Hearing this result, An Chen also felt sleepless, so he won?He also leaked a bucket, but he didn't know that the bucket he leaked had already added points from the place where he helped Reba.

Although An Chen won, everyone didn't have any other emotions, but pumped up their palms one after another.In fact, they do good deeds, and no one cares about the hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Often, one vote is millions or tens of millions.

"We will donate a charity fund of [-] yuan in your own name. Although the other members did not win the first place in this session, everyone's performance is still remarkable, and there will be opportunities in the future. I hope everyone will continue to work hard for Work hard to get more public welfare funds."

The task of the first stage has finally come to an end here, and the next step is the second challenge.

"Welcome everyone to the Gerstner Royal Café. This coffee shop has a history of more than 170 years and once served cakes and coffee to the Austrian royal family. The opposite of this coffee shop is Austria's most famous State Opera House."

"According to the teaching materials, there are more than [-] million Chinese language learners, so today we will play a game related to Chinese characters with our Austrian partners. Now according to the taste of coffee you drink, we will divide you into Three groups."

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Reba, who was on the same team as Reba and Deng Chao, because Reba helped An Chen get a cup of coffee when he got the coffee.As for Deng Chao?Well, it was quite unexpected, but what does it matter to whom?

"First of all welcome to our Austrian friends."

After the director's words fell, Wang Zulan and Reba shouted first, "Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome."

Then three Austrian friends entered the room. After the three came in, Deng Chao had an idea, and he said, "Ma'am, we like you very much, can you come over?"

· · Flowers · ·

Deng Chao's sudden decision of not saying hello to the other two groups was beyond the expectations of the other two groups.But look the ladies have gone by, what else can they say?

Li Chen hurriedly opened his mouth and snatched away the more reliable old man, while Baby and the others were left with that man.Although the baby is not very satisfied with this answer, it's okay, at least they think that young men have a little more advantage than older men.

"A test of reasoning ability, writing Chinese characters. Austrian friends watched the TV screen and wrote Chinese character phrases. The brothers guessed the words according to the handwriting. Within 5 minutes, the group that guessed the most words won."


"This task will test everyone's ability to observe, reason, and cooperate with partners. The winning team will donate [-] yuan to a public welfare fund in your name."

The first group was Lu Han, Li Chen, and Wang Zulan. When the four were ready, the TV screen lit up.Seeing this word, the old man started to write after reading it for a long time.

The old man first wrote the word "month", and then "month", and let them say "friend" for two consecutive months.


Following Li Chen's words, Zheng Kai exclaimed, "Yes."

Then there was no correct notification sound, so Li Chen immediately said, "No, no, no, they are misleading us."

At this moment, the old man wrote two more words, but they were not complete words, and besides making abstract gestures, there were actually question marks.What the hell is the question mark?Adding the words of the previous two months, it is impossible to guess.

"Come on, let's go."

Li Chen's words resonated with the other two, and they immediately said, "Pass, pass, pass."

Text 0649: When answering questions

Li Chen and the others' second guessing phrase was Lao Dengtou.This time the other party's writing was fairly standard, and with Lu Han, the soul combination, he was guessed after only half of the writing.

At this moment, Li Chen and the three of them cheered for a while. Although they got off to a bad start, fortunately they answered the second question.The third question is how are you? Although the other party's writing of this word is a bit distorted, everyone seems to have some understanding of the writing ability of foreigners.In addition to the soul guesser, Lu Han, they didn't expect them to guess this question correctly again.

The fourth question in Li Chen's group was Qin Se Pipa. When he saw this question, the foreigner immediately threw up his hands, which was simply torture for him.But when the foreigner finished writing "[-]", Wang Zulan suddenly guessed it.Although Wang Zulan is a Hong Kong artist, he is quite proficient in mainland culture.

The fifth question is the Danube, because Li Chen traveled there, so after the second pictograph came out, Li Chen quickly guessed the answer.

The sixth question was Zhejiang Satellite TV. Although Zhejiang Satellite TV didn't seem too difficult, after they guessed this question, they only had 4 seconds left.

The second group was played by Chen Chichi and the others.For a second, Chen Chichi and the others felt that they had the chance to win, because the foreign friends' superstitious self-confidence, eyebrow raising memory method, seemed so different.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. When the squares came out, they thought it was a word, but when a tail appeared, they were all bad.

Seeing this, Chen Chichi hesitated and asked, "Is this a little flower?"

Little flower?It's impossible for Xiaohua to draw it, right?Does a foreigner know anything about flowers?

Zheng Kai looked at the foreigner who continued to draw squares, scratched his head in a state of collapse, and said, "Brother, don't just draw squares."

However, at this moment, foreign friends seem to be transformed into little princes of cubes, and they don't care what Zheng Kai says.

Seeing the ghost-like creation, baby quickly said, "Ass, ass, just ass." But in order not to burden the foreign friends, baby added, "The one just now was too difficult, next one."

Foreign friends naturally agreed with this, and they chose the next question in the next moment.However, the second question is not necessarily easier than the first question, only Deng Chao said, "It's too difficult, give up."

However, although Deng Chao told him to give up, he did not.Instead, he began to quickly draw horizontal lines on the white paper.

When the last stroke of the first word was finalized, Chen Chichi said, "Just this one word will break me."

At this moment, Wang Zulan stepped forward and said, "But let me tell you, he wrote it right."

At the same time, Reba also said, "I also prove that this word is indeed correct."

If it was just Wang Zulan, Chen Chichi might not believe it, but when Reba said so, Chen Chichi really believed it.

"Okay!" Chen Chichi finished speaking, looked at the two words, thought for a moment in silence, and said, "Old Gui."

At this moment, Li Chen let out a loud laugh, thanks to your thinking.When Li Chen thought about it, the tortoise that Chen Chichi said was the tortoise of a tortoise, no wonder he laughed like this.

Well, let’s give up this too, but the three of them are helpless.The next third phrase is Yang Ying. Although it is not easy to guess, but in order to prevent the baby group from losing too badly, the members of the running men's team gave various reminders, and finally let the baby guess his name.

Although I guessed one question, the form is not optimistic, but the next one is much simpler. If you can’t guess it, you can die

But the writing style of foreign friends is so interesting that everyone can't stop laughing.

The fifth question was hesitating. After a special sequence of gestures, Chen Chichi still guessed it.

After going through seven questions, Chen Chichi and his team actually guessed five questions correctly.Next, it was An Chen's turn.

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