The two of them had already arrived at the gentle slope. An Chen looked at it and said, "The place is very good, but we still need to move some rocks. Let's go, the two of us can do it."

No matter how you read that sentence, five words floated from the sky, that's not a problem.

Yes, although Zhao Liying is a big star now, she is a child from the countryside, so this situation is not a problem.

"No problem, we can't just eat and do nothing, let's go."


After a long time, the sun was almost setting, Zhao Liying wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "I haven't worked like this for a long time, and I feel very comfortable."

"It's natural to be sub-healthy after staying in the city for a long time, but it's good to take two hours a day to exercise."

"Two hours, I really want to have two hours of free time. Unfortunately, apart from eating and sleeping, I am either catching a plane or working every moment. Two hours is too extravagant for me. Even if I really have it, I would like more sleep."

Hearing what Zhao Liying said, An Chen didn't take it seriously.Why does Reba work hundreds of days a year and also work more than 300 days a year? Isn't it the same that you can spare time for trysts? The key is to see if you want it or not.

"Let's go, let's go back and get our things, or your elder brother will call the police in a while."

Zhao Liying smiled when she heard the words, and then said, "Who made you Sima Zhao's heart, passers-by will know."

Hearing this, An Chen didn't refute, but said, "Sima Zhao conspired against Wei, so can I conspire against Liying?"

An Chen's cheeky words made Zhao Liying's cheeks blush quickly. Even though she is now at the level of old fritters, she still can't bear An Chen's teasing.

"Look at your performance."

"Then how do I behave"

"Guess what."



When it was getting dark, An Chen and Zhao Liying finally returned to the Mushroom House.From a distance, Xie Na was waiting there. Before they could get close, people had already rushed over.Then he shouted, "Second brother, I miss you to death."

Before Zhao Liying could speak, Xie Na turned around and shouted to An Chen, "Say, what did you do to my second brother?"

"I just made your second brother mine."

"Wow, really?" Xie Na opened his mouth wide, one second he was still facing Zhao Liying, and the next second he shouted at An Chen bgbj "What the hell happened to you?"

"We put up a side fire for a fire and stone seats, but we had to bring a little table."

"Okay, why don't you still eat? Let's go straight up the mountain. But it may take two hours to get something to eat after going up the mountain."

"Of course I ate it. I ordered three special dishes yesterday, and Mr. He has already prepared them. Eat less, and I just went to eat supper."

"Okay, but do you think Mr. He cooks the dishes Mr. He can cook?"

"I don't know if he can cook, but this is definitely the first time I've seen him cook since I've known him."


At this moment, not to mention An Chen, even Zhao Liying didn't want to try it anymore.

"Don't worry, Mr. Huang is teaching by the side, it should be edible."

"Well, then I can rest assured."

When An Chen and the others went in, He Jiong had already cooked a dish and saw An Chen coming in.Huang Lei said, "You guys are back, our firewood is ready, hurry up and go up the mountain after eating."

"Then eat."

"One more dish, it will be ready soon."

Ten minutes later, another dish was ready, and it was time to eat.I have to say that today's dinner is also very rich.In addition to deep-fried shrimp tails, there are also chicken soup, fried cured beef, and fish heads with chopped peppers.

Having been hungry all afternoon, they all had a big appetite, and everyone ate a lot.As soon as the meal was finished, Zhao Liying said, "Then let's go."

An Chen smiled when he heard this, this snack food.

"Okay, but let's clean up the rice bowl first, we still have to bring this small table."

When Huang Lei heard this, he hurriedly said, "Okay, Dahua clean it up and bring it to the table. Liying took disposable plates and cups, Nana took a few cushions, Jiong and I took beer."

It seems that there is one person missing in the task assigned by Huang Lei, but he did not forget it, and only heard Huang Lei continue to say, "Xiaochen, you will be troubled, and the sheep will be handed over to you."

"Okay, as a thank you for letting me spend the afternoon alone with the goddess, I should do more."

Hearing what An Chen said, Xie Na immediately said, "Then if I match you and your second brother, how can you thank me?"

"Big Brother"

"Second Brother"


Text 0623: Taking advantage of others

If it's summer, even the top of the mountain will be filled with sounds, but in winter, there's nothing but a bunch of madness except for the cold wind.

The firewood was beeping and crackling, and there was a wooden shelf above it, and there was mutton marinated in the afternoon on the shelf.At this time, the mutton was oily in the sound of "呲呲".The golden yellow oil flowers and strong aroma make people want to stop just by smelling them.

Although everyone was talking at this time, they seemed to be a little absent-minded, especially Zhao Liying, whose big watery eyes looked at the barbecue from time to time, as if she ate it into her mouth with her eyes.


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