"You can talk, kid, but you have to make it up to me later."

After filming this issue, everyone parted ways one after another, but one person stayed.Instead of leaving, she rang An Chen's doorbell early the next morning.

When An Chen opened the door and saw Lin Zhiyu, he hurriedly welcomed him in, and asked curiously, "Sister Zhiyu, what's the matter so early?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Lin Zhiling joked with her alluring baby voice, "Why, I can't come to see you if I have nothing to do, so what you said yesterday was all lies?"

"What did I say yesterday"

Lin Zhizun heard the words and smiled without answering, "Do you have time today?"

Hearing Lin Zhiling's question, An Chen smiled and asked, "Is there any difference between yes and no?"

"If you have, you can eat and play with me. If not, I have to go home. So, does Xiaochen have time?"

Hearing this, An Chen suddenly understood something, and only heard him say, "Then it seems that I have time."

Hearing this, Lin Zhiyu walked up to An Chen, touched An Chen's face and said, "You don't blame sister for eating tender grass, do you?"

Hearing this, An Chen embraced Lin Zhizun's slender waist, and replied, "Of course I don't mind, I even ate Sister Feihong, you are not a few years apart, right?"

When Lin Zhizun heard the words, he suddenly remembered the legend.Oh no, it's not a legend, it's a fact, the fact that Yu Feihong became younger.Is there any relationship between the two?

At this moment, Lin Zhiyu asked excitedly.

"The Feihong you're talking about is Yu Feihong, so do you know about her getting younger?"

"If I say I don't know, what will Miss Zhituo plan to do?"

Hearing that Lin Zhiling was a little disappointed, it really was an accident, and she shouldn't have expected it, but it didn't match her previous goal.So she smiled and whispered in An Chen's ear, "Of course it's up to you."

Hearing this, An Chen didn't stand in a daze, but started directly.But at this moment, Lin Zhiyu slightly pushed An Chen away, and in An Chen's astonishment, he said, "Although I shouldn't interrupt you, our room is due at noon. Although if you ask , the crew will renew us, but I don't think you want to do that."

Speaking of this, Lin Zhiyu didn't wait for An Chen to speak, and continued, "Let's go, I asked my assistant to open the room, which is upstairs. The privacy and comfort there are better than here. I think we have a lot of space. Take a long time to do something that makes you happy, isn't it?"

Hearing Lin Zhiyu's words, An Chen said, "It seems that sister Zhiyu has a plan in mind, and has already arranged everything."

487 Lin Zhiyu smiled confidently when he heard the words, and then said, "Of course, I believe in my charm."

Hearing this, An Chen just smiled and didn't refute. Anyway, everyone just takes what they need.

When the two arrived at the presidential suite upstairs, soon Lin Zhiyu's special voice sounded inside.Of course, because the sound insulation here is very good, there is no slightest noise.

It wasn't until the next morning that the two left the room one after another.Then An Chen embarked on the journey again. Three days later, the last episode of Extreme Speed ​​was filmed, and An Chen came to Shanghai.

It's been a long time since I've been to Shanghai. After An Chen arrived, he went to Timo's house first.Today Timo cooks exclusively and waits for An Chen after the dishes are ready.

When An Chen arrived at Timo's house, he suddenly said in surprise, "Sheng Nan, you're here too, long time no see."

"That's right, my brother-in-law doesn't even miss me, and he doesn't call me when he meets my sister." When he was speaking, Feng Shengnan had already stood in front of An Chen, ready to help An Chen hang up his clothes like a little wife. .

Text 0571: Feng Shengnan

Seeing this, An Chen naturally handed over the clothes to Feng Shengnan, and at the same time said, "Whenever you want to see your brother-in-law, just make a phone call, and when will you have to call?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Feng Shengnan, who received a satisfactory answer, smiled like a flower and hung An Chen's clothes behind the closet, and said, "Brother-in-law, you should go and take care of my sister, she has been busy all morning. Apart from doing Fan even took care of herself, do you think my sister is particularly smug today?"

At this time, Feng Timo had just brought out a dish, and he was very excited to see An Chen.After hearing Feng Shengnan's words, Feng Timo blushed, and said in embarrassment, "Little Hoof, you actually made fun of my sister, let me see if I will deal with you later."

Hearing what Feng Timo said, Feng Shengnan immediately hid behind An Chen, hugged An Chen's waist pretending to be afraid, and shouted softly, "Brother-in-law, just look at my sister and bully me, you have to help me take care of her." She ordered."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and then said, "Okay, let's see how brother-in-law helps you clean up your sister."

The next moment, An Chen walked towards Feng Timo, picked her up amidst her exclamation, and walked into the room.

"Don't make trouble, the food should be cold, let's talk about it after eating."

Seeing what the shy Timo said, An Chen whispered in his ear, "But I just want to eat you, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Feng Timo was even more embarrassed, but he shouted, "Sheng Nan, eat first, don't wait for us."

At this moment, Feng Shengnan, who was eavesdropping outside the door, blushed, and he didn't seem to have thought that his brother-in-law and sister would want to do shameful things before eating in the daytime.Coupled with the fact that he didn't get what he wanted, Feng Shengnan was ashamed and annoyed secretly to rape the couple.

At this moment, my sister's seductive voice sounded from the door of the room with good sound insulation. The voice came so suddenly.It made Feng Shengnan, who was already a little immobile, even more impatient.Feeling the restlessness in his body, Feng Shengnan's expression changed, after biting his lip, he finally decided to do the same thing as last time.

Although Timo worked very hard, she still couldn't do it alone. Feeling An Chen's restlessness, Timo said apologetically and sleepily, "Why don't you go find my sister."


At this moment, An Chen thought he was hallucinating, so he asked, "Darling, what did you just say?"

Feng Timo was even more sleepy at this time, but she still cheered up and said, "I said you should go to my sister, I understand that little girl's thoughts better than you. And you didn't see it, I don't believe it."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Don't make trouble, she is your sister."

Feng Timo didn't refute when he heard the words, but said, "If it is normal, I will definitely not agree, but now there are so many people, what does it matter if there are one or two more?"

"But she's your sister."

"Yeah, she is my younger sister, but that's how the fat and water don't flow to outsiders. Go, maybe she's been waiting for this day for a long time."

What the hell? But feeling Feng Shengnan outside the door, An Chen felt that since the two seemed to have discussed it, then he didn't have any worries.

The next moment, An Chen lowered his head and kissed Feng Timo, then said, "Then I'll go out first, you should have a good rest."

Timo felt reluctant to even nod, so she closed her eyes directly.The next moment, An Chen walked out of the room and looked at Feng Shengnan in the corner.

She naturally heard An Chen's door opening, but at this moment she didn't even have the strength to get up, and could only cover the important part shyly.

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