Hearing what An Chen said, Zhao Liying knew that it must not be a good thing, but she asked curiously, "Then what did you eat?"

"Snake, and a poisonous snake."

"Snake?!" At this moment, Zhao Liying's little hand covered her mouth in surprise, she couldn't believe that she wanted to eat a snake.

"Yes, grilled snake meat and snake soup."

Hearing what An Chen said, Huang Lei immediately said, "I knew you guys must have eaten a lot. No matter, it's settled, you must call me next time."

Zhao Liying couldn't believe it and said, "Where is eating snake so rich?"

When Huang Lei heard this, he said directly, "You don't know, Liying, that snake meat is one of the most delicious foods. Many places have chefs who specialize in making snake banquets. Now if you want to eat snakes, it depends on your chance."

Although what Huang Lei said was good, after Zhao Liying's complexion changed, she still hesitated and said, "Forget it, I still have time to go to your house to eat."

Hearing what Zhao Liying said, Xie Na immediately said, "Second brother, you must call me when you go."

Zhao Liying smiled when she heard the words, and then said with a smile, "Don't worry, elder brother, if there is a mouthful for the second brother, there will be a mouthful for the elder brother."

"Second brother!"

"Big brother!"

The two of them hugged each other again as they said that, those who didn't know would definitely think they were lesbians.

"Since Brother Lei asked, I will definitely call you next time. If not, we can find a safer place."

"Okay, don't forget. If it's safe, I'll take Duoduo, she's always been very small."

"That's a good relationship, and I like Duoduo quite a lot. I have to say, your girl is really sensible."

"Haha, it's all taught by her mother."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Xie Na immediately said, "If it's a safe place, take me too. I'll take my brother Jie."


An Chen's neat sentence made Xie Na completely think that he had heard 197 wrong.She just asked in disbelief, "Why?"

Hearing this, An Chen rolled his eyes at Xie Na, and then said, "Call me, Brother Jie, I see you two show your love all the way? Please, we are here to experience life, not to eat dog food."

Upon hearing this, He Jiong laughed and said, "Hahaha, finally someone knows how our happy family feels. Every time Brother Jie comes to visit the class, what we want to do the most is to run away, and the two of them still like to invite us Eat. Then we ate dog food all the way to the end, there was almost no one else."

"You, you, you are jealous."

"Okay, it's getting late, let's sing two songs, let's go down the mountain."

Hearing what Huang Lei said, everyone echoed.The next time was spent singing, but I didn't sing much, only three songs in total.Because it's really late, it's already 11 o'clock.After going down the mountain to wash up, it must be 12 o'clock.

And just like that, they ended the day in song. .

Text 0626: A house full of foodies

The next morning, An Chen was the first to get up, but when he passed by the front room, he found that the two girls were outside the quilt.Seeing this, An Chen walked over, and then tucked the quilt back up again.But at this moment, Shane opened his eyes.

"Good morning, Sister Na, you guys have kicked off the quilts, I just tucked them in for you, let's go back to sleep."

"Good morning! Thank you, Xiaochen, you are such a considerate person. Alright, I'll squint for a while, I'm so sleepy."

"Okay Sister Na, then you go to sleep, I'll go wash up first."


Hearing that An Chen turned around and went to wash up, although he only slept for 7 hours which was a bit short, it was enough for An Chen.

He got up so early because he didn't sleep well. Of course, there was another more important reason.On the way back last night, they actually discussed eating rice noodles in the morning.Although that kind of food is nutritious, it is by no means delicious.Another reason why An Chen got up early was to make breakfast.

Although there was nothing to prepare, An Chen still made a pot of homemade soup with the few remaining seasonings, and then fried a pot of deep-fried dough sticks with the noodles prepared last night.

When it was done, An Chen brought his own bowl and a pot of deep-fried dough sticks into the room, and then said, "Hurry up and wash up, the food won't taste good when it gets cold."

As soon as An Chen's words fell, Zhao Liying, whose eyes were still closed, suddenly opened them, and then sniffed vigorously.

Just as Zhao Liying took a deep sniff, the aroma of homemade soup also radiated.At this moment, Zhao Liying sat up instantly, and then said, "Save some for me, save some for me, I'll get up right away` 々."

An Chen laughed amusedly when he heard the words, and then said, "Then work hard, although there are still a lot, if you are too slow, then maybe there will be none."

At this moment, not only Zhao Liying was anxious to get up, but even Xie Na started to get up slowly.

In less than five minutes, Zhao Liying sat down next to An Chen with disheveled hair, and then she stretched out her hand and began to serve the meal.

Seeing this, An Chen asked in surprise, "Are you just wearing some clothes? Don't you wash up?"

Zhao Liying said while filling the rice, "I rinsed my mouth and washed my hands, let me eat first, and I will pick up my own later."

Hearing what Zhao Liying said, An Chen shook his head speechlessly, and then said, "You really are a foodie."

At this moment, Xie Na also came in unkempt.Seeing this, An Chen immediately changed his tune, "No, I'll cut it short, you really are a couple of foodies."

At this moment, the two of them were not shy, but proudly raised their chests, as if to say, we are foodies, and we are proud.

At this moment, Zhao Liying also served the rice, and the next second she grabbed a deep-fried dough stick and was ready to eat it.Seeing this, An Chen reminded, "The oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar are there, add what you need."

Zhao Liying hesitated for a moment, took a sip first, then her eyes lit up, and then she said, "It's so delicious, I've never eaten this kind of food."

An Chen heard the words, and said, "Shanxi local snacks are sold for breakfast and dinner, but it's really rare to eat them in other places."

An Chen's explanation made Zhao Liying nod her head, but after thinking about it, she added some chili oil.As a person who loves spicy food, how can there be no chili oil as a foil?

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