is very weak? You know how strong I am when I look so strong."

Text 0557: The first ticket to the finals

Regarding Xie Yilin's words, An Chen chuckled, and then said, "I hope so, you will find out after reading the mission card."

After An Chen finished speaking, he got into the car and left, leaving the two people looking at each other alone.

"Master, head to the Tupay Guild Hall."

This is an informational mission, Rainforest Trampoline.The contestants will experience the dance of the Malu people in Malaysia to celebrate the harvest. When two contestants in each group complete the dance steps and grab the flag in the air, they will get the next clue.

After going up, the music sounded. At this moment, the aborigines welcomed them to the middle and began to dance.At this moment, An Chen was a little speechless, but still followed the other party's appearance and began to dance.After the dance steps are completed, they are invited to the trampoline and then start jumping.

This link is very beneficial to An Chen, because he can get there even without a trampoline, let alone a trampoline with relatively poor elasticity.But it was not that simple for Wang Likun. After all, it was the first time, and the flag was relatively high, so he missed it if he was distracted.So for the first time, the two were naturally coaxed down.

"It's so difficult how to do this,"

Hearing Wang Likun say 467, An Chen thought for a while, and said, "Wait a minute, don't worry about the flag on it, just concentrate on jumping in the middle of the trampoline. I think they will shout a slogan at the end. When the last slogan, you use With enough strength, jump up and pull the flag again."

"Okay, then let's challenge."

Hearing that Wang Likun was so active, An Chen said, "Don't you need to take a rest?"

"No, the physical strength is still sufficient now, if you can pass it, you can rest in the car."

"Okay." After speaking, An Chen turned around and said, "Let's challenge."

After An Chen's words fell, the music started again, and after dancing, they came to the hardest part again.This time it failed again, but Wang Likun had reached the edge.This time Wang Likun felt more confident after coming down, and after drinking a can of black black milk, the two started to challenge again.This time they did not fail again, but completed the bdde challenge.

When An Chen and the others finished the challenge and left, they didn't see the second group arrive. It seemed that Xie Yilin was indeed challenging the last level.According to Xie Yilin's physical strength, An Chen is not optimistic. Maybe they will be eliminated in this stage.

"Buddy Batik Workshop."

Another 30 minutes later, they arrived at Buddy Batik Workshop.

This is the information mission, Buddy Batik.The contestants need to piece together the pieces of cloth collected all the way today to get a sample of Buddy batik cloth.Each group first finds a corresponding set of seals according to the team's color pattern, completes the process of wax printing, coloring, and wax washing under the guidance of Buddy batik craftsmen, and obtains the next clue card after obtaining the approval of the batik workshop owner .

"Come on, puzzles, let me tell you, I am good at this."

Hearing what An Chen said, Wang Likun rolled his eyes and asked, "Is there anything you're not good at?"

Hearing what Wang Likun said, An Chen froze for a moment, then said seriously, "I'm not good at teasing girls."

At this moment, Wang Likun wanted to fuck him, this bastard, so many girlfriends actually said this.

"Hurry up and put together your picture."

As soon as Wang Likun said this, An Chen said, "It's already done."

Wang Likun, who was surprised when he heard the words, saw when he had finished spelling out, but it wasn't that he had spelled it out too quickly.

"Let's go, find the printing plate."

The next moment the two went to find the printing plate, because they had no opponents, at this moment the two looked very carefully and found the right pattern at the first time.The next step is printing. If An Chen does this, there will be no problem after two experiments. After changing a piece of dyed cloth, the production will officially start.In less than ten minutes, An Chen had completed the printing.

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