An Chen got down from Zhao Liying's body, and then said, "Your body is very weak. If you want to recover quickly, of course you have to use strong medicine. That's it, you still have a month to take medicine."

"Take medicine? My God, you won't tell me it's Chinese medicine, right? I hate taking Chinese medicine the most."

An Chen chuckled when he heard the words, and then said, "You guessed right, it's traditional Chinese medicine."

At this moment, a voice came from outside the house. It seemed that He Jiong and the others had returned.An Chen walked out of the room and said, "You guys came back pretty early."

"It just so happens that someone is here, and the old man is very bold, so he came back early." Speaking of this, Huang Lei didn't see Zhao Liying, and said, "Is Liying?"

"I made it up, lying on the bed and unable to get up."

What An Chen said was so imaginative, they didn't expect An Chen to do such a thing in broad daylight.At this moment, only Huang Lei was calm.

"An Chen, what did you do to my second brother? If something happens to my second brother, I will never end with you." Xie Na said while running into the house, trying to comfort the injured Zhao Liying.

Hearing Xie Na's slip of the tongue, Huang Lei said, "Nana, Xiaochen is teasing you, the camera crew is still there, what could happen?"

Hearing what Huang Lei said, Xie Na suddenly reacted, and the heartstrings that were raised suddenly let go.

At the same time, Zhao Liying in the room felt warm in her heart, regardless of whether what Xie Na said was true or not, but having such a heart is already very valuable.

Therefore, the moment Xie Na entered the room, Zhao Liying called out aggrievedly, "Brother."

This is not a real grievance, but a moving grievance.Seeing this, although he knew that nothing would happen, Xie Na still cared and said, "Second brother, are you okay?"

Hearing Xie Na's concern, Zhao Liying explained, "An Chen gave me a massage just now, and it was so painful that I couldn't cry or shout, it was too uncomfortable."

Hearing what Zhao Liying said, Xie Na breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "I'm afraid he is not a wild doctor at his level."

At this moment, An Chen, who just came in, rolled his eyes, and then said, "Get up, why don't you afford it, and feel the level of a wild doctor."

What's the meaning?At this moment, Zhao Liying didn't understand what An Chen was talking about, but she stood up as she said.

At this moment, Zhao Liying had the illusion that she was as light as a swallow?No, this is just her illusion, she just regained some strength, so it feels effortless.

"It's amazing, this feeling is so good, it feels like it's full of strength." Zhao Liying said, jumping up and down, full of vitality.

Seeing this, Xie Na couldn't help being moved, but An Chen wouldn't be angry when he said that to An Chen just now, right?

"Xiaochen, my sister's health is not very good, can you help me massage her too?"

Hearing what Xie Na said, An Chen said in a strange way, "When you can use it, you call it Xiao Chen, and when you don't need it, you call it An Chen. It's really tragic."

"Xiaochen, don't be angry. Didn't I think you bullied Liying? It was my fault. May I apologize to you?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "It's fine to apologize, I asked you to apologize, Brother Jie, don't forget to grudge me. Come~ stretch out your hand."

Reach out?Why are you reaching out?Although Xie Na didn't know what to do, he still stretched out his hand as he said.At this moment, An Chen put his hand on Xie Na's wrist, causing Xie Na to be taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously pulled back.

Seeing this, An Chen said, "Don't hide."

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After speaking, An Chen grabbed Xie Na's wrist again. Three seconds later, An Chen frowned, and then said, "Sorry, Sister Na, I can't give you a massage."

An Chen's appearance caused everyone's hearts to sink suddenly, and Xie Na immediately said, "Xiao Chen, you are not so stingy, are you? Well, can you do the massage?"

Xie Na thought he could change the topic, but he couldn't help that there were three people here who cared about her.He Jiong was the first to say, "Did something happen to Nana's body?"

Huang Lei also said, "Yes, Xiaochen, everyone is on their own, so don't hide it and talk about it quickly."


Hearing this, An Chen hesitated and said, "Are you sure you want to talk about it on the show?"

When Zhao Liying heard this, she didn't care whether the program was recorded or not, so she hurriedly said, "An Chen, tell me, we are all in a hurry, so please don't be a mother-in-law. Sister Na is fine, right?"

"Things, there must be." Hearing this, the hearts of the three of them were brought up again, and they were waiting for the next article.But when he saw this, An Chen still played tricks, and said, "But let me tell you first that it's not appropriate, let's call Brother Jie, he has the priority to know about this matter."

Hearing what An Chen said was so formal, the four of them were not very optimistic for a while.Especially Xie Na, only to hear Xie Na immediately said, "You can't tell Brother Jie about this, and you don't need to tell him, is it serious?"

After hearing the words, An Chen thought for a while, and then said, "It's quite serious for the two of you, and it may affect your future married life."

Hearing what An Chen said, Xie Na had a solid foundation in her mind. She hadn't conceived a child for so many years. It was probably because of her physical problems that would affect her husband and wife life. It was probably because of a disease. .

Text 0629: Pregnant and divorced?

Xie Na took a deep breath, then took out the phone with trembling fingers, and dialed Zhang Jie's number.

The phone was connected, and Zhang Jie on the other end immediately said, "Honey, aren't you recording a program? Why did you suddenly call me? How is the recording going?"

At this moment, Xie Na's hand shook slightly, took another deep breath, and then said, "Zhang Jie, I have something to tell you."

At this second, Zhang Jie suddenly froze, what's the matter?How could it be called by name?How long has it been since they called their names?An ominous premonition floated in his heart, but he still said, "Tell me, my wife, and I'll listen."

"Let's get a divorce "[-]", we will go through the divorce procedures when I go back."

At this moment, although Zhang Jie had expected it, he still couldn't help feeling dizzy for a while.what's the situation?Why did you get divorced after recording a show?What happened?

At this moment Zhang Jie was not thinking about anything else, but what happened to Xie Na?All kinds of bad things went through in his mind, it seemed to be a breath, and it seemed to be a long time.

"Wife, don't get excited. If you have anything to tell me, your husband will be with you. No matter what happens, you are my wife, and we can get through it together."

But before Xie Na finished listening, An Chen snatched the phone and said, "What's the matter? It's a good thing, why do you want a divorce? Let your fans know, why don't you block my house? "

After An Chen finished speaking, regardless of the people whose expressions changed, he directly picked up the phone and said, "Brother Jie, congratulations!"

The moment Zhang Jie heard An Chen's voice, he froze for a moment, man?But then he was driven mad by An Chen's words.Paralyzed, I'm about to get a divorce, you say congratulations to me?

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