At this moment, Na Ga's phone was also connected, and Na Ga said, "Why is Reba calling me at this hour? Is he looking for me for dinner?"

"No, I'm still in Vienna, the capital of Austria. Let's eat it when I go back. We are playing a game now, and we want us to bring souvenirs for our friends. We have a few things in front of us. We will bring you which one you want go back.".

Body 0664: Ignored Issues

Hearing this, Na Ya said, "What are there? Choose whichever is closest."

Di Lieba heard the words, looked at Deng Chao, and urged, "Brother Chao, Brother Chao, which one is closer. Hurry up, they are all starting to choose."

Hearing this, Deng Chao said speechlessly, "How do I know which one is the closest? You didn't give us a map."

Although the item has a map, it is only available after selection.

Hearing this, Di Lieba glanced at the remaining items, and immediately said decisively to the phone, "Naga, let me bring you some incense."

When Gulina heard what Di Lieba said, "[-]" smiled on the phone, secretly thinking that he was still this impatient.

"Okay, I like everything you gave me."

After becoming An Chen's woman, the relationship between the two has improved, and Reba originally wanted to dispel the rumors, so he chose to talk to Na Ya.Although Reba is a bit cute, he is still very smart.

Gu Li Nazha had already thought of this question when she knew it was a variety show, but she thought about Rebayue sleeping at first.After all, the sisters are a little strange, and the most common thing is to make an appointment to sleep.

At the same time, Jiang Shuying on the other side also picked up the phone and joked, "Hey, why did the team call my sister at this time? Did you miss me? Or did you miss your brother An Chen? Do you want to ask my sister out?" sleep together?"

At this moment, Song Zuer's head buzzed, feeling like it was about to explode.Sister Shuying, what are you talking about?Is it going to be exposed?It doesn't matter to me, but how much impact will this have on Brother An Chen?What an impact on those sisters.

Song Zu'er's thoughts flew away in just a moment, as if there was a moment, or a long blank period, in his mind.

At this moment, An Chen immediately said, "We are recording the running man. You sisters are going to sleep and go back to bed. Now you have to choose one you like from several gift options, and we will bring it back for you."

It wasn't until this moment that Song Zu'er came to his senses, and immediately said, "Yes, yes, yes, sister Shuying, hurry up and choose, or we will fall behind."

At this time, Song Zu'er secretly rejoiced that Jiang Shuying didn't say anything practical, so he must talk about this issue when he goes back this time.

Jiang Shuying's scalp exploded when she heard the words, and she almost made a big mistake.Then she randomly ordered a gift, and opened the family internal group after Song Zuer hung up the phone.

At this time, Na Ya had already mentioned this in the group, and a small family meeting started silently.

At this time, most of everyone had already finished their phone calls, what An Chen didn't expect was that Zheng Min's call was actually to Jing Tian.

Jing Tian didn't have time to watch the group, so he almost collapsed as soon as he spoke. Fortunately, Zheng Min was so excited that he interrupted Jing Tian when he was talking about An Chen, and told her that he was recording a program.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Jing Tian to tell Zheng Min that he has followed An Chen, but Zheng Min is so smart. According to An Chen's previous style, Jing Tian is beautiful and has a good figure, so there is no reason not to do it. , so he cheated Jing Tian out.In addition, the two are old classmates, and the relationship has always been relatively good, so the two have become closer.Jing Tian even helped to make suggestions on some matters, of course, An Chen didn't know all this until later.

The next moment, everyone took the map and quickly ran towards their respective destinations.The goal of An Chen and Song Zuer is the Swarovski crystal earrings of the same style as Sissi. The earrings look like the ones in the picture. Even in this era, they still look high-end and elegant.

This shop is not close to them in the middle of the commercial street, but it is definitely not far away.When An Chen and the others strolled through a street, Song Zu'er suddenly saw a shop that couldn't walk.

"Brother An Chen"

It was a candy store, and the windows were full of candies of all colors.Looking at Song Zuer's appearance, An Chen suddenly felt that she looked like a child asking for candy from her parents, she was extremely cute.

"Come on, let's go in and buy one. But our funds are limited, so we can only buy one."


Seeing Song Zuer nodding wildly in surprise, An Chen also smiled.If you are happy, I will feel happy.

After entering the candy store and spending a little money to buy three hot-selling homemade handmade candies, they headed to their destination again.

At this moment, a little brother suddenly rushed out from the side of the road and rushed towards An Chen's box.The box grabber?Did s02ela and baby become a prophecy?The next moment, the box in An Chen's hand suddenly rotated 360 degrees, missing the 'gangster''s arm.

In this instant interlacing, An Chen's eyes had already seen a white thing, which looked like a sticker.Seeing this, An Chen had an answer in his mind. It seemed that he was not here to grab the box, but to put stickers on it.

Seeing that he was discovered by An Chen, this person still wanted to post it, but unfortunately, he had no chance.The box in An Chen's hand moved from his left hand to his right hand, then from his right hand to his feet, and then back to his right hand, turning and turning flexibly, without stopping for a moment, until he turned the opponent around. .

Body 0665: Just the Welfare Bureau

When the person finally ended his attack, he heard the camera on the side say, "There are many passers-by with out stickers hidden in this block. If three out stickers are attached, it will be considered a mission failure."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled triumphantly.Facing such an insidious sudden attack, he was not caught. He had the capital to be proud.

At the same time, Song Zu'er also said, "Brother An Chen, you are too powerful, you have escaped such a sudden attack, you are indeed my brother An Chen."

"Let's go, Brother An Chen will lead you all the way to win."

"Well, brother An Chen, let's go."

The following journey was full of thrilling sneak attacks, the worst thing was that three people attacked An Chen at the same time, even An Chen had to lift the box high and perform aerial acrobatics.At that moment, the box 16 was flying in the sky, and it never fell below two meters.

In the end, An Chen and the others arrived at the Swarovski store without any risk. The Swarovski store is so big that the entire three floors are covered with Swarovski crystals.

The way back was much easier than the way back. Although there were a few people attacking, there were far fewer.When they returned to the finish line, they were not the first to come back.There is no way that everyone ran all the way back, but they walked all the way back, of course it was much slower.But the good thing is that their task is not far away, so they are the third group back.

The first group was Deng Chao and Reba, and the second group was Baby and Wu Xiubo. When they saw An Chen and the others, they greeted each other.

At this moment, Deng Chao suddenly asked in surprise, "Xiaochen, why is your box so clean? It's unreasonable, did you tear it up?"

Hearing this, without An Chen answering, Song Zu'er had already said, "No, brother An Chen escaped all the sneak attacks perfectly, so we didn't get a note."

Although Song Zuer said so, Deng Chao still didn't believe it, and only heard him say, "Impossible, it's okay to be prepared, but how did you avoid the first sticker?"

Hearing this, An Chen looked at the baby and said, "I have to thank baby and sela. If they hadn't said that they might snatch the boxes, I wouldn't have paid attention. But as long as I avoid the first wave, the second wave will be easy." Is not it?"

Hearing what An Chen said, the baby covered his open mouth with a look of disbelief, and said, "Am I an enemy?"

Upon hearing this, Deng Chao said, "Obviously that's the case."

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