The moment An Chen got the flag, the next second he changed his voice into a dolphin sound again.The rope was rising rapidly, and it was impossible to reach the first flag in one go. However, after two breaths, An Chen still reached the second flag.The interval between the first three flags is relatively long, and the interval between the two behind is short, so after arriving at the back, An Chen basically uses the flat tone to adjust.

Soon, An Chen got all the flags and was quickly put down.At this moment, Xu Yang Yuzhuo had just reached the second flag.

An Chen saw this and went downstairs directly, got the clue card, and prepared to go to the old villa at No. 114 Jiangsu Road.

At this time, Wang Likun also ran over, and asked while walking, "Are you scared?"

An Chen smiled and said, "Of course not, it's very exciting. You should try it next time, it's really cool."

Upon hearing this, Wang Likun shook her head and refused, "Forget it, I don't like doing this kind of thing."

About twenty minutes later, An Chen and the others arrived at the Nonglao Villa, and the two got the task card.An Chen didn't expect that there would be two roadblock missions in a row, even Wang Likun didn't expect that.But this time the task name is Who Knows a Woman's Heart, and it shouldn't be manual work.

The roadblock task can only be challenged by one person once, so this time it is Wang Likun's turn.When the task is selected, they see the task content.The contestants need to prepare authentic Shanghai pastries and drinks for the four Shanghai ladies in the old villa. If all the pastries and drinks are correct, they can get the clue card for the next task.It should be noted that these Shanghai wives can only express their requests in Shanghai dialect.

It turned out to be Shanghai dialect. Seeing this, An Chen asked Wang Likun, "Likun, how about your Shanghai dialect?"

Wang Likun said speechlessly, "I'm from Inner Mongolia. I graduated from Beijing. I only learned a little bit of Shanghai dialect from filming. It's not very good."

"It's okay, just do your best."


An Chen couldn't help at all in this stage. Although they still had a pass card, An Chen didn't plan to use it.It’s okay if it’s used before, but if it’s the final, it will inevitably make people feel that the victory is invincible.

At this moment, Wang Likun came down for the second time, and said, "Although I can barely understand it, I don't know what it is at all. And if you take the wrong one, you have to start all over again. It would be strange to know."

At this moment, An Chen's eyes lit up, and he said, "Ask me, as long as you know what it is, you can show it to me."

At this moment, Wang Likun also suddenly realized, and hurriedly said, "Then look at what these are."

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Wang Likun's basket, and then said, "This is orange cake, this is crab shell yellow cake, this is sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and this is Dingsheng cake." An Chen looked at the soda and smelled it. Hearing it, he continued, "This is lychee water, this is salt soda, and this is salty soy milk and Lekoufu."

ask for flowers

"If that's the case, then I'm only short of three. What does Tiao Toutao look like, and Fresh Milk Xiao Fang."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Tiaotou cake is a long and thin cylinder with filling in the middle. Fresh milk Xiaofang is a pastry that looks like a lump of milk. What else is there?"

"The other one is malted milk, which is no problem, and there is another similar one, it must be that one."

"Okay, then you go and get it, and I'll take a look after you get it."

"it is good."

Wang Likun took it two more times and got it right.Therefore, the two got the clue card and mobile phone for the second time.Just at this moment, Huang Tingting and Xu Yang Yuzhuo rushed over, and Huang Tingting said, "Brother An Chen, do you have anything to share?"

This time, An Chen said, "I don't know if the things we took are the same, and I haven't been in the whole time, so I don't know where the things are. This level is very beneficial to Shanghai people, but you have been in Shanghai for a long time, you should no problem."

"Okay, let's go up then."

The next moment, An Chen and Wang Likun hailed a Didi, boarded the car, and headed to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station.They will go to Chuzhou, the production factory of black black milk.

An Chen and the others arrived first, half an hour faster than the second place, so it was also half an hour faster for them to set off at this station.Just when everyone thought the champion was decided by default, something went wrong on An Chen's side.The reason was that their cars were driving so slowly that they were only 10 minutes faster than the second place.

This is a bit cheap, so much so that An Chen once thought it was a trap given by the program group at this time, otherwise how could there be a 20-minute difference? The good thing is that they are still fast after all. .

Text 0574: End of Speed

From the time the two of them entered the workshop to seeing the task, as soon as the two of them found the first one, the others came.Seeing this, Wang Likun asked in surprise, "Why are you so fast? We have only arrived for a few minutes."

Hearing this, the others were also very surprised, and then they looked at the mission connection area.This is really true, otherwise it would be impossible to find a photo in half an hour.

Huang Tingting said while running, "Maybe your car is slow, we go to pick up the task first."

At the same time, Wang Likun was a little anxious, but An Chen was not. He said, "Don't worry, although they are fast, we are still the fastest. And as I said, this game relies on the brain." Four Seventy "Boy, it's not all about speed."

Although Wang Likun was anxious at this moment, she forced herself to calm down and said, "What should we do now?"

"Of course I did. Although these few minutes are not long, they are enough for me to remember a lot. Let's go, let's get the second picture."

As An Chen said, he ran towards a box first, then opened it, took out the photos inside, and went to the second clue.At this moment, An Chen had to run too much. After being framed for 20 minutes, it was hard to say that he didn't have to run anymore.Of course, he still has a direct card, but An Chen still doesn't want to use it.

Then An Chen opened the third clue, the chainsaw and battle axe.This is the plot of Viking, An Chen still remembers it, but there is no such picture in the box I looked at before.The next moment, An Chen led Wang Likun to the other row of boxes and quickly rummaged through them.

At this moment, Jia Jingwen and Xiu Jiekai also arrived, and at this moment An Chen also happened to find the third photo.In the next second, the four quickly ran towards the mission board.

The fourth is eetoseden, this photo is of a wedding dress, An Chen still remembers that there was a photo of it in the last box.

"Go, the last box in this row, let's run."

In the next second, An Chen and Wang Likun ran quickly, and at the end it turned out to be a wedding photo.Because the two are in the leading position, they have the right to choose first, and all the photos can be found here as long as they remember.Coupled with An Chen's super memory, the two were finally the first to complete the task.

The next step was to run to the finish line. At this juncture, it was naturally impossible to lose the chain. The two of An Chen jogged to the finish line.

When they arrived here, they still saw C Wu, and they only heard him shout, "An Chen, Wang Likun, you are the champions of the fourth season of the clear fat drink Hei Hei Ru, congratulations again for getting the clear fat drink Hei Hei!" Milk's Year-round Drinking Award"

Before C Wu could say the rest, An Chen interrupted him again, and said, "We donated to Hope Primary School."

c Wu was not surprised, and asked directly, "In this season, what is the most unforgettable thing for you?"

An Chen heard the words, looked at Wang Likun, and said, "Of course the most memorable thing is every minute I spent with Likun."

At this moment, C Wu couldn't help but exclaimed, and then said gossipingly, "Do you have something to express?"

Hearing this, Wang Likun hurriedly said, "Of course, this program is for us to understand and trust each other. To be honest, I am very happy to participate in this program."

"Okay, then let's wait for the remaining two teams together."

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