Hearing this, An Chen seemed confused and said, "What's the problem? Is this also part of the assessment?" Although An Chen said this, he still stood up.

Just when An Chen seemed confused, the black interviewer suddenly sat down.Why do you still believe in the deception in front of you when you already know it is bad?The next moment, the black interviewer suddenly fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, An Chen immediately exclaimed and said, "It's broken!? Is it really broken? Let me tell you first, I didn't break it, you all saw it, he did it." Said An Chen He said to Deng Chao, "Brother Chao, you have to testify for me."

At this moment, everyone couldn't stop laughing, even Deng Chao couldn't stop laughing.Let you play me, let me be played this time.

At this time, the female interviewer said, "Okay, we believe that you didn't break this stool, so let's talk about your specialties, what are your specialties?"

Hearing this, An Chen seemed to be in deep thought, when the black interviewer also returned to his seat.An Chen said, "Is it a specialty? I think speaking foreign languages ​​is a specialty? I can speak languages ​​from many countries."

"Oh? You know those voices, can you give us a brief introduction?"

Hearing this, An Chen introduced herself in six languages ​​and then stopped.Of course, this is not because he only knows six languages, but because he is afraid of being too shocking.After all, he knows 19 main languages ​​of the global languages, which cannot be accomplished by learning alone.

"Very good, it's really amazing, so can you sign your name here?"

An Chen's performance here is over, but here, they still want to play An Chen, after all, An Chen is not embarrassing at all, 003.

"of course can."

Speaking of which, An Chen has already stepped forward, ready to sign.But at this moment, the female interviewer did not give An Chen a pen, but picked up a pen on the side and put it in front of her, and said, "This is a pen for you."

Seeing this, An Chen, who was already on guard, suddenly laughed.Deng Chao was in front, but the refill did not come out, and he specially gave me a pen instead of the one in my hand. This is very problematic.

An Chen took the pen and glanced at it, then pressed the pen tip on the table.However, no refill came out. Seeing this, An Chen smiled and said, "This pen has no refill, why don't I use yours."

Seeing this, the female interviewer was surprised, but said, "No, you go and sit down."

But the female interviewer held back, but the black interviewer didn't, and asked what everyone was wondering about.

"How did you find out?"

Hearing the question from the black interviewer, everyone looked at An Chen curiously.This is very secretive, how did you find out? .

Text 0646: Reba from the Second Dimension

"It's very simple. Combined with your previous tricks, she handed me a pen instead of holding a pen, which is very suspicious. And even if we are asked to use a pen alone for the interview, I don't believe Brother Chao When it’s used up, I’ll press it back to the state of no refill for you.”

Hearing this, everyone understood why An Chen knew it. This clever and careful observation was comparable to a monster.

"Great, now you can take your seat."

After An Chen sat down, Deng Chao said, "Xiao Chen, you are simply too powerful. This time, brother, I am convinced. I was miserable just now, but it turned out to be completely fine for you. This comparison is too great." It's desolate. But I believe it's just you, if you don't believe me, let's wait and see how they perform."

At this moment, a third person came in, and it was Zheng Kai.Zheng Kai also noticed the tape before he came in, and it seemed that Deng Chao was the only one who didn't pay attention.

But like Deng Chao, Zheng Kai felt that the matter should come to an end, but what he didn't expect had just begun.At his request, he fell off the chair without any accident.

Next, while everyone was laughing, Zheng Kai took a chair and introduced himself seriously.Everyone's jokes are different, and Zheng Kai used his cool words when asked by the interviewer.After signing a call, he returned to his seat.

When Zheng Kai sat down, it was the fourth person's turn, and the fourth person came out was Reba, who rarely looked down when walking in a daze, and when the transparent tape was placed at the height of the ankle , Reba even ignored it.

Just after Reba finished saying thank you, the moment he walked in, he felt as if he had been tripped. After taking two quick steps forward, he was about to have intimate contact with the interview chair.

At this moment, everyone was still laughing hotly one second, but the next second their hearts were already in their throats. What if something goes wrong?At the same time, Reba felt a terrified urge to close her eyes, but she knew she couldn't close them, otherwise there might be an accident.

Must press down on that chair, this is the only thought in Reba's mind.But at this moment, a hand suddenly grabbed Reba accurately, and then a strong force swept over her, and she went sideways uncontrollably.

I don't know what happened, but it seems to be saved.At this second, Di Lieba finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then she looked at the hand holding her.

Although he had expected it in his heart, Reba smiled knowingly when he saw An Chen, as beautiful and pure as a snow lotus.

Just when the two of them were developing into a romantic drama, Deng Chao and the others had also approached, and asked with concern, "Reba, are you okay〃¨?"

Only then did Reba get up from An Chen's arms in a hurry, and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I just got a little frightened."

Hearing what Reba said, An Chen said, "Okay, since it's all right, let's continue."


After everyone sat down, the black interviewer spoke, but he didn't ask Reba, but An Chen.

"An Chen, did you use Chinese Kung Fu just now?"

"No, it's just a quick response."

The black interviewer who heard this answer was obviously dissatisfied, but he didn't go into it.

At this moment, Reba also spoke. Instead of sitting down, she stood and said in fluent English, "Hi everyone, my name is Di Lieba, and I come from Xinjiang. There are delicious grapes and delicious kumiss. And great nougat”

Seeing that Di Lieba said so much eloquently, Deng Chao didn't envy that it was fake at all. He was the worst of the four people who came in. How could he not be embarrassed.

Just when Di Lieba finished his speech, the female interviewer asked, "Do you have any specialties?"

Hearing that, Di Lieba said without hesitation, ".'I can dance and sing too."

Hearing what Di Lieba said, the female interviewer said, "You can start your performance."

When Di Lieba heard this, he didn't ask for a dance, and started dancing directly.The dance was very beautiful. This time Reba didn't dance the Xinjiang dance or the circle dance, but rather a modern dance. But when it was over, Reba suddenly became turbulent.Reba suddenly raised one leg, and then pressed his body against the back of the chair.

At this moment, An Chen covered his head and was speechless. At first, he thought that this silly girl and fool would be lucky, so he escaped by himself.In the end, I didn't expect it to be delivered to my door.

With a "bang", the back of the chair with Reba's whole body fell to one side.So suddenly, even if Zhao Shi Anchen was so good, he couldn't help Reba from a distance of two meters from sitting in an instant.

Reba, who fell to the ground, was in pain because of the cushion of the stool, but there was nothing else wrong with her, but she was very confused.what's the situation?I crushed the chair?Am I that heavy?Is it time to lose weight?

At this time, the heart of the girl in the second dimension was completely distorted, and suddenly Reba said, "How much is this chair, do I need to pay for it?"

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